

Atlanta, United States
Joined : 18th Mar 2009 - 15 years ago
Bioscape comments on tracks

Bioscape has posted 143 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 143
Bioscape 1st Aug 2011 16:42 - 13 years ago

on Out There by Sukuta
I really love how you implemented the vocals here. Where did you get them? Nice chord progression and electronic elements. Very professional and it's mixed well. I like how you segmented the track up, creative!
Bioscape 22nd Jul 2011 19:37 - 13 years ago

on Right Time Right Place by TraXnCtrl
I love the opening chorused stabs. Minimalistic like others said, which I prefer. I liked everything except the vox "dom." It might sound better at a higher pitch.
TraXnCtrl replied Unknown
thanks for the review
Bioscape 27th Jun 2011 16:13 - 13 years ago

on Michael Jackson-Billie Jean HaruTune Remake by HaruTune
Very cool remake. The drums are real tight, sound nice. Good job with the guitar, every note sounded right on.
HaruTune replied Unknown
Thanx I'm glad you like it :)
Bioscape 25th Jun 2011 15:07 - 13 years ago

on dub in the arena by arkeyetexture
Spacious! I really like how you included the wobbles almost seamlessly. Bass is top-notch on this track bro. Cool rhythms.
Bioscape 25th Jun 2011 00:24 - 13 years ago

on Spaghettification (Blackhole) by Cacofonix
Very cool use of the vocal here. Nice ambiance in the beginning. I like how some of the rhythmic changes in the tune coincided with his cadence. awesome
Cacofonix replied Unknown
Thanks for review, it means a lot to me.

Djinn XS
Bioscape 11th Jun 2011 03:45 - 13 years ago

on Nautical Thunderclouds by SilverSkyline
Wow really cool intro. I love the water samples you used. Nice elements throughout. Gets pretty complicated rhythmically there. Was not expecting a wobble metal blast. Sounds like you went crazy with the samples. haha Good tune.
Bioscape 11th Jun 2011 03:40 - 13 years ago

on Oceansail by SilverSkyline
Very cool ideas here. I like the chord progression and the bubbling fx on the pad. The flute has a good tone. The chord changes and patterns are pretty sporadic. There are nice traits in here though. I especially like the ending bubbling pad.
Bioscape 16th May 2011 02:30 - 13 years ago

on dream fire by 67Ecosse
haha i concur with Jamie.. it does sound like the synthaxe. very nice composition here.. with the bells and everything.. very soothing. cool choice of elements here
67Ecosse replied Unknown
thanks bio....alan is a mean synthaxe man no doubt...a hero for sure....thanks for even mentioning his name in your review....will chaeck out some of your tracks tomorrow when I get some time....thank you.
Bioscape 8th Mar 2011 17:40 - 13 years ago

on Computational Theory Of Mind by DJSampletank
Really creative sense of ambient here. I really like the overall vibe and the vocal samples. Cool dubstep kinda drum pattern and swirling synth.
DJSampletank replied Unknown
Thanks man, I'm glad you lik it. The beats are based on Dubstep, but trying not to be Dubstep, I'm glad that stands out.
Bioscape 8th Mar 2011 01:05 - 13 years ago

on rEb0rN by arkeyetexture
Ah I think that bass made me sing praises. Sweet groove, I like that stuttering synth. Real smooth.
arkeyetexture replied Unknown
thanks bredda! glad you like!
be good jazzy one!
Bioscape 1st Mar 2011 20:34 - 13 years ago

on rEvolution 3 - Forming Solid Bodies in Water by n0mad23
Cannot believe it's taking this long to find this one. Sweet ambient work here. I love how you manipulate samples into ambient works of art. Very dark to me. I really like how this track somehow keeps a tempo through chaos. Very cool.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
That tempo is why I still scratch my head and wonder if it's really Ambient. It's hard for this to play and not grab my attention, but then maybe it's always that way for the "creator" of a work. I think this one works so well because its creation really was an evolution - the first draft inspiring alividlife to send some things, and that inspiring dungbeatl/simmerdown to lay down some base. Each time I'd rework what they'd sent based on the internal evolution. One of the coolest projects I've worked on to date. Really glad you like this one!
Bioscape 24th Feb 2011 15:22 - 13 years ago

on Frejus with planetjazzbass by jfw
mmm.. very warm. I love the guitar tone. Cool arrangement and chord progression. bass solo is real nice and fit very well.
jfw replied Unknown
Many thanks for checking this out!

Bioscape 15th Feb 2011 15:35 - 13 years ago

on DANSEZ(ClubRemix) Codrutza Ft GEO prod BonusMusic by GEOram
Very nice song man. Great vocals and flow. Very professional sounding.
GEOram replied Unknown
Thanks alot man yeah this was a real nice one, i'm Hispanic so the transition of vocals form Spanish to English on a track are very easy for me. Got a new track out check it, u wont be dissapointed.
Bioscape 30th Nov 2010 19:57 - 13 years ago

on Hope by Mrbillionx
Really cool build-up. The bassline's awesome. This would sound great with some rap lyrics...find an acapella and add it. Cool beat.
Bioscape 27th Nov 2010 16:01 - 13 years ago

on Give You A War by minette
Very chill-out vibe here. I really like all the different melodies you cover in this. Cool lyrics. There were some nice harmonies as well. At points your voice imo had a little too much fx on them and created a crackle or something...thats the only thing that kinda bugged me. Nice production though. I would love to collab with you sometime. You have a very subtle quality to your vocals.
Bioscape 21st Nov 2010 20:48 - 13 years ago

on Tijuana Nights by yeshintae
Fantastic sound here. Lovely sample. Great production. Can't express in words how much I like this one. haha
yeshintae replied Unknown
Ahaha THANKS for tha REVIEW fam!

Hope you had a GREAT thanksgiving!

This has to be one of me fav tracks!
I'll be reviewing some of your tracked later today!

Much Respect from LA
Bioscape 21st Nov 2010 20:44 - 13 years ago

on Trip to tha Middle-East (Rough Ver) by yeshintae
This is really cool. Much respect for capturing the vinyl sound. I can never get it right lol. Good vibe, I like the strings alot too. Very nice, even if its short.
yeshintae replied Unknown
One thing I foxy on is STRINGZ FAM!

Have to be me fav sound!
Glad you digging this composition!
Put some work into this!

To capture tha vinyl sound bro listen to
some vinyl records and compress your sounds
to get that same feel!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Mich Respect from LA
Bioscape 21st Nov 2010 20:30 - 13 years ago

on My Poet by Becca
Wow great chord progression. I love the how you highlighted the melody with the strings. Perfect drum selections and rhythm.
Becca replied Unknown
thx so much for the review, I really appreciate it
Bioscape 12th Nov 2010 16:28 - 13 years ago

on Techno-Hime Thirty Seconds of Awesome by EnigmaticButterfly
Cool elements here...just a timing issue which is very fixable. I really like the sequence starting at about 1:20 though. I think you used some great loops and they would work together very well potentially. The claps and kicks were the only problem. Sync those up, and it should sound better. :)
Bioscape 10th Nov 2010 01:48 - 13 years ago

on Grime Wave by ChrissG
Dark it. Cool use of chimes in the intro to highlight the synth. Wobbles are sick... I really like the frequency you chose, not too low not too high. All the fx fit really well. Nice production.
ChrissG replied Unknown
thanks for the review there brother.. means a lot peace
Bioscape 9th Nov 2010 23:01 - 13 years ago

on M-Theory by jfw
This is great. I love the opening lines...and then the synth. Everything is so open, that's a great achievement especially with a lot of sounds here. The ending also lead very well. No sharp cutoffs. Cool arrangement.
jfw replied Unknown
Thanks for listening & commenting Andrew - much apreciated!

Bioscape 18th Oct 2010 20:00 - 13 years ago

on 25mg - Fossil by SGN
This is real sweet down-tempo work. The aura creates so many emotions. I really like trip beat here also. Very nice selection of fx and sounds, they fit well.
SGN replied Unknown
Thanks man. Really appreciate it and I loved what I heard in your tracks as well. Will definitely drop by and check out more of your tunes, once the speed on my net goes back to normal.
Bioscape 17th Oct 2010 17:18 - 13 years ago

on rest in peace by Luckyfeatherstudios
Very cool phrasing with your rap...poetic style. I think the chorus would sound alot better if it where just on point...the timing seemed off a little. Its a little off-key as well, just adjust those things and it'll sound alot better. Peace
Luckyfeatherstudios replied Unknown
wow means alot coming from some one with as much soul as you. yea i was takeing this track back to the studio.. just doing a few colabs right now. but yea thanks man.. for the advice.. when i reuplaod it.. ill hit you up so you can hear what you help me make wiff your words of advice man.. : ) thanks brah
Bioscape 16th Oct 2010 16:28 - 13 years ago

on DFI - Cosmic Naturalism by SGN
The intro is so great, really fits the title. Very nice trip, it is really full sounding...with headphones and monitors to me. It gets slightly repetitive at about 4:00 minutes in. You should consider a drop-out or something. The trumpet synth kinda caught me off guard, didn't seem to fit the aura of the track imo. Overall nice movement though, I was able to hear the transitioning sounds.
SGN replied Unknown
Yup, excellent point about the drop out. I'm actually reworking this and have infact inserted a break in there. Also, about the 'trumpet synth' [it's a sax] - I've been second guessing that since the time I finished this track. I wanted there to be some catharsis, but you're right, it does sound a bit out of place. Spent hours trying to smoothen it out with different effects, but yeah, I think I'll either remove it and shorten the song or somehow bring it in more gardually.

Thank you for the thoughtful review. Much appreciated.
Bioscape 22nd Sep 2010 22:48 - 14 years ago

on Back from the Grave by NeonStrawberry
Funky bassline, I like it. Cool use of the seemed to fit very well. Very nice space in this track, everything floats together...but is not lost in the groove.
Comments 1 - 25 of 143