I believe the better genre for this would be electro or techno. But this definitely isn't dubstep. I loved it though, no matter what genre. And I had the same approach when I made Boogie Bots (it's on my profile).
This totally reminds me of both the music from Dead or Alive and an old ps1 racing game which I love a lot. Great work, definitely love how chill this is. Chill is good.
I really love the way a hard-driving guitar can compliment a serene piano arrangement. Makes everything that much more kickass. 2 thumbs up for this one. No, make it 4, I just stole some dude's thumbs so I can give you 4.
oh thanks big time ! And also for stealing someones hands lol! But its this great web site for musicians that give us a way to express ourslves thru music.I cant say enough good things about looperman and the great people I meet on here! thanks so so much for your positive review guy and I,ll be sure to check your stuff out!
This has one hell of a beat to it and everything melded so beautifully. Good job (to you and Pianosounds) and gratz on the grandkid. Definitely love your guitar work.
I like the sounds and the lil effect you have going on for the vocals, however I think it could use just a touch more variety in the synth/bass line you got going there. I do like the direction you're going there. Maybe try changing the synth up and parts and see how that goes.
The bass in this song is what really stuck out, in a good way. Just so ya know, some of the best songs I've heard don't really fit into just one genre. As long as its original, who cares right? Music is music, either you love it or ya don't. Great song man, I love it.
thanx i love bass to me it's really the soul of a song so alot of my songs tend to have alot of bass in them if i can help it lol. but thanx for the review means alot, much appreciated.
This one is a definite soul-stealer! As a big fan of dark music, this is definitely another one for my favorites because it really pulls you into it and there's no escape. This one's gonna be stuck in my head for a few days, but I'm not complaining! Keep up the Great work!
First off, I would like to plead guilty to "chair-raving" in the first degree. Second, the sounds are f-ing beautiful in this and you're right, my ass definitely got kicked around a bit with this one. Third, adding this to my favorites simply because it is hella fun to listen to.
This one definitely put me in a daze. I like the fact that it seems it's telling a story with all the little "chapters" in it. Great Job with this one!
To me this song sounds a lil, erm, garbled. Sorry for my lack of technical terms, but it sounds like I'm listening to this underwater. I do like the bass though, really deep.
on Gear Shift by Beatkutz
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thanks again
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great to hear that you liked this track that much ... and for writing it down ... ;-)
peace, rei