Very worship bound, keep up the good work spread the Word son. If you could up the volume level on your beat, I want to hear the smashing drums etc, otherwise you dope.
Very worship bound, keep up the good work spread the Word son. If you could up the volume level on your eat, I want to hear the smashing drums etc, otherwise you dope.
Dope beat, I can surely spit rhymes on this one, What is are your terms and conditions for using your beats, lease , sale or give away with absolute credit. A m currently trying to finish my mixtape "Representin Jesus Christ" , and in need of beats etc!
Feel free, do you want anything in particular like having it broken down into seperate wave samples? if not i've allowed download on this track so click download and youll be good to go... now i think ill be checkin your rhymes.
Wow, you nailed it to the core, top notch material, I think I will slam poetry on it, will post you the link. Can I please have the BPM/tempo for this beat.
on Old Skool HH Rap beat by macadi
on Kick in the Door by DJJPA
on honeybee by honeybee
on The Top by PrizeBeatz
on Neon Sky by TygraDynamo
on Plot Thickens by Dharper41
on Plot Thickens by Dharper41
on no where near by honeybee
on The Transformers by Audain
on Lights of the Night by Audain
on How Westside Thugs Live by tom2507
on Still Ghetto by tom2507
on Freestyle Beat by tom2507
on How Westside Thugs Live by tom2507
Holla back son.
on Getting That Money by Tshaba
on Drag Through Mud by Tshaba
on Jackpot by Maximillian21
on Beat 060 by FACADE
Thanks for the positive review,
Cheers Facade.
Big up to Minor2go for the piano sample.
on Chromasonic (Feat Philosofist and Prolyfik) by Lvino
on PaSS ME DA ROCK by ZeusDaStud
on Let ur Heart Out by DextDee
on Phantom Piano 1 by DoubleMImaging
I'm till writing lyrics on it, tell me what you think. I dig this beat.
on Phantom Piano 1 by DoubleMImaging
on Phantom Piano 1 by DoubleMImaging
on Higher by soundsgenius