Glad you liked this song. It has been out there awhile. You are welcome to put vocals to it. Just don't make it into an 'adult' dirty song like someone else recently tried to. lol
Thank you for listening and reviewing this country song I put together. All of my songs are instrumentals. I think I have about 33 of them up on here. 2-3 of them do have vocals added from fellow loopermen/women though.
Anyways, thanks again...I left a comment on one of your latest songs as well.
when I get my computer back I want to work with you you are the only person who has really caputured the harmony and made it match alot of people cant do that bless you!
Hi Lis, Im glad you like it gurl, my internet has been down thats why its taken a minute to reply, but we can definitely do something, im thinkin about pushing that tune to a few dj's i know to see if it can some air time out here in london on the pirate radio and rave scene, if it gets a good reception, we can do another and maybe a test press. obviously with the go ahead from u.
this is beautiful,the music was amazing,the vocals are amazing and the words are just outstanding,you dont need anyone to sing this song,you have an amazng soothing voice keep it up!!
on Shivers by ines76
on InPeril ft LisMarie - Chase by InPeril
on Made in the USA by Randall822
Glad you liked this song. It has been out there awhile. You are welcome to put vocals to it. Just don't make it into an 'adult' dirty song like someone else recently tried to. lol
on Country Rt-96 by Randall822
Thank you for listening and reviewing this country song I put together. All of my songs are instrumentals. I think I have about 33 of them up on here. 2-3 of them do have vocals added from fellow loopermen/women though.
Anyways, thanks again...I left a comment on one of your latest songs as well.
on wait feat LisMarie by TheseMetalDays
thank you so much wonderful!
on Mystery Uneffected (Feat LisMarie) by TraXnCtrl
on Strange Feat LisMarie by Paulkeus
on Lullaby - R9 - LisMarie by R9MZ
on Snippet by Sourmango
on The prayer of Daedalus by Davytryhard