Awesome, awesome track - if Jean Michel Jarre made good dance music, it wouldn't sound as good as this. Lush is my word for this track - can't wait to hear the others. Are they themed (you know, Mars god of war, etc)?
Christ, I love this sort of thing! A real KLF/pirate radio feel to it - nodding my head here in the office while listening. Great laid back groove. Favourite'd!
Nice anthemic synth lead - good track once it gets going. Arpeggiation fits well. My speakers here /suck/ so the snare sounds a little out of place. Good job though!
Hey, thanks for the review. I took your advice and went in and raised the bass a bit. Does sound better. Take a listen and see what ya think. Thanks again!
Love it! Sounds like it could've been a good 808 State-style track from back in the day. Nice flow and no jarring sounds - respect for a 9 minute track =)
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