Si mie imi pare bine. Aceasta melodie e o versiune demo. Pentru a baga cuvinte trebuie putin modificat in rest e ok. Cred ca am sa reusec pana la urma sa arunc niste versuri in el.:D
This is a those whom me and my friends listen to when just staying...looking in vane...and thinking about life...:D:d......also it could be a soundtrack for a movie (especially for the part when a boy and girl get intimate)...;)
Magical feeling when listening to this track....excellent got it all right...but still I would change the kick...and use some soft/hard kicks from "vengeance" sample pack...
Cheers ;)
Yeah mate, I needta go back n add some stuff to this. The effects thing might work out better than doing what I was originally thinkin. Thanks for the tip. Later on!
Thats Old School sounding in My speakers......Good track...but, if I were you I would change the kick and use some soft kick from "vengeance" samples pack.......+ I would add some vocals...
Great Job.....I like everything You used In this One.....If I were You I wouldnt call It as a Spit Falling Remix/mix.....I would give a name Of my Own.....again..great do have what it takes to make a house track
hi bro thanks for ur comment. İ did check ur page also and ur songs too and i think that your work is really great and i like your sound to also My Only Fortune melody is really amazing
Oops put the wrong reply in the box! hehe. Hi, radumusteata, thanks for listening,. Im happy you like the sounds used and liking the vocals. Its still not exactly how i want it. It took me ages to fit the vocal... I had to cut a lot of mid freq... Thanks again!
Oh My God...That is God's Music.....great Job....Emotion over Emotions when listenin to it.......Can I ask You what did you use here???????Please answer me in PM.....
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Cheers ;)
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I'am not a fan of slow tracks though :S but it could sound good ;)
Thanks for the review! :)
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Good synth...Like the track.....;)
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BTW...CHeck out my new Stuff ;)