You seem to know what you are doing; i faved this. The harmony vocals as a melody line really do it for me and i like that it has a sort of film noir-esque atmosphere.
As any critique and im definatly no expert but the overall mix is sorta off; and i think that's because the volume levels go too loud, i hear these hisses and crackles that might be from different prts in the song going way into the red.
Awsome sounding voice! Great delivery, hope you dont mind; it's sometimes really difficult to understand the exact words and this not being death metal clearity of words to me make an even stronger impact. But serious; great voice
And that's a perfectly valid criticism, and something I need to work on a lot more, as I tend to write the melody first and the lyrics second.
Slowly slowly getting there, and thanks for stopping by and taking the time out to review the song and leave constructive criticism, much appreciated :)
Mellow and trancy with just the right amount of friction: its soothing but rubs a little as well. Nice space work on the guitars and the panning makes it livelier. Cool track
Ha ha, I hear what you are saying there... Ironically, I was the one giving out freebies on this day, and the lyrics were mostly inspired by listening to people talk about the salvation army while they basked in the pipe smoke.
'91 was the only actual rave I have ever been to, though it was technically a christian festival rave. Still some thumping old school stuff. Though some of the concerts I've seen were a lot like rave's, such as NIN around '93-'94 and again around 2000... plus skinny puppy always has that frantic dance vibe.
The frantic nature of this song is definitely due in part to coming home with an idea, hooking things up, and then pressing record. It's hard to get that sort of feeling when I'm doing DAW based work.
Thanks for stopping by to listen and comment! Have a good one!
Nice southern sound, lonestar music? I definitely dig the overall sound and you have some cool chops on that guitar. Some of the transitions seem less fluid though and that takes out some of the overall punch this has. Also i really think its the wrong snare drum on here, too high in sound, might be taste though. Keep it gritty, cheers man
Thanks brosef. I suck at drums and don't really know how to alter shit. I really need to get better at flushing things out and cleaning my tracks up. I tend to move on to the next song in my head.
Thanks for the listen and feedback.
Hey Brady? Yes Bill? Is it here? I dont know, maybe...look to your right. Hmmm ... I dont think so. No Brady, your other right. Oh... Well... Nope, nothing here. Ok lets go left here. You sure? No... But its bound to be somewhere here ain't it? Well... I geuss so...
Volgende dan, kicke man, jazzy en grappig en t fluiten maakt m af. De mix klinkt ook lekker . Moet je als response video op YouTube zetten, vj mixje erbij.... Dikke smile
Really nice playing and cool sounds for all the guitar parts, there is alot of varieties and dynamics going on which i like, still with this sort of instrumental mastery i would like to have some freak influence included. This type of playing is way beyond my skill but from an personal point of view i would like a little more surprises in there. Hella good though
A modern front424? The spite in this is really attractive, has that early punk vibe to it. DIY and w3 dont care kinda thing. The vocals have that same attitude and fit well in. Gritty and liking it.
Front242 is always a group which I have mostly ignored... I even have a cassette which I found and still has the cellophane still on it after a couple of years.
I will admit to listening to large amounts of early punk back in the early ninenties... (my browser doesn't know the word ninenties, how sad is that?) ... any way, I loved the Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Damned, Adam and the Ants, Rolling Stones, and all that shits back then... Still do.
People who I've known for years, they look at my pants and think I don't care, but really I just have some one who loves me. I DO CARE, and that is everything in each of my days, whether I like it or not. The best I can do is ignore the things I care about.
I was so angry when I made these vocals, that I am lucky to not have a felony and still be locked up at this point. It is all that I wanted.
Life is gritty, and there isn't shit we can do about it. So survivalism it is! Thank you!
polka-elctro-step-hop-reagge genre i geus : ) Machines are pumping and fumes are exhausting. This has a nice rebel mood to it and the break with heavy synth at 2.02 is cool i like the crazier sytnhs at 2.46 still the reagge solo guitar could have been a little louder it's a nice little phrase
Polka now there's a word.
I like you machines and pumping exhausts and fumes.
Dystopian nightmare stuff!
It suddenly has an industrial edge when I listen to it ... see what you did there?
Great comments thank you.
You should really consider working with a symphonic black metal band, this stuff would be master in combi with that. Really nice build up and great suspense
Nice 90's sound. Not those autotuned stuff you keep hearing which i like. The radio filter on the vocals in the break sounds really cool, im a sucker for that sound. Groovy track with great vocals
Maybe not grunge to me but 90's indie stuff a well; really like your vocal sound and it's a nice relaxed tune. The vocal melody could use a little more diversaty
on Addicted - Original by BabyGee
As any critique and im definatly no expert but the overall mix is sorta off; and i think that's because the volume levels go too loud, i hear these hisses and crackles that might be from different prts in the song going way into the red.
But the song is kick ass
on Little Thing by Divady ft MildPeril by mildperil
And that's a perfectly valid criticism, and something I need to work on a lot more, as I tend to write the melody first and the lyrics second.
Slowly slowly getting there, and thanks for stopping by and taking the time out to review the song and leave constructive criticism, much appreciated :)
on Echos from the desert by Indieground
this tune brings me straight back : )
Thx for the curiosity
2 more reggae tunes on my soundcloud
No label
and dawn of the refugees
Cheers !
on Broken by CamTheClear
on Living Lightly by Indieground
on Drama Pudding by thelastmonte
on What Kinda Poison by Spivkurl
I love freebees, especially poisons.
Cool 90's rave, simple yet frantic and certainly sets a mood.
Cheers man
'91 was the only actual rave I have ever been to, though it was technically a christian festival rave. Still some thumping old school stuff. Though some of the concerts I've seen were a lot like rave's, such as NIN around '93-'94 and again around 2000... plus skinny puppy always has that frantic dance vibe.
The frantic nature of this song is definitely due in part to coming home with an idea, hooking things up, and then pressing record. It's hard to get that sort of feeling when I'm doing DAW based work.
Thanks for stopping by to listen and comment! Have a good one!
on That Whiskey Diet by topvega
Thanks for the listen and feedback.
on searching for the hidden evidence by MasanoriMurabayashi
on Kud - Instabiel - Remix by MrSpookd
on monsterage - undecided tittle by monsterage
on The Waves Between Ship And Shore by Evisma
on PB And Grace by Spivkurl
Front242 is always a group which I have mostly ignored... I even have a cassette which I found and still has the cellophane still on it after a couple of years.
I will admit to listening to large amounts of early punk back in the early ninenties... (my browser doesn't know the word ninenties, how sad is that?) ... any way, I loved the Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Damned, Adam and the Ants, Rolling Stones, and all that shits back then... Still do.
People who I've known for years, they look at my pants and think I don't care, but really I just have some one who loves me. I DO CARE, and that is everything in each of my days, whether I like it or not. The best I can do is ignore the things I care about.
I was so angry when I made these vocals, that I am lucky to not have a felony and still be locked up at this point. It is all that I wanted.
Life is gritty, and there isn't shit we can do about it. So survivalism it is! Thank you!
on beyond repair by MetalEd
on One Twitch Two Twitch Three Twitch More by silverman
I like you machines and pumping exhausts and fumes.
Dystopian nightmare stuff!
It suddenly has an industrial edge when I listen to it ... see what you did there?
Great comments thank you.
on Epic movie by mindhiest
on Modnex - Daddy Dead - Demons by Modnex
on She Hates Love - Feat Alexy Large by BeatzFactory
on Bxnner - Blem - Drake Remix - Living It Up by silvester49
on The Midieval Song by MWRatridge
on House Track by wormfist
on The Little Girl and The Sea of Flames by digitalSKYY
on Lank Frampard FT Blvck Da Vinci - Blvck Summers by imakebeatsLF
on Memories Part 2 by MagneticRecords
on CancersCurse DRAFT by VicaMOOR
cheers, VicaMOOR