

Pull the trigger and the nightmare stops
Spokane Wa, United States
Joined : 2nd Sep 2009 - 15 years ago
nosnhojnilremus comments on tracks

nosnhojnilremus has posted 48 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 26 - 48 of 48
nosnhojnilremus 29th May 2010 22:31 - 14 years ago

on Boys Have by Badhuman
Once again, the Badhuman has proven to rise above the common mortals to achieve metal-godhood. Truly rocking man, live the guitar riffs and the vocal spots accented the tune perfectly.
Awesome track.
Badhuman replied Unknown
Wow! Thanks nos.
nosnhojnilremus 29th May 2010 22:27 - 14 years ago

on skeleton Key by sumerlin
Dude, this is still cool but it truly shows just how far your ability has come. All I know is rei4real has had this guitar progression played out. It still rocks though, which is why it never dies! ROCK ON FREAKY BRO!!!!!!
nosnhojnilremus 25th May 2010 04:29 - 14 years ago

on Defend the BASS by sumerlin
Holy bro, only you could do this so well. I love the disjointed way the guitar riffs in the background. Sounds bad and do I recognize the drums in the background. Killer track, can't wait to hear it when it's over. Rock on freaky bro!
nosnhojnilremus 11th May 2010 20:45 - 14 years ago

on Taken by sumerlin
Hey, tell me something. Is it true that practice makes perfect? If so, you must be practicing alot because this is damn near perfect. Way to go bro!
sumerlin replied Unknown
yeah its starting to come together for me..still have alot to learn.. thanks for the listen myfriend and keep on rockin
nosnhojnilremus 11th May 2010 20:37 - 14 years ago

on Chick Fight by Badhuman
Holy chick fight, Badhuman! Very nice job man, truly nice. I really liked the arrangement, and the riffing is just brutal. Awesome.
Badhuman replied Unknown
LOL. Thank you Robin. Now back to the Badmobile.
nosnhojnilremus 9th May 2010 07:13 - 14 years ago

on what its about by sumerlin
Dude, I make three tracks with that dude's guitar riffs in them, not a word. You remix one of MY tracks I mixed and he compliments you WTF??
sumerlin replied Unknown
my friend do you know how many loopers use rei stuff..dont worry im sure it will come your way..peace and thank you for your drum track and other files again it was fun to remix it.
nosnhojnilremus 9th May 2010 07:06 - 14 years ago

on Good Night At The Bar by sumerlin
Dude do more music drunk! This is badass! Gotta disagree with your genre placement, this is most definitely NOT country. More like Southern rock on crack! very nicely done, really, you must do more tracks while intoxicated. LOL! Awesome bro!
sumerlin replied Unknown
LoL just email some 40s and im on it..again it was a good night at the bar! ;)
nosnhojnilremus 9th May 2010 07:01 - 14 years ago

on Alone Again by sumerlin
Hey man, not bad, if you ever do figure out some lyrics for this, throw them my way, I'll sing them for you. Nicely done bro.
sumerlin replied Unknown
give it a shot! and send it to my gmail
nosnhojnilremus 9th May 2010 06:53 - 14 years ago

on Prayer by tinphish
Wow, very nicely arranged. I also have to agree about the bells, nice touch. I also truly enjoyed the synth in the back drop. I can't wait to hear the remix. Good good job man.
tinphish replied Unknown
Thank you very much dude :). will keep you posted on the new version.
nosnhojnilremus 5th Mar 2010 19:00 - 15 years ago

on Lonely is the night by FrenchKid18
As all the other reviews state, this track is pretty darn good just the way it is. It reminds me of The Clash. I think the track is good the way it is but if you really want a change in the beat, I would like to try a shot at it. Let me know.
FrenchKid18 replied Unknown
Thanks a lot for the review.I'm really glad you like it.If you leave me your mail I can send you the track with no beat.
French Kid
nosnhojnilremus 5th Mar 2010 18:55 - 15 years ago

on AnomalyJ's My Restless Soul (BigPete music) by BigPete
Holy hell man, this is awesome mixing. The music and the 'pella sound like they were made for each other. You hit this one outof the park. Good job, Big Pete.
BigPete replied Unknown
Thanks I really wanted this to sound like a live band and a singer jamming, thanks for your kind review and taking the time to feedback.
wait till you hear the new one I did with an AJ acapella I think its even better.
nosnhojnilremus 3rd Feb 2010 17:37 - 15 years ago

on pasudo LIVE by sumerlin
Holy sh1t man, where did you get the crowd noises. This is badass. Too bad this is probably the only way that I'll ever hear a roaring crowd for MY music, but it's cool. I have been trying to get ahold of you but your brother-in-law never answers his phone and when he does, he never has you call me. Call me yourself, you know my number.
sumerlin replied Unknown
glad you likeed it...:) i got the crowed stuff off the net, where? i dont remember? yeah ill call you soon i plan to get a phone soon..
later bud talk to ya soon!
nosnhojnilremus 20th Dec 2009 03:12 - 15 years ago

on TO THE 5TH DEGREE by bigcadillac22
Beautiful ripping start. I had my speakers rockin when it hit, awesome! Have to agree about the bass but, I love alot of bass in metal music. Cool track.
nosnhojnilremus 19th Dec 2009 21:44 - 15 years ago

on Escaping by Steinaa
Very nice track man, has a really good flow and the melodic bridges break it up nicely.
nosnhojnilremus 16th Dec 2009 03:19 - 15 years ago

on TheWall by sumerlin
Very interesting mix up man. what college are you going to? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU????!!!!!!!
nosnhojnilremus 16th Dec 2009 03:15 - 15 years ago

on computer dreams? by sumerlin
OMFG??!! What are you on man? The song is strange enough but the explanation.... whatever you are on, I want some. Where ya been Ron? Haven't seen you on the looperman in a while. Hit me up bro.
nosnhojnilremus 16th Dec 2009 02:51 - 15 years ago

on 3 - Britney Spears Cover by StephanieKay
I must say, very nice and you have a beautiful voice. My daughter listens to this song all the time so I hear it a lot, like it or not. But I could actually handle the song with your voice on it and my daughter said you 'Rocked it better than Britney' to quote. keep it up.
StephanieKay replied Unknown
aww :D thanks
nosnhojnilremus 22nd Nov 2009 10:15 - 15 years ago

on Stalking You by digitalenigma0
Definitely has some serious anger and rage in it. Have to agree with the Ministry comparison, although it put me in the thought of old school NIN as well. Very good industrial metal. Keep on stalking.
nosnhojnilremus 22nd Nov 2009 10:11 - 15 years ago

on Controle machine by jjy
Wow dude, I want to hear more of your band's stuff. Kind of reminds me of Bullet for my Valentine. Very awesome. Keep up the awesome work.
nosnhojnilremus 22nd Nov 2009 09:48 - 15 years ago

on Hint At Inadequacies by Badhuman
Damn. We're not worthy. This is bad ass to the core bro. You got some serious Dimebag channeling going on in that riff. The drums and bass are truly kick-ass too but the Guitar really makes the song. Awesome!
nosnhojnilremus 21st Sep 2009 17:40 - 15 years ago

on Haunted by Sixfingermusic
Wow, words don't describe it. The whole arrangement just melts together and leaves you wanting more. I have listened to this 4 times already, and I'm annoying myself putting a review up when I should be listening again. Very, very cool track!
nosnhojnilremus 19th Sep 2009 23:06 - 15 years ago

on La Di Boo (You Got It) by CharlieG
Dude, awesome blues. I really liked the harmonica in the background. The vocal samples went well with the whole thing. Good Job!
CharlieG replied Unknown
Thank you. Blues is in my DNA!
nosnhojnilremus 2nd Sep 2009 01:15 - 15 years ago

on Summertime by sumerlin
Dude, not too bad but try to add more variety. Still, rocks good though.
sumerlin replied Unknown
yeah very true!! thanks peace bro.
Comments 26 - 48 of 48