great funky,wierd stuff! love the piano its hard to describe but for some reason i dont mind the out of key for some reason idk. great trumpet solo i just heard now very interesting! why are the drums panning in and out? creative best describes this good job!
yup. its official. THIS IS MENTAL!!!!!!! i dont normallly give reviews like this but this is simply a great song. if u send the loop pack to i can remix it if u want? thanks 9.2/10
love the minimal approach! real funky bass i love it i just cant get that realistic bass in my tracks.i dont really like the fade in intro though maybe something different its a bit same old for my liking but i couldn't see any other things to critisise. if u send the looops to i can remix it if u like? 8.8/10
the mafia
everything was great till you did the repeat at about 0:36 seconds it was technicly a beat to much it sounded alright but for a trained muscian it was confusing and stopped the flow of thee trak. overall good job keep it up
as much as i would love to sort it out, recently ive been moving my loops around and have lost a few so cant fix it. but when im sorted i will sort out the track and let you know
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the mafia
Thankyou for reviewing my track.
on used messy organ by twich014