

Geeked Up!!
Colorado Springs, United States
Joined : 11th Mar 2009 - 15 years ago
RellyRellProdutions comments on tracks

RellyRellProdutions has posted 13 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (13)
RellyRellProdutions 17th Nov 2012 04:03 - 12 years ago

on Life Support v2 by KorruptDialect
Yo this is dope, really like the rock feel to it.
RellyRellProdutions 23rd Sep 2010 21:41 - 14 years ago

on The Next Gen by Se7enFX
This is hot fam just need the right person to push it to the next level.
RellyRellProdutions 14th Jan 2010 07:28 - 15 years ago

on 2K by Durty
The track is koo, but it sounds like two totally different song it doesn't flow. Try to stick with one basic drum beast and the arrange your different instruments around that. I say arranging you instrument so they flow is the key thing to a great song.
Durty replied Unknown
Thanks for the info on the track. I appreciate the input. I got tracks to post on the way.
RellyRellProdutions 11th Jan 2010 21:10 - 15 years ago

on Scream My Name by ShoBoyz
This is hot fam. I thought it should of change temp of the drums just 'cause it just seems like that type of song. But it's still fresh either way, good job.
RellyRellProdutions 25th Oct 2009 04:23 - 15 years ago

on rocky b by ProfitzBeatz
Your sampling skill is on point fam, I feelin' this, different from all the other Rocky beats I've heard...good job Brah
ProfitzBeatz replied Unknown
thanx my dude i'm trying bro......i think we need to a super group from looperman we definetly have some talent on here holla at me
RellyRellProdutions 25th Oct 2009 04:14 - 15 years ago

on All Alone......2009 by ProfitzBeatz
Man, like I said on the other review, you got the Kanye swagg to your music. I like your style, my only advise would be to just start adding your own instrument on it to make it more you, and not just the beat and samples. But the track go hard fam.
ProfitzBeatz replied Unknown
thanx for the compliment i fu*ks wit kanye thats my dude and as far as the instruments i only put rough drafts on looperman i rarely never put finished product on here but thanx my dude keep comin thur......1
RellyRellProdutions 25th Oct 2009 04:12 - 15 years ago

on Something for the Women ! 2009 by ProfitzBeatz
This is tight but it just seems like it's missing a instrument, it just sound a little unfinished to me.
ProfitzBeatz replied Unknown
thanx for comin thur p.s i rarely put finish work here more like a sample u feel me 1
RellyRellProdutions 25th Oct 2009 04:05 - 15 years ago

on I ..... 2009! by ProfitzBeatz
Yo, this track is fire got that Mr. West swagg to it. Just had one question, is that sample from Keith Sweat the vocal, 'cause it kinda sounds like him. Oh and I wanna to know what kinda of effect do you use for the vocal kinda sounds like a chick monk but not really. I always wanted to know. Hit me back.
ProfitzBeatz replied Unknown
jeffery osbourne my dude and on the effect just play around with the pitch of the sample turn it up as high as you want holla
RellyRellProdutions 25th Oct 2009 01:41 - 15 years ago

on my ways by phraes
Yeah we can definitely do some tracks together, just hit me up and let me know what's up. I'm down for what ever
RellyRellProdutions 21st Oct 2009 19:21 - 15 years ago

on Living And Learning......!2009 special by ProfitzBeatz
I like this, got that down south swagg to it. Sound like Crim Mob or Lil' Scrappy should be on this.
ProfitzBeatz replied Unknown
thanx homie comin thur
RellyRellProdutions 20th Oct 2009 20:39 - 15 years ago

on my ways by phraes
It's mainly just the vocals if he can send you the vocals, then you you can mix it your self. I think it might need a little reverb on it, and turn up some of the levels 'cause it hard to make out some of the words. But other then that, the beat is fresh.
phraes replied Unknown
ayt man thanks..i will do as you say..
and hey, we might work together too.
RellyRellProdutions 16th Oct 2009 23:00 - 15 years ago

on Gleekstrumental 2 by MRGLEEK1
This got that down south swagger to it, I can see anybody from the south hopin' on this.

Fresh, keep doin' you fam.
RellyRellProdutions 15th Oct 2009 20:52 - 15 years ago

on my ways by phraes
I think you got something with this track just need some polishing up but other then that the track in on some real talk 'ish. Keep doin' you!!
phraes replied Unknown tell me whats wrong cuz u kno doing collabs with a far distance is really something.....
but thx..i will check out yours too
Comments (13)