Eerily beautiful track. Similar in style to the soundtrack guitars in the movie "sling blade"-which I thought were awesome.Love the effects manipulations. How much of this is a product of the EBow? I have always wanted to play around with one but have never even seen one in a store near me.Nicely done and congrats on the new guitar.
@spp - how much is ebow? on this track i'm not sure there is any. i copied & pasted the same blurb for all three tracks :-D there's definitely some on track two (check out starting around 4:48, it's almost flute-like, then it loops and cacophonises with itself 8^D ).
i plan on making some youtube videos on how do i do all this stuff. my userid there is also dave422x. there's a bit of ambiloop sutff there, but no ambient stuff as of yet.
ebows are great! :-)
@dbl - thanks for inviting me here! i loved the diving bell... must get out and about, will listen when time permits!
Yeah I can see the robes flowing and sand blowing when this is playing. Great job of creating imagery with sound. I could almost smell frankincense and chronic!!
Well...having discovered your stuff only recently I spotted this track and gave it a listen. Very well arranged and the piano melody is a sweet sadness which fits your track title perfectly.Nice job - I made it a fav.
I have a track somewhere with a similar piano sound I believe it was a Keyrig instrument or possibly Ableton live?? Anyhow I really enjoyed this track and "chill out" suits it well.I can forsee me sitting in my chair, relaxing and listening to it again. Good work to you and to DustHill.
The piano riff thanks to DustHill-awesome!
Thanks so much for the gr8 review.It's cool to know somebody is sitting and relaxing to my music!Enjoy-I get gr8 pleasure from making music and if people listen to it-bonus!!;-)
Well I appear late in saying it but that track was awesome my friend. If that is your first attempt I await the second one on edge. I love a guitar jamming to the blues it just feels right.Homemade comp speaker talkbox?? That is way too cool.
Ha ha, ya well I await the second song as well, it seems it's a very slow work in progress, People seem to be able to pump the tracks out so fast but not I. Oh well as long as I'm happy with it when I'm done it. Thanks for the review and your kind words. I"ll get on that other track soon! Thx
Hmm..I really liked this tune but unlike most I wish you would re do the track minus bells and add something a little darker sounding because to me the guitar is begging for that. A side note my audio was crackling like crazy until I physically uninstalled and re installed my wireless card and updated the bios on my computer and if you are using Vista (I am) PCI cards seem to be the culprit-If that helps.
Lot of work in this track it is very obvious,well done. Now I only had the clipping when played back at maxed volume so maybe the kick part of the track is too "hot"? Nice work.
I listened to all your tracks. I can tell by the tone of your tracks you are a fun loving kudos for that. I also appreciate the fact that it is all homegrown and handmade. Way to go my friend.
on impromptu three by dave422x
@spp - how much is ebow? on this track i'm not sure there is any. i copied & pasted the same blurb for all three tracks :-D there's definitely some on track two (check out starting around 4:48, it's almost flute-like, then it loops and cacophonises with itself 8^D ).
i plan on making some youtube videos on how do i do all this stuff. my userid there is also dave422x. there's a bit of ambiloop sutff there, but no ambient stuff as of yet.
ebows are great! :-)
@dbl - thanks for inviting me here! i loved the diving bell... must get out and about, will listen when time permits!
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Thanks so much for the gr8 review.It's cool to know somebody is sitting and relaxing to my music!Enjoy-I get gr8 pleasure from making music and if people listen to it-bonus!!;-)
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