Hey man! I absolutely love this track. In fact, I would really love to do a remaster of it and see if any more quality can be pushed from it, because it has a lot of potential. You will have full credit for the track, and no monetary gain will come from it.
Sure man, happy for that. Let me know if u need anything. I had been considering going back and doing a little tweaking of the arrangement but hasn't got around to it.
I'll be blunt, and this is pure positive criticism, but theres not whole lot going on in the track. It's the same thing over and over and there isn't really a verse, chorus, intro, outro, second verse, second chorus, or anything like that. You probably ought to work on the mastering, seeing as how the sub-bass frequencies are probably 3x as dominant as everything else. Should also consider more than one "sound" too. Hope this helps.
Thanks man, yeah I'm currently learning to master my tracks better. I'll have a play around and add a melody or chords. Cheers for the feedback, much appreciated.
Very hard to find a song on Looperman with a decent sidechain construction. I'll say this did very well. Also, I love how you integrated a lot of old-school basses. Brings me back to the days of Bar9, Caspa, and DatsiK.
I would suggest layering your chords. Maybe a simple saw with a triangle modulation. If you want you can, assuming you have it, put OTT on your basses so that they have a little more volume. I'd also suggest putting either a sequential blip or an arpeggio in the background so that your chorus/drop and your verses don't sound so empty. A little tip too, your chords sound like they have way to much noise. Noise can be a huge helper, but in most cases you can often, instead of using noise, layer your chords. That's why I had suggested it. Noise can still be a helper too, just in small volume levels. Hope the feedback helps.
Thanks for commenting! Can you give me timestamps for the chords you refer to? The only chords in the track or in in the intro, break and builds and they are already layered (I think the stack has about 8 layers, none are noise). In the drop the down beats are just a bass note going through a comb filter then heavy distortion if that's the part you mean? Also all of the other basses are already going through multiple multi-band compressors/OTTs so I'll maybe try turning down the drums, it might just be a mix issue. Last thing, there is already an arp and some *laser* sounds in the drop, they're super quite so I'll try turning them up slightly. Cheers!
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