

Pull the trigger and the nightmare stops
Spokane Wa, United States
Joined : 2nd Sep 2009 - 15 years ago
nosnhojnilremus comments on tracks

nosnhojnilremus has posted 48 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 48
nosnhojnilremus 26th Dec 2012 15:26 - 12 years ago

on Dream Comes True by MariosMakesMusic
I love the track and the arrangement is perfect, good job.
nosnhojnilremus 15th May 2012 06:00 - 12 years ago

on Shadowcast by sumerlin
Pretty solid so far bro, let me know what you want to do with this cause I want to be a part of it, RJDRIP!!
sumerlin replied 16th May 2012 - 12 years ago
this im thinking could be a intro id like to have the main song centerd around the it you could help me by creating a soild slow powerful drum and bass line that fades in at the end and is the base for the first track. really just use your imagination and add too this in any way you like .
nosnhojnilremus 25th Jan 2012 21:43 - 13 years ago

on Metal by sumerlin
Nicely done my friend, and you made that all raw? Kudos to you, nice piece of music.
nosnhojnilremus 25th Jan 2012 21:39 - 13 years ago

on Deep cover by sumerlin
This is cool, it sounds like the sound track to a 3-d space fighter video game. I love it. the damn program should glitch on you more often, lol.
nosnhojnilremus 25th Jan 2012 21:37 - 13 years ago

on Sierra by sumerlin
Rather interesting little ditty. Hope the kid appreciates it. Nicely done.
nosnhojnilremus 27th Jun 2011 06:51 - 13 years ago

on The Devil You Know by Druidikal
Why do I get the most vivid picture of S.O.D.? I kept expecting to hear 'Chromatic Death!' this is truly twisted, love the genre mashing, totally brutal!
Druidikal replied Unknown
Thanks man, I used to love SOD, so simple yet so badass. I guess inadvertently I am influenced by them still.
nosnhojnilremus 27th Jun 2011 06:47 - 13 years ago

on Fade to Black by FineRedMist
Wow, this is truly showing some promise. With a bit of cleaning this would sound really cool. The drums need a bit more presence, and the guitar is really in the background, it needs to come forward a bit, and the vocals, especially the scream, need to be heard a little louder and slightly clearer. This still rocks in the condition it is in but I would love to hear this after more work, keep up the good metal.
FineRedMist replied Unknown
yeah i cant figure mixing out very well one sound usually just ends up drowning out another. thanks for the review tho.
nosnhojnilremus 27th Jun 2011 06:43 - 13 years ago

on Bring Me To My Knees (Reprise) by SpyderX
Another fine job by the Spyder. Very nice work man. and yeah, the Resident Evil influence is clear. Truly an awesome piece of metal. Keep up the work, truly loving it.
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thank you very much, my friend. I recently got a shitload of new processors, so I'm currently re-mastering some of my earlier stuff to bring it up to par.

Appreciate the listen and review, bro, as always.


nosnhojnilremus 27th Jun 2011 06:39 - 13 years ago

on Insanitys Soft Embrace by SpyderX
Wow!, I'm blown away. This is rockin. I just love the whole arrangement. Sounds truly metal, in a twisted way, I love it! Rock on!
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thank you for the kind words, bro ~ I appreciate it.


nosnhojnilremus 3rd Apr 2011 20:21 - 13 years ago

on Symptom of the Universe (cover) by TheMorningDivide
Holy Black Sabbath! Ozzy would be proud, my friend. I think given your speed on this, it needs a screaming vocal. Nicely done.
nosnhojnilremus 3rd Apr 2011 20:02 - 13 years ago

on MONSTER WAR by thrashermetal10
Very, nice guitar work. Awesome riffage throughout the track. I think the only thing that you need to really make this track blow people away is the drums. The drums need to have more presence, be more in your face. The double kicks should be heard with your riffing. Other than that it is a brutal metal track. Great work, cant wait to hear the finished product.
thrashermetal10 replied Unknown
yea all i can do is record guitar i cant controll the drums ,i got the loop from here but im workin on it, thnx for the great feedback bro
nosnhojnilremus 3rd Apr 2011 19:57 - 13 years ago

on Dont fall before your enemies by mcskynard
Holy hell, those are some brutal chops there my friend. I love the electro mixed in, it reminds me of acoustic Nightwish. Very nice track, keep it rockin'.
mcskynard replied Unknown
Thanks for listening and taking your time to write a review.Still tweeking the song a bit,but put it out to get some feedback.

nosnhojnilremus 19th Dec 2010 20:23 - 14 years ago

on FaithNameless DarkNess Remix by sumerlin
Dude, this is cool. Nicely done, i like the way you mixed the two songs. Very nice.
sumerlin replied Unknown
yeah its jusy creepy huh!>:) been messing with the latest you sent got some cool ideas. way have one for you soon. got the kids today.
nosnhojnilremus 5th Nov 2010 00:27 - 14 years ago

on Acid Reign by SpyderX
Brutal chops going there my man, nicely done. I really loved the reverse hi-hat sound you used, made the whole track more futuristic sounding. Truly a work of art there man.
SpyderX replied Unknown
Well, thank you very much for the listen and review, Mr. Johnson ~ I really do appreciate it.

Though Classic Metal is indeed my first love, I do try to steer away from the banal and trite. Even when writing a straight Metal track, I try to do something a little different to keep it interesting. Glad you enjoyed the track, my friend.


nosnhojnilremus 5th Nov 2010 00:18 - 14 years ago

on so sick by Fayz
Very interesting track you got here, I love the chaotic feel that the arrangement has going for it, made me want to get up and slam dance. Really a well put together track. Nicely done.
nosnhojnilremus 22nd Oct 2010 18:02 - 14 years ago

on Bring in the Dark (updated) by BlueSkyBleedingBlack
I agree with memyself40, it is about time we get some new metalheads in here. This track makes me want to get up and mosh around. brutal guitar work and the simplistic drum track accents the tune but doesn't overpower it, truly a nice job. The music calls out for a vocal, something very low and growly, like Dethklok, without the ridiculously funny lyrics. (Dethklok rulez! LOL) keep up the good work and I will definately be looking for more from you in the future.
nosnhojnilremus 22nd Oct 2010 17:58 - 14 years ago

on Cut the Strings by BlueSkyBleedingBlack
Holy hell, that was awesome. My only criticism is the popping and crackling in the beginning, if you could remove those, this would be flawless. Awesome job bro, and I agree with Stalju about the voice, a female growler like arch enemy or otep would rock this out seriously. Keep it up, love the track.
nosnhojnilremus 22nd Oct 2010 06:45 - 14 years ago

on flowing down by rei4real
where ya been? haven't heard anything from you but this is truly a work of art. I truly love the arrangement. Very nice, very nice.
rei4real replied Unknown
yeah ... I'm pretty busy with my job and my band ...
but thx for stopping by and listen!!!
peace, rei
nosnhojnilremus 17th Sep 2010 01:05 - 14 years ago

on Riverside by sumerlin
YES!! This is more like it. After listening to the last few tracks you have posted, it's nice to hear the raw, driving rock that I know you have running in your veins. This is really good.
nosnhojnilremus 17th Sep 2010 00:46 - 14 years ago

on A cid ask ED by sumerlin
What type of acid have YOU been taking? This is pretty good rockabilly/pseudo-funk music. But damn, I want whatever you are taking if this is the feeling you get. LOL!
sumerlin replied Unknown
4/way/window xp/pane! lol
nosnhojnilremus 17th Sep 2010 00:42 - 14 years ago

on MISLED by sumerlin
Nice track, but it sounds almost like you were trying to metalize the "Halloween" theme music.
sumerlin replied Unknown
humm? i was thinking its got a midi-maiden sound to it but its all subjetive to the listener right? thanks for your input my friend!!!
nosnhojnilremus 17th Sep 2010 00:40 - 14 years ago

on 60 seconds by sumerlin
This is pretty good for a start. It definitely needs more variation and it's screaming for some serious lyrics, hope to hear the FINISHED song soon.
nosnhojnilremus 17th Sep 2010 00:37 - 14 years ago

on Dance of the Grimlin by sumerlin
Geez, what were you on? Where did that come from? I think I heard that same tune in one of my re-occurring nightmares. Nice job bro.
nosnhojnilremus 6th Jul 2010 07:13 - 14 years ago

on FaithNameless by sumerlin
Holy, what was that? When did you become so fricking good at this? Hot damn man that was Killer! keep em coming bro!
sumerlin replied Unknown
hummm? found the right loops i guess? listened to the acappella fell in love and started arraging .well and must tweeked/played it a 1000 times untill i thought it sounded right! glad you liked it .
peace my brother!
nosnhojnilremus 6th Jul 2010 07:03 - 14 years ago

on Wait One Minute Collab with ChrisCharles by Gordw
God damn! Excuse my language but that was really bad. You guys tore this up, I really like the whole package. Truly a track worth repeating, (twice for me, third time as I write this review). Good job guys.
Gordw replied Unknown
Thanks for your review, Chris has super powerfull vocals on this track which it needed. And just so you know,no need to excuse your language to me man.
Take it easy
Comments 1 - 25 of 48