captivating. christ paul it’s daybreak here and i been sitting all night with the cats watching the rabbits on the grass. you are absolutely haunting me out bro, this is like having company. thanks, pal.
bro i thought Zoots believable was great add captivating to it, makes me feel like i drew gold, along with me sounding good on Manu' average ear buds, im speechless.
really to spend time alone with another artist gives me pleasure thats what we all do, headset on just you and your listen alone, to be able to deliver you to that place is what all artist want, it gives me great joy and motivation to keep going.
your company would be great to keep, the stories we could talk Mike the tales we COULD tell. keep listening my next is both expressive but powerful and sends the message, its actually a history lesson too
hello. i really love the sound of this, nice blend of cool and warm. the groove is fantastic and the vox/sampling is engaging and used in an interesting way. it’s a delicious track
this is a candle in the dark, mate. courageous verse and soulful delivery create a sheltered space, encouraging and healing vibes. you got the music in you, brother — i’m glad you’re here.
thankyou bro, it was courageous :)) but its the truth, if you think about it, we give each other a lot of time we're all like a family so why not love 'em eh. you all let me go to a place that makes me happy and escape reality at times i appreciate you and i'm so glad your here too Mike
this really kicks when the sax comes in, that works really well and the interlude gives the reprise a more purposeful sound. kinda king crimson-y and very cool.
what a cool project, it certainly spoke to me here in the usa watching the rise and fall and rising again of a beast. perfs are great, the reading is resonant. bravo to all
really nice spatially. intrepid stuff, i’m thinking bang-bang club, a van slowly steadily pushing upstream in a seething crowd of people in a shantytown outside the metropolis. cool stuff.
i hear ya now, Dimestop! yer titanic bro even under the weight of all the wonderbras your octomom fanbase tries to keep you under. god bless you Paul and your livewire alter-supergo too. always love to hear a collab, this was a great match.
just been on your thunder driving Mike, my alter ego is off the charts, i love waxing lyrical. but
hold the press bro ive got some sweet to come, im working on two 'tribute' and 'perfect' out to break hearts soulful ballads :))
hello. i like the sound and vibe of the track. the new order-y riff is cool and your vox pairs well with it. additive sounds or breaks would sound good in this, but i dig the minimalist thing this has as well.
on Androids by Prodambien
on Dreaming of you by fabicruz1
on In a heartbeat by Wooster27
on The helicopters by bringerofDOOM
Thanks for listening and coomenting
on Overthinking staring out windows by dimestop
really to spend time alone with another artist gives me pleasure thats what we all do, headset on just you and your listen alone, to be able to deliver you to that place is what all artist want, it gives me great joy and motivation to keep going.
your company would be great to keep, the stories we could talk Mike the tales we COULD tell. keep listening my next is both expressive but powerful and sends the message, its actually a history lesson too
on After Party by wmbtw
on Tribute by dimestop
on Closer by Zootman
on 21 Lights On by BeatMaker4real
on Broadcastes by Mandthone
on Episode One - Pod Racers by TouringAmmosKane
on ARE YOU READY by BeatMaker4real
on Trumpet by MikeySimpson
on Honey bbq frito twists go hard by Ruc
on lofi beat - my first by czbeats
on sushilbawa - thomas doubleyou - HYPNONOTIC INDIA by ThomasDoubleYou
on From A German War Primer Poem By Bertolt Brecht by BeatJazz
on Action News Team by TouringAmmosKane
on The Luna by BeatMaker4real
on Headshot by dimestop
hold the press bro ive got some sweet to come, im working on two 'tribute' and 'perfect' out to break hearts soulful ballads :))
on Take Me Tonight by ChandelierTeardrops
on Bounce - instrumental by zipbass
on Forty Wink 64 by TouringAmmosKane
on R H - No Hope Zombie theme by ripzore9191
I appreciate your kind words!