It's like you brought the rave to my ears. Honestly this is pretty cool. I could see this in an edit or go good with some 90's dance vocals, or even a modern vocal take. Great energy. Keep creating man!
Sheesh this goes hard and I love some of the variation in the percs. I could see Big X sliding on this or a similar artist as well. My friend would love this beat. Keep creating man!
I like the angle you went with your vocal delivery on this. And nice touch on some of the backing vocals. Definitely has an intriguing sound and good variation
I like this. Kind of makes me nostalgic like I am 10 again and playing spiderman on my PSP (is what it reminds me of). Good job man keep doing ur thing
on Closed World by AlexBorvin
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on 4-11 - 49 Days by BaoBou
And really the guitar on this is lovely. Keep it up!
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