Hello Kirlog !!! Just wanted 2 tell "U" how much I sure "Appreciate" your kind n' very encouraging reviewz on my tunez !!! I'm never on here anymore !!! I got bored with the whole "round n' round" "not getting anywhere" networking thing !!! Now don't get me wrong I've been in contact with some really talented n' good poeple on the net !!! It just takez "Too Damn' much WORK" 2 make it effective it seemz ... I'd rather be jammin' more than yappin'!!! "Know what I mean" ??? But I read your review n' I wanted 2 "Do the Right Thing" n let ya' know !!! I listened 2 your tunez 2 ... soundz pretty strange ... PD waz pretty muffled ... But "Stay With It" !!! Real musicianship iz ALWAYZ about finding "your" sound !!! Jus' wanna say "Thank U" 4 the "Out of the Blue" review !!! Ha !!! Ha !!! Later !!! Kelley K
Sorry for the delayed response. Your kind encouragement is very much appreciated. This was one of those magic 3-4am sessions alone in the studio. I love it when I can play back through the monitors at a good volume rather than having to rely on headphones all the time. Nothing like moving air. You sort of float around with the sound. Anyway, than you for the inspiration. I believe a new set of strings is in order. Much Respect,
Dig the alternative sounding guitar diddy !!! Goez real nice with the syncopated drumkit rhythm !!! Lik'd how "U" introduced different instruments/effxxx into the mix az "U" went along !!! The mix iz a little dry n' "U" might try adding some BaZZ !!! Really creative work !!! Kelley K
Really like how "U" put thiz piece together !!! Really tasty guitar playing !!! That'z cool how "U" work'd the acapella into a song !!! Nice skillz !!! Kelley K
Nice guitar pickin' !!! Like the chord/melody progression !!! Bazz line goez real well in there too !!! I would have added some crash'z n' fillz to the drum track !!! Thankxxx A Bunch !!! Kelley K
Thanks for listening to this track and reviewing. I agree with you about adding some fill ins and crash...as I'm working on a 2nd Country Rock track they will definitely go in there. Thanks for the good advice.
Dig your guitar playing !!! Your backing trax "R" cool !!! The keyz add flava 2 your playing !!! I'd try adding a horn section N' some drum fillz just 2 add some intensity !!! Kelley K
Thanks for the input, I appreciate it. I'm thinking I might pull this one back out and make a few changes. I definitely got some knowledge out of making this and it was good practice, now I'm thinking I may have enough to work with to make it more interesting.
Even though "U" might not have completed this work the way "U" wanted2... It'z still a very dramatic sounding track that getz your point across !!! Dig the cascading chordal melody line !!! Soundz "Great" !!! Kelley K
Thanks for the review Kelley. I am glad that you thought it conveyed a message even without the vocals. I wish singing was an easy thing to master, because most of the tracks I have made would be so much more complete with vocals. I will keep trying though.
Really nyce hookz !!! Like the harmoniez !!! Overall really good song !!! I'd cut back on the drum beat some n' maybe uze a smoother drumkit !!! But still "U" sound really good !!! Some girlz don't like me either... but "MOST GIRLZ DO" !!! Ha !!! Ha !!! Say Hi back Sometyme !!! Kelley K
Enjoy'd your soundz !!! Alotta PD musta' went into thiz !!! Like the open/cloze hihat diddy !!! Great effect on that !!! I'm NEW in town !!! Just dropp'd by 2 "Say Hi" !!! Kelley K
"U" got some real smOOth... soundz there !!! Soundz really seamless !!! Your PD skillz "R" obvious !!! Really Dig that synth effect on your vox !!! I'd "LUV" 2 be able 2 work in some of theze soundz in my trax !!! Kelley K
Really TOP sounding arrangement "U" got there !!! Soundz "Great" !!! Sure showz off your multitalented playing n' recording skillz !!! Enjoy'd the listen !!! Kelley K
Real smooth soundZ on thoze keyz !!! Would make a real nice soundtrack !!! "U" might eaze the drumz back a little n' uze say... an electronic drum kit sample... that way the keyz "R" brought out more !!! Enjoy'd listenin' 2 ya' !!! Kelley K
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Sorry for the delayed response. Your kind encouragement is very much appreciated. This was one of those magic 3-4am sessions alone in the studio. I love it when I can play back through the monitors at a good volume rather than having to rely on headphones all the time. Nothing like moving air. You sort of float around with the sound. Anyway, than you for the inspiration. I believe a new set of strings is in order. Much Respect,
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