

Come For The Vibe Stay For The Sound
Perth, Australia
Joined : 2nd Jul 2009 - 15 years ago
ChaosInAction comments on tracks

ChaosInAction has posted 14 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (14)
ChaosInAction 25th Jul 2013 17:03 - 11 years ago

on Drive 2013 by brillbilly
If this was a product in a store I'd say it is what it says on the label, Drive is the perfect title. Driven beats with bass that just moves along. The "hidden" guitar surprise and synth gems throughout, if you haven't downloaded it yet why are you still reading! .... BrillBilly at his finest! Get it now! :-)
brillbilly replied 25th Jul 2013 - 11 years ago
Siory,i was reading ya lovely comments so i cant download at mo lol

Thank you very much for your very kind comments.!

Im real pleased you like this that much!

Take it home and enjoy for sure!

Big thanks again!

Life love n unity to ya!
ChaosInAction 25th Jul 2013 16:47 - 11 years ago

on The Hypnotist - Dreamtime by Indozizz
Very nice, almost anthem like. The piano is beautiful. If I had any criticism maybe more vocals... but I digress a very professional sound and well produced. Great work!

Cheers C.I.A
Indozizz replied 26th Jul 2013 - 11 years ago
Thanx for your feedback, maybe i can add more vocals for a remix, thanx, really appreciate it!
ChaosInAction 25th Jul 2013 16:33 - 11 years ago

on Love Is The Only Light by VickyDan
Wonderful concept. I loved the vocals the first time I heard the acapella. You have completely transformed this song but still kept the "feel" that the lyrics convey. Absolutely brilliant version in stark contrast to the Trance original and the many remixes done since. A MUST for any Mhyst fans collection! VickyDan you have outdone yourself!
VickyDan replied 26th Jul 2013 - 11 years ago
Hello ....

I like this kind of challenge, as you could possibly see .... The challenge, it is never won in advance, but when the result is as here, the joy is deep ....
This is my way of concevoire and meet this magical art what is, the music ....
You understood the message, and your comments go straight to my heart.

Thank you very much ....

ChaosInAction 9th Jul 2013 11:12 - 11 years ago

on Activate by johnnyproducing
Smooth Johnny, agree with Crucethus does sound like the intro to something Sci-Fi, very catchy and enjoyable. Keep up the good work!
johnnyproducing replied 9th Jul 2013 - 11 years ago
Thanks ChaosInAction ;D Will always try to keep up the good work
ChaosInAction 28th Jun 2012 08:30 - 12 years ago

on Zorahs Fire by TheSavage
Wonderful Cinematic piece, the sound that makes you believe there is a full orchestra playing this track. If you hadn't mentioned Mass Effect I could of seen this as movie end credits type of track but certainly deserves a place somewhere on a more grander media scale be it a video game or movie. Great work would love to hear more cinematic pieces from your good self in the future ..

ChaosInAction 12th Mar 2012 06:21 - 12 years ago

on Inside outside by Manasha777
Great work, love the track, vocals are fantastic, an all round professional sounding track.

:-) Cheers C.I.A
ChaosInAction 14th Jan 2012 09:48 - 13 years ago

on Not A Girl ft NateMonoxide by kimque
Agree with most comments here tho not a dubstepper myself did like the simplicity of the track, it let the vocals tell the story without killing the idea. Good work, I will be eager to hear more acapella stuff from you in future, it is hard to take someone elses words and put music around it you have done a good job keep it up.
ChaosInAction 8th Dec 2011 13:33 - 13 years ago

on The Flight by Zenia
Wonderful voice Zenia love the use of the echo in this track and your harmonizing is great! The song itself is well made love the structure and the flowing feel. Great Job

Cheers C.I.A
Zenia replied 10th Dec 2011 - 13 years ago
Aaah, thank you, thank you! :) That means so much to me. It's a very... flow-y type song, I'm working up towards more beat and such.
Have a marvelous day!
ChaosInAction 7th Nov 2010 10:59 - 14 years ago

on Angel intro-See You again by lofthouse
Hey Loft, Love it ! Mathew would too Im sure... I feel what your trying to convey. Good luck with the Album and my sympathies for your loss... Drop me a line if you need anything and let me know how the Album goes

Cheers C.I.A

P.S Did you end up using Road Rat?
lofthouse replied Unknown
Thank you so much C.I.A!
You're work has inspired me and I have been listening to your music a lot.You are very talented.
I did get permission to use Road Rat.Thank you so much.
Watch this space for updates on the album.Please send me artwork and anything you wouold like mentioned in the credits.
Did you get my mail about your other tracks I would like to use?
ChaosInAction 19th Oct 2010 05:03 - 14 years ago

on Loving u more by lofthouse
Great Track Loft! Yes definately danceable ! Who does your vocals? Will be watching out for more from you for sure !

lofthouse replied Unknown
Thanks so much!Coming from you,that is a real compliment.
I do the vocals on most of my tracks but on this one I pieced together some samples to get a vocal that made sense and tweaked them to the same pitch to sound like it was one person singing.Thanks for listening.I appreciate it!!
ChaosInAction 8th Aug 2010 12:26 - 14 years ago

on This is the Title by DjAotaka
Got some good ideas there Nathan (Read your profile) As a musical piece its a bit fragmented and clunky if that makes sense. With more time and practice you will definitely find your way there is a lot of promise in there some good pieces and use of drums the basic idea of the track is there but just needs to become more fluent and flowing. Good effort keep it up will be watching to see what else you come up with..

Cheers C.I.A
DjAotaka replied Unknown
Hey thanks for your review
I'll review your songssoon ;)
ChaosInAction 3rd Aug 2010 22:21 - 14 years ago

on Sun Kissed Summers by Impulsion
Here is the result. Hope you like it!

Cheers C.I.A
ChaosInAction 27th Jul 2010 22:56 - 14 years ago

on Sun Kissed Summers by Impulsion
This is a great instrumental piece and if I could would love to flip it into something more if you dont have any objections? I love ambient sounds and aside from my dance creations I do love a slower more chill out song, so if your happy for me to turn this into a full track I would love to do so, let me know what u think?

Cheers C.I.A ( Chaos In Action )
Impulsion replied Unknown
Sure dude, you can do whatever you like with it. It was just a lil side-thingy that I did quickly so yeah, I'm cool with that :)
ChaosInAction 6th Jul 2010 23:05 - 14 years ago

on TECHNOLOGY by tommyXangell
Great track love the use of the old classic "Relax" style lyrics from the Frankie song
Comments (14)