

NE1 Collab on X-mas Sng?
Alachua, United States
Joined : 27th Apr 2009 - 15 years ago
DJCrzynss comments on tracks

DJCrzynss has posted 1 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (1)
DJCrzynss 19th Nov 2009 01:12 - 15 years ago

on Hardstyle Hell by DANEO
not sure exactly how to review hardstyle... but i am fond of at least a main melody or main riff throught... with quick "kick-ins" but i do like the kick/bass combo... just need to expand on this song... its got a skeleton... now it just needs the blood of a beast and needs to be fleshed out and you will ultimately unleash this songs potential [which is high]
DANEO replied Unknown
Hey, thanks for taking the time to review my track. Yeh I think I know what you mean it doesn't have its "hook" so to speak in regards to the riff or melody. I got to that point where its like "what do I do now without ruining it" haha! Thanks for your input.
Comments (1)