

Human Nature... soon.
Heredia, Costa Rica
Joined : 26th Mar 2009 - 15 years ago
Dannii comments on tracks

Dannii has posted 30 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 30
Dannii 13th Mar 2011 05:08 - 14 years ago

on Break Me Down by goosemeyer
You are a true musician, I´ve listened to people using acapellas for remixes and coming up with out of tempo weird stuff lol, but this sounds like it´s no remix, like it was the original song, like it was meant to be this way, it sounds perfect, the music goes perfect with Derek´s vocals, he´s great and you are great and this is great and I like saying great, isnt that great? lol
Dannii 13th Mar 2011 05:04 - 14 years ago

on Its Times like These by goosemeyer
I am really feeling this one... makes you wanna cry. Loving the instrumentals and the vocals are great too, very good job dude!
Dannii 2nd Mar 2011 08:04 - 14 years ago

on Can You See My Pain - Joyfulwave Edit by bmw2000uk
Oh God! Love this! Very 80´s but still modern! Very clear vocals, and I love your voice! Reminds me of Depeche Mode... Ever wanna collab let me know, I´ll be honored to-
bmw2000uk replied Unknown
Thanks for your review, very much appreciated. Glad you like this. Not my voice, it was a friends vocals. Maybe one day we should collab..: )


Dannii 2nd Mar 2011 07:59 - 14 years ago

on F Love by ImDangerous
Now you got me feeling really jealous I didnt come up with a song like this first hahaha! The theme and title are very good dude! And the lyrics are awesome! Really good song and I love your vocal effects, wish I knew how to do stuff like that for my music! Keep it up!
Dannii 28th Jan 2011 21:07 - 14 years ago

on BassBoi - Game Over by Huzko69
oH gOD!!!! Dude!!! You are like hyper good!!! I love your style of music... if you ever wanna collab I am up for it!!!
Huzko69 replied Unknown
Man, that's too much :D Thank you VERY much for your kind words. I really appreciate it ;) Yes please, let's collab anytime, I like your work ;)
Dannii 28th Jan 2011 10:49 - 14 years ago

on Level Up by CalifKen
Ken!!! I love love love this one!!! It is so good!!! You used a vocoder? Loving the funky feeling, the rythm, the vocals, just really good, you´re awesome!
Dannii 24th Jan 2011 20:32 - 14 years ago

on Flip the Switch by Dvickers
OOoooh I like this one a lot! Very sexy type of pop song, very good job man!
Dannii 18th Jan 2011 11:46 - 14 years ago

on Its Not That Easy by Dvickers
You´ve got tons of talent man, congrats!!!
Dannii 18th Jan 2011 11:33 - 14 years ago

on INTO YOU BABY by smallpaul
May be simple but it´s... sexy. Good job!
Dannii 18th Jan 2011 11:29 - 14 years ago

on Musica con Rocas dentro by Vicen
Hey really nice! How do you record your vocals? It sounds so clear!
Vicen replied Unknown
Well, I record the vocals with a condenser microphone with USB port ... and deal with the Magix program (just give them more range stereo, so it does not sound so hollow compared to the instruments). I do not know what to say. The truth is that with the voice recording I think I have to improve a lot.
Thanks for the review.
Dannii 26th Nov 2010 19:50 - 14 years ago

on Look In My Eyes (DEMO) by DynamiteSkye
Hey Michael I threw some background vocals on your song just for fun, hope you don´t mind, if you do let me know and I´ll remove the post, but I think it sounds good, check it out on my profile... bad ass song! Congrats!
Dannii 12th Nov 2010 09:38 - 14 years ago

on Look In My Eyes (DEMO) by DynamiteSkye
Michael this is very good!!! I am glad I came across this song, cant wait to hear the finished product. Good job.
Dannii 8th Sep 2010 21:51 - 14 years ago

on Addiction ft Pares by StephanieKay
Hey Stephanie this is really good, I love your voice! I´d love to collab with you on one of my tracks sometime, congrats, you sound great!
StephanieKay replied Unknown
yes! we need to collab! thanks for the review =]
Dannii 1st Sep 2010 12:13 - 14 years ago

on Loving u more by lofthouse
Very very good track, it was created to dance indeed! Good job!
lofthouse replied Unknown
Eeek!Another review I somehow missed!I'm sorry,I do appreciate it,and thank you,with latency!
Thank you for listening to me!It really does mean a lot!g.xx
Dannii 27th Mar 2010 03:34 - 14 years ago

on Lonely by Sunkizz
Dannii 22nd Mar 2010 01:51 - 15 years ago

on Bitterness by oasisduke
Oasisduke this is a really good track I must say!!! Listening to it the first time and already thinking and singing verses to it... I think I´ll try some lyrics on it if you don´t mind, I am off tomorrow and I think I´ll be having fun with this one! May I?
oasisduke replied Unknown
of COURSE you may! i think this one is ripe for lyrics. cant wait to hear what you come up with!
Dannii 10th Feb 2010 03:32 - 15 years ago

on Cinderella / Scary Fella by minette
You are really good and I love your voice! I am planning on doing an updated cover of Sweet Harmony by The Beloved but I am lacking a good female singer for the female vocals on the track!... I´d love a collabo with you!
Dannii 5th Feb 2010 09:07 - 15 years ago

on Touching in the Dark by CalifKen
Cali what? ¨effective form of torture->make him sing it already type device¨... ha ha ha!!! LOL!!! OK OK!!! I´ll sing it!!! ha ha ha... it was actually good what you did, but you are right, I did the first verse and then just forgot about it, well not really forgot, but, I guess it´s time I finish it!
Dannii 19th Jan 2010 04:33 - 15 years ago

on Erupt by StephanieKay
Hey Stephanie, I love your voice... You have some very good songs, We have to keep collabing after the CalifKen project.
Dannii 17th Jan 2010 03:20 - 15 years ago

on Touching in the Dark by CalifKen
I am honored to be working on the vocals for this hot tune, Cali you rock!
Dannii 7th Jan 2010 08:28 - 15 years ago

on Bryant-Dope by Bsoundz22
Dude... you have a new fan! Allow download!!! lol! Keep them hot club banger tracks coming!!!
Dannii 7th Jan 2010 07:11 - 15 years ago

on Bsoundz-Club Banga by Bsoundz22
This track is fire dude!!! You did an amazing job! I think you are very good at this hip hop/electro songs, keep doing more upbeat songs like this dude, really good!... only advice, maybe taking the Justin Timberlake´s sample ¨YOU READY?¨ out, I think it would make it more YOUR own original sound, but your track is perfect, I like it, downloaded already!
Bsoundz22 replied Unknown
Thanx man appreciate it gonna havta take a look at some of tracks when i get a chance.
Dannii 4th Jan 2010 09:13 - 15 years ago

on Touching in the Dark by CalifKen
Dude! I love this track! I downloaded and I will be throwing some lyrics on it, give it a pop twist, you are really good man, make more music like this!
Dannii 4th Jan 2010 08:58 - 15 years ago

on Are you there God? It's me, Veronica Electronica by Chad360
Hey... I really like this... it still needs some cleaning up and structure if you want it to be like an actual song you can sing to, with verses and hooks and stuff, but I can see how your final track will be hot! I´d love to put my hands on it and throw some vocals on it! It´s really cool, congrats!
Dannii 27th Dec 2009 07:07 - 15 years ago

on Outta Control by sjonestheproducer
Wow! This is a really cool track dude! Really my kind of music! I´d love to lay vocals on it! Very good job dude!
Comments 1 - 25 of 30