

Back doing tunes again
Perth, Australia
Joined : 19th Feb 2009 - 16 years ago
Last Online : 3rd Jan 2025 - 2 months ago
Mosaic comments on tracks

Mosaic has posted 1600 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 1,600
Mosaic 13th Aug 2024 03:35 - 7 months ago

on VT Nights x Silver Bella - Diamonds by Kayos2
Hey mate as promised I'm here, first tracked reviewed today West Aust time, great sound nice relaxing piece, great vocals and mixed and used very well in this piece, you on the male vocals? Can't fault anything about this one, refreshing listen...big fav'd...Peace n much Respect mosaic...
Kayos2 replied 13th Aug 2024 - 7 months ago
Hi Mosaic, many thanks for your reply and listening. Yes it was my male voice telling a past story.
Mosaic 4th Jun 2024 23:35 - 9 months ago

on Bulletproof by theHumps
G'day my friend
Story line of the track something most of us have been through sadly...As always, my friend great work on guitar, so jealous I can't play a thing or sing, speaking of singing again nice vocals mate, work very nice with this track...great listen in the headset...fav'd...Peace n Respect my friend...mos...
Mosaic 4th Jun 2024 23:28 - 9 months ago

on No Regrets by deanp
Hey Dean, VERY IMPRESSIVE don't know really know where to start, sorry mate can't pick a thing wrong with this amazing piece, listening to it in headset and sounds perfect with plenty of space for everything to work where it should, guessing you on vocals? If so great voice for this type of track, liking it mix with the female vocal works a treat...MUCH RESPECT....Peace mosaic...big time fav'd....
deanp replied 5th Jun 2024 - 9 months ago
Thanks for the kind words Mosaic. This track managed to get radio air time here in the UK, so I'm quite proud that I broke that barrier with it, in that the mix was good enough to pass their audio tests in order to get featured. just for reference, the vocals are not my voice. Thanks again!
Mosaic 4th Jun 2024 23:21 - 9 months ago

on SOUL TO SOUL by BeatMaker4real
G'day mate, nice relaxing chill start to the piece, sweet beat and percussion, could really see lazy chilled vocal sitting in this one, seems as though there is room for a vocal to sit right there in the mix, 6.30am here in OZ and this is the perfect piece to start the morning off, respect on a great sounding piece PS listening via Headset..Much Respect n Peace mosaic...Fav'd...
Mosaic 30th May 2024 08:40 - 9 months ago

on Empty Dancefloor by Critical90s
Hey friend, apart little tail leading into the track, once you get to the track what great clear sounding in headset, perfect dance track for sure nice beat and clap driving track along very nicely, great use of synths throughout, I'm with you I don't think this needs vocals as track stand well on its own without vocals, very nice work mate, very enjoyable listen...Favd...Peace n respect...mosaic...
Critical90s replied 30th May 2024 - 9 months ago
Thank you very much Mosaic for the feedback! as I have answered previous comments. I aim for the best sound quality and creativity so that my tracks are pleasant to listen to.
Mosaic 30th May 2024 08:32 - 9 months ago

on Symphony For A Kid by dimestop
Hey, my friend, wow what a beautiful intro to this piece, hey mate liking your vocals perfect fit for this track for sure, nice voice wow many plays very impressive my friend, very professional sounding track I can see why it has the downloads and reviews it is has well deserved, nothing to fault with the whole piece, one of the better listens since my return back to the fold of the loop family...MUCH respect to you and Oli on this collab mate...favd big time...Peace n much Respect....mosaic...
dimestop replied 30th May 2024 - 9 months ago
thanks for the listen and positive feedback Mos, it goes to show what can be achieved working with others, we all consider ourselves amateur but i personally don't see amateur, i just here class from so many within our community. i'll never be the greatest singer but from where i was to now has surprised me, as a rank amateur 4 years ago, i was just inquisitive really (didn't know what a DAW was) to now working with excellent people that have given me constructive critique and directed me. im now playing more keys writing and singing original songs and producing, collabing is what i love most your dead right calling it family, musically we all are, thats why i have always pushed the community to play a part and join in more, i appreciate the feedback more than i could say
Mosaic 30th May 2024 08:23 - 9 months ago

on The Fear of Death by theHumps
Hey, my friend, 2 of my fav artists here so I knew this would be good, even though heavy metal not one of my fav genres, much removed from my trancer pieces lol.. but this is a great collab been you both, like your vocals mate, suit this track very well, sadly what track is about we may see coming again very soon in the world, hoping not but sadly I think the world is going to be a lot worse off soon, On the site I don't mind changes to site, but I've just come back to the changes so time will tell if it is as good as it should be, ok enough being side tracked from review, mate like what you have done with Dankes track...much respect to you both....Favd...Peace n much respect to you my friend...mos...
theHumps replied 24th Jun 2024 - 9 months ago
Thanks pal. I understand this isn't your cup of tea. Thanks for stopping by and for the kind words, I'm sure Danke appreciates it as well.

Take care and lets hope for more peaceful times, soon.

Mosaic 30th May 2024 07:38 - 9 months ago

on Some Kind of Angel by deanp
Hey Dean, mate firstly love the intro to this one, great vocal, liking the space you have going here within track, nice clarity in headset, beat is perfect for this type of track, poss. only little thing I would say (only my thoughts if I was doing track mate) is maybe have just the beat minus percussion in the first lot of beat that comes in, second lot of beat that comes in is perfect, great bass and beat drive a lot cleaner without percussion, listening to this very nice piece makes me want to get another trancer done, excellent work, guessing one of the better sounding trance piece I've heard on the loop since my return...Favd...Peace n much Respect to you my friend on this piece of work...mos...
deanp replied 30th May 2024 - 9 months ago
Thanks for your comments Mosaic. I try to incorporate some new feature in each track, as part of continued development. For this one, I have used a vocoder at the end that is synced to chord changes, which I haven't tried before. There has also been considerable emphasis on other vocal effects, such as delays. I think the vocals sound nice and clean and the vocalist has got a great voice for this genre. Best wishes
Mosaic 28th May 2024 07:31 - 9 months ago

on IN THE RAIN by BeatMaker4real
Hey mate, totally not what I was expecting for sure, this is my type of Hip Hop, very very nice flow and drive but in a very relaxing sense, totally love it, fav.d Peace n Respect mosaic
Mosaic 12th May 2024 22:42 - 10 months ago

on Paper Plane by theHumps
Hey Mate
Crystal Clear right of the bat, very nice drive, notice under punk but wasn't what I was expecting admittingly I'm not one to listen to punk music so didn't really know what I was going to get lol, excellent track to my ears, I would say one of your best vocals on this too my friend. even though I like all your vocal tracks, but this one stands out for sure, sorry not been here much Wayne, heaps of issues with my better half, but just did a new piece dedicated to my better half so thought would upload to site. MASSIVE FAV and downloaded...Much Respect Wayne...mosaic.
theHumps replied 15th May 2024 - 10 months ago
Hey pal, good to see you!

My version is a little more garage band that the original version. This was done in '72, just before people had had enough and wanted a drastic change musically and I think songs like this led the way with it's driving guitars and vocals. I had only heard this for the first time about 6 weeks ago and it just struck me as punk in it's basic form before the guitars got a lot thicker. It's a fun song, great lyrics but a tough one for me to sing both parts in this key, Bb.

Be good and hope all goes well down under!

Mosaic 19th Mar 2024 22:38 - 1 year ago

on Elysium by deanp
Hey Dean

As you know Trance is my fav genre to do, so I have to check this out, nice vocal at the beginning, listening to it with headset, loving the rest of the vocal in whole piece works very well, only thing I think would make this even better, I could be wrong but the side chain on main synth or whatever you are using if thinned out would give ethereal delicate trance feel to the overall sound, now with that said my friend, track sounds great but just my thoughts...Fav'd...Peace n much respect my friend...mosaic...
deanp replied 22nd Mar 2024 - 12 months ago
Hi Mosaic,

Thanks for your comments...definitely will take it on board for future.
Mosaic 19th Mar 2024 22:20 - 1 year ago

on My Lunatic Guy by theHumps
Hey my friend

Self named track? lol
Very nice rock sound mate, listening to it with headset, fill set very nicely, vocals are great in this one, nice work on the vocals Wayne, wish I could sing but there's no hope with my vocals unless there is a machine to tune and much more before I would record any vocals...Very surprised this has one review before mine...everything works very well in this piece from drums and guitar and vocals, can't fault any part of it my friend...much respect to you Wayne....mos..
theHumps replied 20th Mar 2024 - 1 year ago
well....maybe. lol!

I sing, if it's any good is up to the listener I suppose. But it does help me get ideas put together much quickly not having to get a singer involved.

Thanks Mos, hope all is going well down under!

Mosaic 19th Mar 2024 22:15 - 1 year ago

on Lost Time by Earsblower
Hey mate, not a genre I know too much about, loving the intro very sweet, sounds very much like a chillout piece guessing little more than hip hop, prefect track to listen too on a early Wed morning here in OZ, excellent sounding in headset, one of my fav listens so far today, poss only negative is the ending which cuts off sudden...massive Fav...Much Respect mosaic....
Earsblower replied 19th Mar 2024 - 1 year ago
Thanks for the feedback brother. To be honest even myself I can't quite put a finger on most of my beat's style so I agree. Glad you liked it, Respect.
Mosaic 19th Mar 2024 22:10 - 1 year ago

on Autobahn by Kayos2
Hey Oli

mate thought come listen to something other than the last track I reviewed, now this is very nice, This is the type of music I like, you are right this is something you could listen too while out on a drive, great clarity listening to it on headset, great filling of the headset with plenty of space so you get to hear everything you have achieved in the mix, nothing to fault in this track mate, glad I came back to checkout another of your works, big time Fav'd...Peace and much respect on this one my friend...mosaic..
Mosaic 19th Mar 2024 00:32 - 1 year ago

on Symphony for Dynamics and Peace by Kayos2
G'day VintageNights from OZ
Very interesting n different track, as trance is my main genre I do I thought I would check this out when spotted in featured tracks, notice you have it under trance genre, to me sounds more cinematic then trance, There seems to be a lot of things going on at once, and is missing the trance drive beat and basslines, liking the female vocals, reckon stripped back with a more traditional trance beat and bassline would make track even better, now with that all said I did actually enjoy what you have done here, hope feedback is of some help with track, fav'd..Peace n Respect mosaic.
Kayos2 replied 19th Mar 2024 - 1 year ago
Good Morning, Mosaic. Many thanks for your open feedback. Actually there is no genre at the moment what can describe it. (Maybe weird for most of the people) And you are right, as the dance tracks inbetween the swells are missing at this stage, it isn't trance :-) Greeting to Australia, Cheers...
Mosaic 14th Nov 2023 22:41 - 1 year ago

on Old School Breeze by Critical90s
Hey mate, sorry for tardiness getting to your profile.
Like the drive of this piece, sounds great, nice use of the midi sounds along with the beat and drive bassline, great clarity of the mix, very enjoyable listen in headset...will be back to check out more of your tunes in the future.
Fav'd Peace n much respect mosaic
Mosaic 9th Nov 2023 22:19 - 1 year ago

on Bad Luck by theHumps
Hey Wayne
Hey this sounds like Spiv on vocals.
Listening with head set mate, fills out set very well indeed, great guitar playing as well, comes across like a pub track in a good way :)
overall, cannot fault my friend, prob only thing wish it was longer as it sounds so good, suppose that's a good thing lol, fav my friend, might pop you an email next few days when I get a chance away from work, peace much respect mosaic....
theHumps replied 15th Nov 2023 - 1 year ago
Hey pal! No, not Spiv on vox, that's my new, rough rock voice, lol. Thanks for the nice words!

I write short songs mostly 2-2.5 minutes. Way easier to mix a short song, less time spent mixing, so much less content to list to and scrutinize. Why put yourself thru the agony of a 6 min track? Must take weeks to mix, he. Can do 3 songs in that time and learn more that way. I do get a lot of comments saying the song was too short, oh well. Hit the play button again I say!!

Mosaic 9th Nov 2023 22:03 - 1 year ago

on Eastern Echoes by deanp
Hi Dean
Mate very nice synths used in this piece, again I'm shocked no one has bother to drop a review on this piece, maybe looperman not the same as it was when I was here previously, tad disappointing, really love the vibe of this one, has a happy middle eastern sound to me, mix is great cannot fault mat in anyway, refreshing sound loving it a lot, well done my friend, great way to start off a Friday morning here in oz, this one would sound great with a trance type vocal coming through out the piece, massive happy fav my friend....keep up the great work....come on people show some love (review) for great piece of work...peace mosaic
deanp replied 10th Nov 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks for the feedback. With this, I wanted to create something with eastern nuances. Upon reflection, I'm not entirely happy with the frequencies it reaches in some points. I should have invested more time in mastering on this and I don't think I will create another version to correct the issue. Glad you like it though; it's nice to know that at least someone has shown appreciation. Best wishes.
Mosaic 5th Nov 2023 01:18 - 1 year ago

on Operation Fall by deanp
Hey Dean
I've just uploaded a new trance piece, thought would check out your featured track, we have very different style of trance and is refreshing to hear someone else's trance to compare, really liking what you have going here, great synths and pads, liking the chaining you have going on too, very enjoyable listen mate, not many of us guys and gals seem to do trance much on this site anymore, so I'm stoked to see other trancers here, massive fav mate Peace mosaic
deanp replied 5th Nov 2023 - 1 year ago
hi, thanks for the comments. It's a good job that we are here to fill the gap in the trance market! My next one in progress is a melodic techno piece, a subgenre that seems to be more current these days, although not sure I've seen any on this site. I'll give some feedback on your new track shortly. Thanks for the fav also.
Mosaic 19th Oct 2023 08:57 - 1 year ago

on MT-BC Remastered by kingmt77
Hi Mark
Mate this is one special piece right from the get-go, not listen much Jazz but totally loving the groove you have rocking in this piece, not my genre but nothing sticks out to me...Favd...Peace n Respect mosaic
kingmt77 replied 19th Oct 2023 - 1 year ago
Mosaic, welcome to the jazz café. It's good having you aboard. It's also a huge compliment that jazz may not be your favorite genre, and this piece caught your ears to the degree you faved it. Thank you for the time spent and comments you've shared. Peace and respect to you as well.

Mosaic 2nd Oct 2023 03:25 - 1 year ago

on Pheasant Plucker by Zootman
Hey Chris, very much and Oriental sounding track with bells n chimes, used have pheasants back in my home town in OZ so can say I've actually plucked pheasants lol, listening to this in lower vol, which makes it sound like a great chillout piece, very nice work mate fav'd Peace mosaic
Zootman replied 13th Oct 2023 - 1 year ago
Kia Ora, that's pretty funny, you are the pheasant Plucker. Cheers for the listen and comment.
Mosaic 2nd Oct 2023 03:16 - 1 year ago

on Valley of giants by bringerofDOOM
Hey mate, here to checkout your works, first time reviewing this genre, first actually listen to this genre, so feedback won't be to much sorry, can say I'm enjoying the list. Liking to faint vocal in track guessing it is vocal of some sort,tracks takes you on amazing journey, excellent work, will definitely be back check out more,fav'd Peace n Respect mosaic
bringerofDOOM replied 15th Oct 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks; I try to stay eclectic. The full album is on youtube, which can be found here:

I drug traits from several genres through the lo-fi idiom... enjoy
Mosaic 2nd Oct 2023 02:58 - 1 year ago

on Headland - to the sea by Jkingz
Hey man. Great to see someone else who does trance, my fav genre to do, I make this more so then any other genre,nice builds and synths, excellent trance beat, prob only thing which in my opinion would set track up better is lowering I'm guessing a pad or sub bass that comes in at start n through track, doing this would lift everything else to the fore ground, hope that makes sense, I've got 3 or 4 trance tracks on my profile if you want to see my style. Fav'd mate. Thank you for sharing much Respect n Peace mosaic
Jkingz replied 2nd Oct 2023 - 1 year ago
Hey thanks Mosaic, thanks alot for the comment :)
Mosaic 2nd Oct 2023 02:43 - 1 year ago

on SOLITA by VicUrba
Hey mate nice track, liking feel n sound right from the very start, crystal clear from this end, do agree could do with a vocal, I have some Reggaeton vocals here if you would like some contact me via my profile, will need key and Bpm etc. I've got. Couple of Reggaeton tracks started but little way off being finished, fav'd mate. Thank you for sharing Peace n Respect mosaic
Mosaic 2nd Oct 2023 02:35 - 1 year ago

on sonder by SANDYMBEATS
Hey Sandym, very nice easy listening track, excellent way to start the Monday morning here in OZ, fairly sure I have a vocal somewhere which would suit this piece, only a very sight suggestion, would lift piano Just slightly but with that said track sounds great from this end, will head your way again in the near future fav'd, Peace n Respect mosaic
Comments 1 - 25 of 1,600