Many thanks for all your kind words. Im stoked to be the winner.
They were all worthy of just glad DnB made it into the spotlight........there are so many sub-genres of DnB that there is bound to be something you would like the sound of, even if you're not really a DnB fan.......could i call this track "ambistep"........??
Not bad........pretty minimal chilled sounds....has a busy beat......sort of sounds stuck in 1st gear though to me. Waiting for a major drop of some sort with a change of beat or something afterwards perhaps?
Nice chilled vibe though, and the production is good. [8)
Ah man...this is slammin'! Wikid drum programming man, crackin' snare, toms in ya face, real live feel.......good synth work too........your a man of many talents. Great guitar work as always, but.......there's always a but........if i asked you to make a mix for me, the only thing i would ask is for more top end "click" on the kick drum. eg. Disturbed's - Believe or more like Pantera, although they can be a bit too clicky. Fuck man, your givin me the metal bug again........woah dude! thats heavy! Rock on!!
Nice sort of "come down" tune........or "ease into the day" tune.
What i call morning music. Good to wake up to and just ease into the morning with. Love the strings & nice keys too....if that's your playing?? One thing i thought was the "Rhode" keys part sort of abruptly jumped in after the piano a bit @ 1:21 . I would of let the piano decay out into the mix while the "Rhode" (or whatever it is) comes in with a bit of reverb to make it less dry and in ya face, so to speak.........but hey, its your track, not mine......just my thoughts. You done a good piece of work there. Peace.
Nice work m8. Long intro, but the 2nd drop @ 2:11 is worth it. Bass wub goes well with the "full power of this station" vox. Nice lil breaks here n there and nice synth hook. This is dope work my friend. Label worthy indeed. Nice ambient feel too, although the kick does have quite a long decay after the drop, the one during the intro sounds better imo......Or is that some sub bass element you've added? I can't quite tell. Good shit, keep it up.
Darker than a dogz gutz m8!! Its good, just like to hear drums a bit louder though..........maybe im just deaf? Nice cold dark sound though....sort or conjures visions of children being chased through a dark forest by a mad mad covered in blood, wielding a sickle, screaming!!! ARRRRGHHHHHH!!..........its only a dream.
ha ha :) it's pretty sick man. visions and dreams like this make me create such tracks. I agree that the drums have to be little louder. gonna work it out. 10X for the comment and I'm glad that you like the track. there will be more soon.
As a guitarist myself, it appeals to me. Its a quirky little ditty, and a bit cheesy too, but i like it. Its got enough stuff goin on for me to grasp and the drums & guitar parts are cool too. Have a listen to my track "Anaerobic" which has my guitar playing in it, although not quite as flashy or up front in the mix, you might dig it. Rock on!
thank you man, as you can tell I really liked the first riff, really got me going. I will deff check out your track man!
thanks for the words! Intellectual and encouraging!
Man! This is seriously dope shit!! Lovin' it m8! It's epic! I was a huge fan of trance going back a few years, and now im a dnb freak.......well this just gels together perfectly. Full trance structure with a dnb beat. Nice. Have not heard much like this before. Now i'm no believer, but i certainly believe you got the goods man, and i wish you the best of luck. Just headin' over to ya website for the album. Hope there's more of these gems on there........Got it, and...Terra Firma kranks along nicely.....BTW.
Yeah man, definitely a break beat tempo dude. Just need to beef it up a bit overall though. Stick some dirt on the bass and lfo it a bit or something to get it moving, compress the drums more, you know.........stuff like that,and i would drop the vinyl effect out of the track too, i think that's better suited to hip hop in my opinion, unless its stuck in the drum loop? Not a bad effort though mate, finish it off and keep on pumpin' them out.
And change its genre to break beat or breaks.
Darker than a dogz gutz m8! Nice! I like 'em dark. Good use of the old skool Roger Waters samples too. Pretty quick though....a bit more than 174bpm was it? Im outa breath after that one.
If ya like ya DNB action, keep ya ears peeled for my tracks which i will soon upload....but in the meantime you can get 'em here:
As soon as my new month of bandwidth starts, ill get 'em on here. Also i see ur from Adelaide..........Join the "Adelaide computer music producers" page on face book and maybe hook up, or get some tracks included in some mixes. Peace bruv.
on This moment by ak47og
on THE WINNER With 107 Points - Krakafaktri by AwakeningComp
They were all worthy of just glad DnB made it into the spotlight........there are so many sub-genres of DnB that there is bound to be something you would like the sound of, even if you're not really a DnB fan.......could i call this track "ambistep"........??
on Chasing Dreams by Strict_Policy
Nice chilled vibe though, and the production is good. [8)
on Intergalactic Battles by Steinaa
on All that Jazz? by Peres
What i call morning music. Good to wake up to and just ease into the morning with. Love the strings & nice keys too....if that's your playing?? One thing i thought was the "Rhode" keys part sort of abruptly jumped in after the piano a bit @ 1:21 . I would of let the piano decay out into the mix while the "Rhode" (or whatever it is) comes in with a bit of reverb to make it less dry and in ya face, so to speak.........but hey, its your track, not mine......just my thoughts. You done a good piece of work there. Peace.
on Drum and Bass Syndicate by Thrillseeker
on LOST & FOUND by Thrillseeker
on Gatescreamer by BIZAROTRIPS
on Strumming the A Strung by Gsusfrk
thanks for the words! Intellectual and encouraging!
on Imago Deo by Flexstyle
on Odyssey by I4c
And change its genre to break beat or breaks.
on scarred by shadowchaserz
If ya like ya DNB action, keep ya ears peeled for my tracks which i will soon upload....but in the meantime you can get 'em here:
An 80's classic remixed:
And a mashup:
As soon as my new month of bandwidth starts, ill get 'em on here. Also i see ur from Adelaide..........Join the "Adelaide computer music producers" page on face book and maybe hook up, or get some tracks included in some mixes. Peace bruv.