

Birmingham, United Kingdom
Joined : 19th Mar 2009 - 15 years ago
Eldon1991 comments on tracks

Eldon1991 has posted 7 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (7)
Eldon1991 13th Apr 2010 18:50 - 14 years ago

on Wait What by NtaT
Ye nice track, its quite fat and i'd agree with ChrissG in sayin its more like grime or electro-grime, but that doesn't take away anything from the track. I'm feelin that big bass, just how I like them lol and i feel that complete pause, its quite unique in a way.

1 thing i think u should work on is ur levels and eq'ing cus some of it was fairly harsh on the ear. Also just a suggestion, u might look to bring in a subtle melody.

Listening to it again, i like the way hi-hats work with the drum beat man, nice! I can actually hear myself spittin some bars over this beat in my head lol...maybe u should try and get somebody to MC over it.
Eldon1991 13th Apr 2010 18:29 - 14 years ago

on EAT MY DUB- BLYNDE by reubenblynde
I like the way the drum beat go 'kick-kick-clap-hat-hat-clap', thought it was pretty cool, gives it like a nice garage vibe.
I like the drop after that grimey vocal sample, it reminded me of 'Datsik and Excision - Swagga' and its the best part of the song and i think u need to incorporate that part in the tune more.
I think the drums are proper cool and the track works well together, but personally i dont like the sound of the bass cus it doesnt sound fat enough to me and i think it needs some more things in it to keep the track interesting if u know what i mean.
Liking what i hear though.
Eldon1991 13th Apr 2010 18:15 - 14 years ago

on Grandiosity by simplistic6210
I'm ratin! I like the creativeness the way it goes back and forth, remains quite interesting and then never saw that final bit coming... thats heavyweight. Just my opinion, two things I think you might wanna change... the hi-hats sound too reverbed and maybe too panned? Also, for a such a heavy track i think u need to work on that snare so its propa fat and crunchy and in ur face, then again u probs haven't had time in the 5 hours lol. Fair play so far.
Eldon1991 13th Jan 2010 19:54 - 15 years ago

on Freedom Koncepts by SovereignKonceptz
WTF!? This sh*t is crazy, inspired by chase n status/501 kind of dubstep tunes im guessin lol. Seriously, this is fackin fatter than Fat Joe...

but the only constructive criticism i can give is...'Tell me that we've lost everythin...', i liked the MLK sample and the indian vocals but the other one is pretty poor tbh, i think u should take it out but thats just my opinion.
Also i think u might wanna add some fat swishes in there and reverse crashes/reverse synths, its hardly necessary but it might sound good. Lastly the only other is the sequencing of the hihats are pretty bog standard...maybe u wanted them very simple but u might wanna try playin with them and makin a more interestin hihat loop.

I can't believe I've listened to it 5 times already...i nearly got a boner when i first heard that fat bass! Sick tune, i honestly wouldn't have done such a big review if i weren't ratin it.

Keep it up!
SovereignKonceptz replied Unknown
i have only one problem with this track.
i did it in Audacity.
i was using a demo version of FL at the time,
and i didnt save the sytrus patch for this
bassline (which bugs the hell outta me)cuz i cudnt save anything. it was a demo version lol.

but i hold a liscence for em now.
so im still trynna get this bass line
again. Deffinitly highly influenced by Chase and status.
i rlly wanna get that bassline again.
then tweak it so its thicker.
Eldon1991 13th Sep 2009 16:42 - 15 years ago

on Learn to Cook by Zachmanable
This is a sweet track, but i'm gonna have to say why the Jeremy Kyle didn't you bring that fat synth thats at the end (3:20ish), come in a lot sooner and have it coming in and out cus that sounds sick. I like the bass and the melody, and the vocals are really good, it just get a little repetitive after a while. It does sound like its inspired by Eastern Jam lol. This is a sweet track but with a few changes it could be like an amazing track!
Eldon1991 13th Sep 2009 03:14 - 15 years ago

on Plane Sailing by UnknownSuspect
I think you should try and change the drums, because I'm feelin the bass and the melody just not the drums. Maybe change them when the wub-wub bass comes in, may as well try it out.
Eldon1991 11th Jun 2009 00:57 - 15 years ago

on Grimeshot by Chud37
I absolutely hate grime but i completely loved this track for some reason, your quite a talented producer i must say. Also, that track Sandwalker is very nice...sounds a bit like burial in the beginning, the only criticism of Sandwalker i can have is that i think later on you go a bit too over the top with your LFO's if you know what i mean, just a little constructive criticism :)
Chud37 replied Unknown
I think you might like grime if you gave it a bit of a chance. Alot of the commerical grime is terrible, i'll admit that, But theres some good underground stuff out there. I prefere just the instrumental side of it, without the MCing, as MCing is quite hard to get right and it takes talent, a talent which so many little pikeys think they have and dont, lol. :P

As for sandwalker i'll agree with you. But thats pretty much the whole track is just playing about with the LFO. It was fun. I wasnt expecting it to fill any dancefloors though :)

Thanks for the review(s)! I love a bit of constructive critisism, it helps me out alot.
Comments (7)