

Charleston, United States
Joined : 4th Aug 2009 - 15 years ago
MCLift comments on tracks

MCLift has posted 20 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (20)
MCLift 12th Sep 2009 13:44 - 15 years ago

on Quiescent by JHolmes
Downloaded! I'm hoping you'll appreciate when I say this piece reminds me so much of the music that used to play in Tomorrowland at Disney World (Behind the Waterfall by David Lanz, Bubble Shuffle by Larry Carlton, etc.). Your style reminds me of Suzanne Ciani in particular. Listened to several of your tracks and this is one of my favorites.
JHolmes replied Unknown
This is actually one of my favorite tracks as well. The animated filters just kinda worked, and I made a few good drum loops for once. I wish I could remember what my process was like when I wrote this one.

I'm not familiar with Suzanne Ciani, nor have I ever been to Disney World (despite having been to Universal Orlando six or seven times and Sea World Orlando three or four). I'll try to find some Larry Carlton, Suzanne Ciani, and David Lanz and see what I think.

Anyway... thanks for the kind words.
MCLift 12th Sep 2009 13:33 - 15 years ago

on I Love My Mom by JHolmes
Wow! This is such a fun track. Love the voice of wind instruments. And you incorporated it in such a playful way. Great job! I want to hear the full arrangement when it's done.
JHolmes replied Unknown
Thank you for the review. I should have some time this weekend to work on it, and I feel like the part I have done is as fleshed out as it should be, so the next update should lengthen it significantly.

The song is now finished-ish.
MCLift 12th Sep 2009 13:06 - 15 years ago

on Somebody by Aivaras
Starts out with sweet, harmonic vocals then builds into disonant trance. Around 2:40 it seems to switch personalities and gradually gets pulled back into the disonance somewhat. But, from 2:40 to the end, it feels incomplete - like you're heading somewhere but not quite sure how to finish it off. The first half of the track is excellent and the rest has great potential. Keep moving forward!
MCLift 31st Aug 2009 09:25 - 15 years ago

on what in the world by lkproductions09
Nice drums although they're a sharp contrast when the silky smooth synths are first introduced - maybe soften the drums a bit at that point. Later, after you switch drum loops and come back to the original loop, the track is in full swing and the contrast works better there. Nice job.
MCLift 30th Aug 2009 12:21 - 15 years ago

on Euphoric Theme by Charlie_Walker
Brilliant track! Downloaded! Got such a rush when the synths built up around 3:30 and never let me down until the very last note.
MCLift 29th Aug 2009 12:32 - 15 years ago

on SwingKing Major House Mix March 2009 by DJSwingKing
Downloaded! Nice track. The first 3 minutes have a great upbeat "popcorn" sound. You're already aware of the kick distort in the second half and it would help if you could get that fixed. The two songs are tied together with a sympathetic drum beat and synths. I think you have the makings of two really good tracks by taking them apart and developing each of them.
DJSwingKing replied Unknown
I agree, I've sort my files out in a new system so I won't loose data again and more tunes will be coming soon my friend
MCLift 21st Aug 2009 23:34 - 15 years ago

on giumbarde by SpAzz
Really cool elements brought together. I'm not particularly a fan of rap, but the vocal tone had a quality that blended nicely with the rest of the instrumentation. On the other hand, I am a fan of mixed genres and this track does an excellent job mixing rap with chill. Good job!
MCLift 20th Aug 2009 08:24 - 15 years ago

on something in the air by smallpaul
So digging this track. Really like the acoustic guitar interludes. Very professional sound - I would buy your music.
smallpaul replied Unknown
thanx again for taking time to listen and review track, as ive said before it makes it all the more worthwhile knowing other people appreciate your music. cheers smallpaul
MCLift 20th Aug 2009 08:11 - 15 years ago

on trance cosmos by smallpaul
Downloaded! You are becoming one of my favorite artists on here. This song just soars. Good strong beat, synths so smooth. When I grow up I want to be just like you. lol
MCLift 20th Aug 2009 07:17 - 15 years ago

on Dice by Faketrix
Downloaded this track! Excellent work. When I saw the genre was "deep house" I almost passed it by thinking it might be too loud/repetitious/monotonous. What you have is a groovy smoothie with a great bassline, nice pads and synths. You throw in a few breaks with the drum beats and if I would make any suggestion it would be to change up the drum beat occasionally - don't just drop it out - but utilize a drum that would change the pattern to create some build and maybe switch back to the original drum loop when you're winding down.
Faketrix replied Unknown
Thanks for the good review MC. I will definately try out a few more drum fills to spice things up a bit and see how it works out.
Cheers, Faketrix
MCLift 18th Aug 2009 10:32 - 15 years ago

on above the clouds by smallpaul
After a literal 14-hour work day, came home to chill out with some tunes and discovered this brilliant track. Strings are gorgeous - nice breaks in the charming beats. Definitely got the feeling of soaring. Excellent work, mate! Downloaded to add to my iPod.
smallpaul replied Unknown
thanx for review mate, makes it all the more worthwhile.
MCLift 17th Aug 2009 17:02 - 15 years ago

on anotherplace by shadowchaserz
Brilliant! Nice mix of instruments giving it a global sound ("another place"? lol). Beat feels a little heavy after that delicate piano loop (around 2:30). Excellent work.
MCLift 15th Aug 2009 20:36 - 15 years ago

on Red Earth by LS2GTO
Nice lead-in and then it grabbed me and ran.

Awesome intro. Now, I want to hear the rest of it. lol
LS2GTO replied Unknown
Sad to say that's about as far I've come with it. I can't wait to figure out how the rest should go. Thanks for the good review.
MCLift 15th Aug 2009 17:48 - 15 years ago

on fooking hard work by FruitlessRecords
All the makings of a hot time on the dance floor. As Spivkurl suggested, it could use a bigger build - maybe pads, but maybe something a little unexpected...?
MCLift 14th Aug 2009 17:22 - 15 years ago

on Fluid Blue String by CalifKen
Great track! I would definitely add it to my iPod. The harp-ish instrument at 3:11 is a bit louder when it comes in which kind of pulls me out of the trance the rest of the track creates. Excellent use of overlapping textures.//Review of Update: The sound at 3:11 now flows - great job! From 3:33 on, did you change something? Maybe I'm just hearing it differently because the flow wasn't interrupted. Also, the track seems to end rather abruptly. Oh, as for genre, I'd vote chillout.
CalifKen replied Unknown
Hey man I will send you the mp3. Thank you very much for that and especially the specific mention with time code. I've done that and will try to more, it makes for a review that is as useful as it can be. Thx thx!
MCLift 14th Aug 2009 11:49 - 15 years ago

on Rewind (Unfinished) by FruitlessRecords
I actually like the drums n bass. The synth/piano intro is nice, but switch it up throughout the track - gets a little repetitious.
MCLift 14th Aug 2009 11:43 - 15 years ago

on Wind Up (Rough) by FruitlessRecords
This track would mesh nicely with female trio vocals. Even just a few "ooh's" and "ahh's". Great track over too soon.
MCLift 14th Aug 2009 11:40 - 15 years ago

on tING tANG by FruitlessRecords
Aw dude, just as I was getting into the groove it ended. Sweet, sensual beat. Fill this puppy out.
MCLift 14th Aug 2009 11:16 - 15 years ago

on another chance give me one by lkproductions09
Really diggin this. Agree with Reverse to bump the volume on the vocals just a tad - maybe consider progressively processing the vocals somewhat to add some variety. Good job.
MCLift 14th Aug 2009 11:08 - 15 years ago

on Two Worlds by Planetjazzbass
Very nice collaboration. Perhaps a little echo or reverb on the vocal to closer match the feel of the music - sounds a little like a voiceover as is. Track ends a little abruptly. All the pieces are there and mostly polished. Nice job.
Comments (20)