Superb! I enjoyed that. Well produced and fairly polished for just an hours work. I like the way you kept it simple, it worked because the tune was catchy. A couple of vocal hits in there and you've got yourself a belter!
Nice track, got a summer feel to it, i reckon if you found the right vocals for it you'd have a hit! Lots of nice sounds going on.
I would probably buy that!
Ticks all the boxes my man!
Add some vox to this and you've got a kick ass track.
3 hours is quite impressive as well, there's a lot going on in there.
Keep it up.
on FAT ELECTRO - Aidan Woody by AidanWoody95
on Afterlife by Dudeyourdead
I would probably buy that!
on lost life by Amr
Add some vox to this and you've got a kick ass track.
3 hours is quite impressive as well, there's a lot going on in there.
Keep it up.