heres my thoughts man:
1 . all the different instruments playing different melodies sound great together ->awesome atmosphere the new synth around 2:13
3-nitpicking I would only suggest to brighten up ( +highs) the mix a little bit with a harmonic exciter, eq, or multiband compression
this is some pro stuff man where can i see you perfrom live?
man the drum patterns with the filters in the beggining are awesome, the whole piece is really great, I think you can fix the mastering wih some eq-ing on the highs and it'll sound even better, but the music is really great!!
dude I love the carefully laid out drum tracks (and the fills throughout the song) and trancy atmosphere. great track also that silence part at 3 14 is pretty cool
on Do You Have Time For A Pleasant Experience by Beatkutz
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1 . all the different instruments playing different melodies sound great together ->awesome atmosphere the new synth around 2:13
3-nitpicking I would only suggest to brighten up ( +highs) the mix a little bit with a harmonic exciter, eq, or multiband compression
this is some pro stuff man where can i see you perfrom live?
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