I really liked it, very professional sound. Maybe I would use sharper hh in the high frequencies. those are artistic desitions anyway. Check my music too! cheers
Hey fedev !
First of all, thx for this comment, i have to say that I use hf hh all the time so i wanted to change a bit to see the difference, I'm going to check your page now, have a great day ;)
Very good. I liked the mix, the only thing that i would change is that i try to make the stereo bigger. I liked the kick, in my opinion its good, maybe the bass could be a little higher. Congrats for the production.
Hi, i liked it, in my opinion you should check the mix and the frecuency relation to make it more enjoyable. I don't know if is in your interest focus on that, but the bass and mid bass section are very low, improving this you will make the song even more powerful.
Congrats for the composition and production work!
Ey how are you doing? I like your song, the second version is good... If you want to produce it your self in my opinion you should start by working the rhythmic section, first adding a bass, if you want to add a real sounding one you can use a kontakt one for the pre-producction, adding compresors, eq and an amp emulator you should have a good one, if you want a synth line like static, write me, i will help you doing it. After that, working on how to articulate and give a special movement to every different section (you can look how to add and remove layers, and using sounds to enter the news areas). I would change the sounds that you are using, the shaker is better to put some rice in a tube and record it with your mic, if you have a real shaker that's better of course. For the drum, check some librarys, I recommend you this one for the sound that I think that you are looking for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PZSFwd6mO0 (i know that it says that its for trap, but i think that it will work any way haha).
In my opinion it will be a good idea to chop the e piano that you are using, and use it like a sample, but that a style thing.
And when you have that ready, you can go over the melodic part, i don't think that you will need a real sax player for that little melody, you can look again for a sample library for kontakt, other option is to look for a real sample, taken by your self and put it in tune, it will be another melody, but maybe you are open to that, i don't know.
The voice, I don't know why did you filtered the second version, it was good at the beginning, but not for all the song (that's my opinion, of course). I like the arrengements that you made on it, I think that you should take some time to work on it, I noted that you used autotune melodyne or something like that, and its compressed too, its just a matter of time.
All this that im saying is for a pre-production, of course after that you can look for somebody to collab and add some new ideas, this is just for improve the ideas that you all ready have.
Sorry for my bad english. If you want, you can write me and I will help you if thats in my possibilities. I hope that it will be useful for you, I din't pretend to criticize your work.
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Thanks for visiting my profile too, keep up the great work!
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█▄▄ █▄█ █▄█ █▄▄
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First of all, thx for this comment, i have to say that I use hf hh all the time so i wanted to change a bit to see the difference, I'm going to check your page now, have a great day ;)
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Congrats for the composition and production work!
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In my opinion it will be a good idea to chop the e piano that you are using, and use it like a sample, but that a style thing.
And when you have that ready, you can go over the melodic part, i don't think that you will need a real sax player for that little melody, you can look again for a sample library for kontakt, other option is to look for a real sample, taken by your self and put it in tune, it will be another melody, but maybe you are open to that, i don't know.
The voice, I don't know why did you filtered the second version, it was good at the beginning, but not for all the song (that's my opinion, of course). I like the arrengements that you made on it, I think that you should take some time to work on it, I noted that you used autotune melodyne or something like that, and its compressed too, its just a matter of time.
All this that im saying is for a pre-production, of course after that you can look for somebody to collab and add some new ideas, this is just for improve the ideas that you all ready have.
Sorry for my bad english. If you want, you can write me and I will help you if thats in my possibilities. I hope that it will be useful for you, I din't pretend to criticize your work.
Good luck. Fede.
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With appreciation_____Orlando