

Ableton Live
Vienna, Austria
Joined : 23rd Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
AlexMpcLive comments on tracks

AlexMpcLive has posted 1 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (1)
AlexMpcLive 23rd Aug 2017 22:29 - 7 years ago

on The Reason featuring Sheya by MrSpookd
Hey hoo
SharpNotes. Like bleep in the first post said, or measuread, you will find people that love that song. For me, i am Stoner Rock Blues Rock drummer and since more than 5 years into Ableton Live and for a short time , i am using an MPC Studio as plugin within Live. I also learned technician, and i know its really not easy to Master a song ;) so it fits an radio sound...
I have to admit, i never really tried it^^
BUT...this song is worth that you take some euros, dollars whatever in your hand and bring it to a mastering Studio.
Just my opinion. We live in an age , where easy going songs, if you allow me to say that are more welcome to the people rather then song about problems. Think of it. and again , not my kind of music , but really a nice TRACK.
Greetings from Vienna / Austria
MrSpookd replied 30th Aug 2017 - 7 years ago
Hey there, thanks for the comment. I know what a mess mastering can be. I've had a really hard time since the beginning, and I've been trying to get it right but my brain just doesn't know how. For some people it's as easy as turning a few mixers down and adding some limiters (or that's what I like to think), for me it becomes a gaint mess with EQs everywhere in every channel and I end up making it way worse. Like waaaaay worse. So I stop trying so hard and just let the music flow as I think it sounds the best through my headphones. I guess a mastering studio wouldn't hurt though, I'll look into it. Thanks again for your comment :)
Comments (1)