
Los Angeles, United States
Joined : 10th Feb 2009 - 16 years ago
TechnoMike comments on tracks

TechnoMike has posted 9 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (9)
TechnoMike 7th Nov 2009 09:23 - 15 years ago

on Neverland by Oleclub
WOW! This is a real quality D&B track if i say so myself! Great drums, REALLY great vocals, the keys are tight too! I didnt hear anything about this track i didnt like...PERFECT! 9/10!!!

p.s. What programs did u use?
TechnoMike 15th Oct 2009 04:45 - 15 years ago

on Thomass Six - Street Parade by thomass
Nice Stuff! reminded me a little of my own production i made a while ago...Really didn't have any problems, except for the drops...felt they didn't "drop" enough, if you know what i mean. Maybe try some more synths or something after the drop to make it sound more "big", you know? No biggie tho, GREAT TRACK!
TechnoMike 15th Oct 2009 04:38 - 15 years ago

on Cherry Bomb by Gsusfrk
HOLY CRAP!!! WOW!!! SERIOUS BUSINESS!!!! IM SPEECHLESS!!!(and a little jealous lol) I've always wanted to make tracks like this, but just couldn't...Biggest D&B tune i've heard in awhile...simply put: If your not signed yet, then fools are runnin scared!!! HAHA!! BEAUTIFUL STUFF!! 10/10! need to teach me some stuff, man!!!
Gsusfrk replied Unknown
man man, thanks for the kind words!
You can't teach how to make a good track, it comes with time and endless endurance! So no matter what, don't give up!
Thanks again!
God Bless
Dj Synergex
TechnoMike 15th Oct 2009 04:31 - 15 years ago

on Coffee Clamp by Spivkurl
Hmm...i definitely liked where the track was headed with the heavy drumz and all...but when the bassline kicked in...idk...maybe i was expecting a hard, more heavy pounding beat, and when the bassline came in, its all happy and stuff...threw me off...thought it would be better off a harder beat with harder lines...idk man...not my cup of coffee...pun intended... 7.5/10 for not gonna be a jew cus i didnt like WAS a good production...
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Sorry to disappoint, this is definitely missing the hard stuff. This one is more like a signature track, and thus it's all happy and stuff like you said. I think this track would be a good candidate for a remix, fresh with clap lines and a harder bass beat. Thanks for listening and reviewing!
TechnoMike 15th Oct 2009 04:24 - 15 years ago

Hmm...definitely felt where the techno would've played on this...but your right. The bassline and lead synth changed it up and made it sound pretty good...almost like a softer trance...or idk...kinda hard to say what i feel about this track jsut cus it couldve gon so many ways...but i kinda like the direction you took on this one...uhh..........damn what should i give bout a 6.7/10? good production id say....couldve gone a lot of ways tho...
brandonjames replied Unknown
Ya this track was a true journey. It could have gone down so many paths. Thank you for your review. Hope you take a listen to some more of what I have .

TechnoMike 15th Oct 2009 03:56 - 15 years ago

on Payback Time by 4Flames
you know....i really dont like dubstep...but i guess i cant be so closed minded, cus this song got my head bobbing as well! Not really repetitive, the drums have nice changes, and the bass changes a little too...always good. But like i said, never got into the genre, but this song really had me! 7.5/10 GOOD PRODUCTION!!!
4Flames replied Unknown
thankx man :D
TechnoMike 15th Oct 2009 03:54 - 15 years ago

on Little Star by lofthouse
Nice Vocals, Nice Drumz, Nice Track! 7/10

R.I.P. Matthew Labuschagne
TechnoMike 13th Oct 2009 10:56 - 15 years ago

on Jacks House (Feat Mr Fingers) Salkizar House Mix by Salkizar
Bumpin man, Bumpin! Gotta love that vocal! Those big synths are pretty crazy too! Big-Room stuff like u said! 9/10 ...And THIS, is FRESH!!!
TechnoMike 13th Oct 2009 10:39 - 15 years ago

on Thats What I'm Talk'n About by JLofton
WOW!! THATS DEFINITELY WHAT IM TALKIN ABOUT!!! its so fresh and clean you might as well jumped out the shower!! funky...smooth...even has a west-coast feel to it! 11/10!! I would so buy this track!
Comments (9)