

Milwaukee, United States
Joined : 27th May 2017 - 7 years ago
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neuromancer56 comments on tracks

neuromancer56 has posted 148 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 126 - 148 of 148
neuromancer56 17th Sep 2017 01:20 - 7 years ago

on Peace Be with You by topvega
Nice authentic jam session sound. The drums got a little repetitive, might want to mix them up a little.
topvega replied 1st Oct 2017 - 7 years ago
Thanks. Yeah the drums were back before I had good samples and electronic drums.

neuromancer56 15th Sep 2017 03:18 - 7 years ago

on Translucid by StaticNomad
I love the sound of the delayed electric cello. But I do prefer the more melodic beginning especially around 1:20-1:40 as opposed to the ending which seems more random to me. The cello is pretty much carrying the entire track, and I wonder if it would be good to mix in other strong instruments that could have a conversation with the cello.
StaticNomad replied 17th Sep 2017 - 7 years ago
Hi. Great to hear you liked the cello. I think it's a pretty cool sound. My cello teacher has a live performing career using just an electric cello and one loopstation and one multi effects pedal. No vocals, no backing tracks. You'd be surprised how versatile the instrument is.

"the more melodic beginning especially around 1:20-1:40"

Yes, that's where a new, jaunty lead cello part arrives. A few layers there as it builds. Same cello chord backing.

"the ending which seems more random to me"

I have no idea what you mean when you say "random". Is that some new, modern usage of the word or are you using it in its usual sense? It's all kind of the same drum groove and similar, minimal instrumentation throughout so the ending is just a new riff/chord progression. Random would be if it morphed into banjo metal or choral country.

"I wonder if it would be good to mix in other strong instruments"

You're not wrong but I decided to keep this track rather minimal, for a change. I have loads of tracks where various instruments are having conversations with each other, so to speak. It's a shame my guitar playing is so average these days as, in the recent past, I would have picked it up and knocked out some good stuff on it.

Thanks for the suggestions and don't forget to let me know about my "random" question.
neuromancer56 6th Sep 2017 03:55 - 7 years ago

on Drama Pudding by thelastmonte
The first 31 seconds I was in funk heaven... I'd like to see you do an all funk version of this song
thelastmonte replied 6th Sep 2017 - 7 years ago
Yeah, see thats what I was concerned about. I think I have two different songs in here. I'll probably do exactly that and do a version without the classical touches.
neuromancer56 3rd Sep 2017 21:00 - 7 years ago

on Jason Derulo - The Other Side DJ GR KING Remix by grking
Nice Track. Really compliments the vocals. Solid all the way through. I like the synth parts better. Didn't like the stuff after 3:30 as much.
neuromancer56 27th Aug 2017 18:45 - 7 years ago

on I know you are Insane by crucethus
I wasn't much of a disco fan, but my God, I love this track, it is super high energy with an edge. If disco from the 70's was like this, I would have listened to it every day!
crucethus replied 21st Aug 2019 - 5 years ago
Demon Disco baby!
neuromancer56 23rd Aug 2017 22:44 - 7 years ago

on The Reason featuring Sheya by MrSpookd
I like the lyrics, good melody. Really like the synth that comes in at 1:15. The vocals are smooth. I would add backup vocals even if they were just the same singer layered to give the vocals a little more punch.
MrSpookd replied 30th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the comment, however the lyrics aren't mine. The synth is tho. I've never tried back-up vocals, because I thought it would mess it up, but the other day I heard a track that does it and it actually worked. So I will see how it works out in other tracks. Thanks for the feedback, I will upload the synth as a loop. :D
neuromancer56 23rd Aug 2017 20:25 - 7 years ago

on Da Faq by hemant37
I really enjoy listening to this track. Melody, beat, vibe are all spot on. The only thing I would suggest is to take some of the harsh edge off the saw blade sound from 1:00-1:16 or replace it altogether. This might be just my personal taste, but the harshness ruins the chill vibe for me.
neuromancer56 21st Aug 2017 18:42 - 7 years ago

on BuSt - ID - Final Mix by Spawnch0
Love the ambient vocals, the bouncy bass, and the melody is sweet.
neuromancer56 20th Aug 2017 13:37 - 7 years ago

on rainy day waltz by MasanoriMurabayashi
Very nice. It feels like I just walked into a jazz club. Can't even tell you used soft synths.
MasanoriMurabayashi replied 20th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Hi, neuromancer56! Making sound with only soft synth is sometimes flavorless when it comes to express live performance. So, I made this tune with piano left hand voice comping with swing mood and 1/64 cutting rhythm and so on. But you know, real warmness is coming from actual performance by players. Next time, I should try myself playing real instruments, may be. Thanks for your valuable comment. I appreciate it.
neuromancer56 15th Aug 2017 00:22 - 7 years ago

on Apocalypse 2016 - power version by joecramer
The guitars just flat out rock. Love the guitar solo that comes in at 1:38. The vocals while good should be screamed. Maybe not like Judas Priest "You've got another thing comin'" but maybe :)
joecramer replied 15th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Yes the guitars are cool and really rock on. Burt did a good job and his work fits well with the vst guitars. This track is an old one for me and i done it into so much different versions that i can't count them. And i know really what you mean when you wrote they should be screamed, cause i done that in the past often and it works well.
So thanks for your friendly comment and the time you take yourself to listen to this little track

stay tuned
neuromancer56 12th Aug 2017 16:13 - 7 years ago

on One Night by Enzotic
Dude this is perfect. I wouldn't add any instruments if I were you. All you need is vocals and you'd have something that is radio ready. Me, I'd go a little heavier on the Bass and ruin the whole thing!
Enzotic replied 12th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Thanks, I'm planning on getting vocals for this!
neuromancer56 11th Aug 2017 04:44 - 7 years ago

on All Night Long by sumjazz
Nice Chill Funky Jazz.
neuromancer56 8th Aug 2017 03:21 - 7 years ago

on depressed by btchimdying
The emotions of this track are intense. It's painful and beautiful.
btchimdying replied 24th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
i love you, thank you
neuromancer56 6th Aug 2017 14:19 - 7 years ago

on THE LONER - BILBOZO - Gary Moore Tribute by Bilbozo
This is some amazing guitar playing! Then I had to go listen to Gary Moore - Still Got The Blues (Live), and then I was blown away again. Dude can sing too. Nice Tribute! I get what you mean by emotionality. Just wow.
neuromancer56 5th Aug 2017 22:44 - 7 years ago

on God of Lies by thelastmonte
This is f'ed up in the *best* way! Just throw a little of everything together, but it just works.
thelastmonte replied 6th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
lol, yes, there is a lot of shit in there. I wanted it to sound a little chaotic. Thanks man, glad you liked it!
neuromancer56 30th Jul 2017 20:39 - 7 years ago

on JUST CANT BE by Timmons2
Love the psychadelic synth and the raw drums. Sometimes it sounds a little like a clash in styles in vocals and music, but it is so funky and different that it just works for me. I really like the echoing backup vocalizations.
Timmons2 replied 1st Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Thank you for the comment! It kind of is a clash of styles especially because the original artist doesn't really perform in this genre. As far as the echoing backup vocalizations, it wasn't my intention at first, but I do like how it came about. Thanks again for listening and commenting, it means a lot!
neuromancer56 22nd Jul 2017 14:58 - 7 years ago

on No name yet by VanceTrumor
Beautiful. Haunting. For some reason it brings back memories of "Save a Prayer" by Duran Duran. Rocks when the hard dubstep kicks in, and the ending adds to the overall effect. Nice flow and variety.
neuromancer56 16th Jul 2017 02:49 - 7 years ago

on Modnex - The Magic Pond by Modnex
I got what you said about the ahh's already in your track, so instead I added some pads to take the edge off. Let me know what you think. It's here:
Modnex replied 16th Jul 2017 - 7 years ago
Hey bro, Thanks for the remix. I left my two cents on it.
neuromancer56 15th Jul 2017 16:33 - 7 years ago

on Modnex - The Magic Pond by Modnex
I love the magical sound as well. The plinks sound a little harsh. Might also want to add some ambient ahhhhh vocals or some thing too soften it. Is it ok if I remix to play around with adding vocals and stuff?
Modnex replied 15th Jul 2017 - 7 years ago
Hey Neuromancer, thanks for the checking in. Not sure how well it could be hear, but I did add very light ahh vocals in there. It was a synthesizer so it's not as great as human vocals would be. You can most certainly remix this. I would love to see what you come up with.

Nice of you to stop by,
take care!
neuromancer56 14th Jul 2017 17:42 - 7 years ago

on TRACK RUN by ceecounty
Nice chilled out vibe. I'd like to remix. Are you using any Looperman loops? Which ones?
neuromancer56 8th Jul 2017 23:01 - 7 years ago

on Make Yourself A Life by MGproduct
Definitely want to hear more like this. Love your voice, would like even longer tracks.
neuromancer56 8th Jul 2017 15:37 - 7 years ago

on Hours And Hours by StaticNomad
Wow, I'm trying to capture the vibe this gave, but there is so much going on, it's more like a journey through all kinds of experiences and emotions, kind of like reading a good sci-fi novel.
StaticNomad replied 10th Jul 2017 - 7 years ago
Thanks for for your appreciation of this.

Yes, there is a lot happening though that's the case in probably all of my tracks. I like activity and detail and always keeping things interesting.

Good point about the experience being like a good sci-fi novel. I hadn't thought about that until you said it but I think the sci fi vibe probably comes from the far out synths. And the cello adds some real organic flavour.

Thanks again.
neuromancer56 4th Jul 2017 15:30 - 7 years ago

on Atlantic drifts by Danke
Sultry, smooth, and funky. Makes me feel happy and chill.
Danke replied 28th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
sorry for the late reply...never thought to come more reports on this but I failed...:-)

I'm happy that this song caused relaxing to you.

handshake, Danke
Comments 126 - 148 of 148