

Minneapolis, United States
Joined : 4th Nov 2009 - 15 years ago
Apieceoftofu comments on tracks

Apieceoftofu has posted 219 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 76 - 100 of 219
Apieceoftofu 29th Oct 2010 21:30 - 14 years ago

on I Remeber (Remake) by Victor1989
sounds good man you should have finished it. i love the original and your sounded sick too.
Apieceoftofu 29th Oct 2010 21:15 - 14 years ago

Ok, alot of potential here. you did a nice job bringing in the drums. the bass drop was a little minimal for me... i usually prefer a bigger buildup than just a reversed cymbal before the bassline drops. Your wobbles are perfectly timed to the beat. You definetly need to get your levels and EQing worked out. The most apparant EQing that it needs is on the bassline (or it may just be too loud im not sure) because its overloading my speakers and obscuring your drums a bit. Also your bassline could use some more variation between 8 bar loops. I think your vocals could be less distorted as well. This has some great potential for a sick track. right now its decent but it could be great!
MRJPRODUCTIONS replied Unknown
thanks for ya review mate.....
basicly this tune was jst a tester to see how much my ram on my pc can handle..
my ram at the moment is'nt very big..its less than 1gb so my pc had alot of trouble makin this track.

but thanks for ya comment anyway...and once ive soughted my ram out i will update this track
Apieceoftofu 26th Oct 2010 23:51 - 14 years ago

on The Beat by Dmsbeatz
your obviously new to electronic dance music. EDM should always be structured around the "8 bar loop" or "8 bar phrase". If your dropping in a new instrument or changing the melody or basically changing anything in the track the change has to come at the beginning of the next 8 bar loop. For instance you can't drop in the new kick where you did it has to start at the beginning of the next 8 bar phrase.
Dmsbeatz replied Unknown
yes iam and still learning everyday! like i said this was one of my first so i know i have have a lot to work on, but i try to make music in my own way so its not always the right way! many thanks for the input tho!..Dms.
Apieceoftofu 25th Oct 2010 01:28 - 14 years ago

on Double Vision by MenzieBeatz
i can def get jiggy to this... its a dirty piece... your obviously a decent producer so next time just make your own drum loop and dont sell yourself short on that aspect of your track.
Apieceoftofu 25th Oct 2010 01:08 - 14 years ago

on Electro Example by DjnErU
you have alot of great sounds in your trax. i think often you need to make sure your keys match up at times (when you bring in a new melody)... it sounds a bit discordant. Also it feels like your notes on your synths arent quantized. did you record them with a midi controller like a midi keyboard?
DjnErU replied Unknown
No... THis Is My Own Notes...
Apieceoftofu 15th Oct 2010 01:17 - 14 years ago

on Bradd - September by DjBradd
sick as usual m8... i just wish you would finish these!!!
Apieceoftofu 2nd Oct 2010 17:28 - 14 years ago

on zombies by cmgoodman1226
pretty good start here. the samples are definitely dubstep worthy and you use them to good effect. i think your basslines need work (they are awkwardly fluxuating with the drums and sound out of tune at times with your other elements). Your drums are spot on although they do get burried in the mix at times especially by your vocal samples (work on eqing both to make them mesh better). Lastly and most importantly if your gonna produce any form of electronic dance music, dubstep included, you HAVE to base your track on 8 bar segments often reffered to as "the 8 bar loop" in other words your drop cant come in the middle of a bar, you cant drop new instruments in anywhere but the 9th bar, etc. 8 bar loop is not only essential for DJ's who want to spin your track in a set but also it just makes the track sound properly structured and formulated. Peace and keep up the good work, lemme know if you update this track.
Apieceoftofu 1st Oct 2010 21:07 - 14 years ago

on DIRTY DUTCH - Griff by GRlFF
lawl... dirty dutch... i suppose you really captured that synth that is so apparently so loved nowadays... idk i always felt like a clown ass when trying to dance to this stuff but respect for the production skillz
Apieceoftofu 1st Oct 2010 21:03 - 14 years ago

on Old school (Electro house congo remix) by DJOscar98
good stuff man, you have excellent sounds although u need to make your bassline's key match up with your lead synths key cause right now there off and its ruining it.
Apieceoftofu 1st Oct 2010 20:55 - 14 years ago

on Sex Music by DjnErU
cool track dude but your drums need some eqing cause they gettin lost in the synths
Apieceoftofu 1st Oct 2010 20:51 - 14 years ago

on Pianobass prw by Arifanof
sexy track man, love the vocals and the house vibe!
Arifanof replied Unknown
Glad that you like it.
Apieceoftofu 1st Oct 2010 20:50 - 14 years ago

on Infinity Ver 2 by H4X0R01
agreed with poster below, also you NEED a kick to accompany your melody.
Apieceoftofu 1st Oct 2010 15:49 - 14 years ago

on I Am House (Grey robot electro remix) by DJOscar98
you didnt answer my question. can i remix this??
DJOscar98 replied Unknown
Yes you can remix My Song!!!! ;)
Apieceoftofu 29th Sep 2010 20:22 - 14 years ago

on I Am House (Grey robot electro remix) by DJOscar98
hey man id love to remix this if you would let me, i see you use FL 9 as do I. Lemme know if you are down.
DJOscar98 replied Unknown
Yes I use fruty loop 9... Tank you for review =) Please listen my other songs =D
Apieceoftofu 27th Aug 2010 04:38 - 14 years ago

on Crazy Electro by H4X0R01
sounds great dude! it needs a bigger kick though... on my laptop speakers it sounds like there is no kick at all... idk if this is true but if it is definetly get a kick in there. this could be a club banger with a strong 4/4 kick
Apieceoftofu 27th Aug 2010 04:33 - 14 years ago

on Quantum Philosophy by SovereignKonceptz
your usual good stuff! i dont even bother faving your trax cause i have just faved you as an artist and routinely come back to listen through your trax. peace!
Apieceoftofu 27th Aug 2010 04:30 - 14 years ago

on Fascinating by MenzieBeatz
nice EQing as is... good use of vocals... big improvement can be made by giving us a sub bass PRONTO!!! it has a lot of potential!
Apieceoftofu 25th Aug 2010 00:48 - 14 years ago

on the bad champion by senciman
nice my dude! its lacking the wobble basses that qualify so much of dubstep but i really dont miss them in this case. Its a really spacy atmospheric and trippy track and its a breath of fresh dubstep air. i think the intro needs work and the drums need to be cleaned up a bit in the mix. peace!
Apieceoftofu 21st Aug 2010 00:51 - 14 years ago

on Deep warm piano by Stormclub
yea definetly my type of electro house! Very very nice here! Teach me how to make your electro synths!!
Stormclub replied Unknown
I'm using Nexus refx:)
Apieceoftofu 21st Aug 2010 00:45 - 14 years ago

on Freqnsee by reddee
i really like the sounds in your main groove however you need to keep working on your EQing and mastering. take those bird chirping sweeps way down in volume and frequency. also for house i would suggest making your kick alot thicker and harder hitting... give it more bass and mid range frequencies. also those little piano progressions dont seem to be in the same key as your main melody line. peace!
reddee replied Unknown
Thx for the feedback! yah am still gonna work on it I just need to rest my ears lol they got fatigue! its really hard eqing n mastering but ama use your tips n try to make it better!
Apieceoftofu 10th Aug 2010 17:46 - 14 years ago

on ATR- nimpho mania by Astrolica
some definite potential here man... gotta eq your bassline more cause atm its killing your kick's frequencies, also your wobbles are fluxuating in and out of time with your beat... if your DAW has a function where you can match the wobbles to the beats use that to even things out there... it also needs better transitions cause atm your just dropping out and throwing elements in with no transition for the ears... try at least adding some reversed crash cymbals to smooth things out between sections
Astrolica replied Unknown
i am a begginer and my problem is the bass line i don't know how to fix it :(
Apieceoftofu 10th Aug 2010 06:13 - 14 years ago

on Hologram Dance by Lightward
really love this track... dont listen to much trance anymore but your melodic progressions are sick and your layering during the buildups really makes the buildups epic however i do prefer snare rolls in my trance and i feel like the drops dont release the energy of the buildups in as epic a way as could be achieved. anyway really good track man, peace
Apieceoftofu 9th Aug 2010 18:44 - 14 years ago

on Electro House Mix by znoel
i like your wobble bass alot... i could put that to very good use in a dubstep track. anyway the track is basic but it sounds good. try bulking up your mix with some more hats to drop in. keep it up man
znoel replied Unknown
thanks man, im trying to get a new mp3 converter and gonna post some loops up soon
Apieceoftofu 3rd Aug 2010 11:48 - 14 years ago

nice electro track! love your pumping bassline its got tons of NRG... i do wish this track was based on the 8 bar loop instead of your 4 bar structure for mixing purposes but its a small detraction from a great piece. big ups!
Apieceoftofu 1st Aug 2010 00:41 - 14 years ago

on Electronics by MohamedMorgan
love me some bouncy electro and this def counts... good stuff man
MohamedMorgan replied Unknown
Comments 76 - 100 of 219