

philadelphia, United States
Joined : 5th Nov 2009 - 15 years ago
KhlasickBeats comments on tracks

KhlasickBeats has posted 58 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 58
KhlasickBeats 18th Jan 2016 19:04 - 9 years ago

on NetFlix And Chill Rough Draft by K19
Yo this track and concept is dope. I would like to collab on something in the future if your down. I have some tracks on my page so you can kinda see what I do. Some of the Rnb stuff is old but I have plenty of new and fresh material. Keep grinding Sir. Peace and God Bless Khlasick
K19 replied 18th Jan 2016 - 9 years ago
Thanks for the love bro! About to listen to the beats in about an hour,gonna see what i can come up with.
KhlasickBeats 3rd Jan 2013 23:53 - 12 years ago

on You Remind Me by bboles
Wow what can I say.This is so beautiful.Almost as beautiful as you.This sounds like I made this song especially for you.I make all my music out of pure love and honor to God who gave me this gift.I love your lyrics, your harmony, and your voice.Thank You for getting back to be to let me hear your work.I have alot of music.Especially Rnb and Hip Hop like maybe about 400 songs.But I would love to make a track specifically for you.If you see anything on my page at anytime and get inspired to do anything with it, by all means please download and follow your heart.God Bless You and Your Dreams and whatever you place your mind to, You can and Will Become.Thanks Again.Khlasick Beats
bboles replied 4th Jan 2013 - 12 years ago
WOW......I teared up a little. You are an amazing producer and I am truly honored by your feedback. Thank for your encouragement and for the freedom you have offered in partnering in music. I would LOVE to take you up on that!! I am an aspiring songwriter, but I always need material as I am not skilled at production yet. My focus is mainly R&B, Pop and Gospel, so the fact that you have a strong reverence for God deeply moves me. I have a few connections (nothing to brag about, but could move the needle), so I have sent this song off to be evaluated. I will let you know what happens! Integrity is the heart of what I do, so I will NEVER take credit for your work :-)

Well, I don't want to talk your ear off, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU and that I would love to work with you on a consistent basis. I have a connection with your music style.

Brie (if you ever want to send something)
@brie_n_boles (if you're into social media)
KhlasickBeats 9th Aug 2012 05:03 - 12 years ago

on Hit em where it hurts by mystahwizz
dope track man.That synth is crazy.Keep up the good work man. Peace Khlasick Beats
KhlasickBeats 23rd Nov 2011 00:49 - 13 years ago

on west coast feel by phantomjp31
Nice Version of the track.A couple people have used that same loop set and posted their work on here including myself but everyone has a different ear for how they feel the track should go.All in all still good work tho.My track is called Creepin on Em on my page if you wanna here my version.Keep grinding tho fam it's only gonna make you better in the long run.Peace Khlasick Beats
phantomjp31 replied 23rd Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
thanks. your rendition is good too. im still learning new stuff everyday so im gonna keep on the grind.
KhlasickBeats 2nd Nov 2011 21:15 - 13 years ago

on Tell Me About Your Girl by LWT
Nice Track Man.Sounds completely professional to me all sounds are crisp and hitting hard.Keep up the good work.Peace Khlasick Beats
LWT replied 2nd Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Thanks - I've downloaded a few of your beats, I hope to make a mixtape soon featuring all producers from the site. I'll let you know what I do with your tracks.
KhlasickBeats 30th Jun 2011 03:44 - 13 years ago

on Hitting It by Mike504
Hot Track Man.Loving everything about it.Love all the switchups too.Dope Track.Keep Bangin Fam.Peace Khlasick Beats
Mike504 replied Unknown
Thanks Khlasick.
KhlasickBeats 29th May 2011 15:02 - 13 years ago

on bicik122 by WSD13
Nice Track man.Nice and simple and straight forward.Like the switchups too man.Nice real underground hip hop fell to it.Keep it up Man. Peace Khlasick
WSD13 replied Unknown
thanks man. I`m yours fan classics beats;)
KhlasickBeats 24th May 2011 04:44 - 13 years ago

on I hope your ready by biffsteelmeetsjohnnyparty
Hey man I really like this song.Nice work.Def feeling the vocals too.Not sure if their yours or not but they are dope.This song sound radio ready besides maybe mixing and mastering.Anyway keep up the good work.Def would like to collab one day maybe you could take one of my B n B tracks and put some lyrics to it.Just wanna here some lyrics on my stuff thats all.Peace Man Keep doing your thing.Khlasick Beats
KhlasickBeats 11th May 2011 23:39 - 13 years ago

on beat - 56 by YungN8iveG
Sounds pretty Good So far,just thaught if you were to change up the drums a lil bit it would be even better.Not the sound just the rhythm of the kicks.Still sounds pretty good tho,just my opinion.Peace Man Khlasick Beats
YungN8iveG replied Unknown
thanks for tha review if ya want to change up the beat you got my consent holla back...
KhlasickBeats 7th May 2011 19:08 - 13 years ago

on Doozy Beatz ft Siko - Peter und der Emo by doozybeatz
This Track Is Fire Man.Really feeling it.Even though I don't know what your saying,The Beats and Production is tight.Very Nice Work Sir.Peace Khlasick Beats
doozybeatz replied Unknown
thx :) the text is about emos (i would call it a "emo diss" i hope you know what i mean)
KhlasickBeats 3rd May 2011 20:58 - 13 years ago

on WE TAKIN OVER by transp
Nice Track Man.Love the guitar work and the strings too.Peace Keep it up man.Lyrics were tight too from what I could understand LOL.
Khlasick Beats
KhlasickBeats 3rd May 2011 20:38 - 13 years ago

on Burned Bridges by AnToineJamal
Sounds pretty good so far.The vocals seemed a lil too loud to me tho.The song is nice and the beat too.just adjust the vocals and it's money.I'm sure it's not done yet so I know it will be fixed in the end.Peace keep grinding man.Khlasick Beats
KhlasickBeats 30th Apr 2011 08:41 - 13 years ago

on Everywhere I Go by Deno
Nice Track Man.Feeling this thing right here.Like the synths.Like the beat switch up too.Feeling the breakdowns too.Dope Track Man Peace.Khlasick Beats
KhlasickBeats 13th Apr 2011 01:31 - 13 years ago

on For My Daddy I love U so much by Becca
Nice Track Mam.Sounds are all very crisp.Nice vibe to this one.Love The Breakdown too.Piano work is very nice too.Keep doing your thing Mam.Peace Khlasick Beats
KhlasickBeats 27th Feb 2011 03:11 - 14 years ago

on Life Is Strange by Protege
Nice Track Man Has A Nice Feel To It.Lovin the Whole Thing.Definitely got a hit on your hand with this one man.Peace Khlasick Beats
KhlasickBeats 24th Feb 2011 01:38 - 14 years ago

on Valii - Hip Hop experimental by Valii
Nice Work Man Sounds real Good.Love the Breakdown too.Very different but good vibe.Love the switchup too man.Keep doin your thing man Peace Khlasick Beats
Valii replied Unknown
Thanks. We could work together if you want? Will you sing on my instrumental?
KhlasickBeats 23rd Feb 2011 22:37 - 14 years ago

on CRAZY LIFE by CWarren
What Up C Dub.Nice Track Here Man.Has Real Catchy Vibe To IT.Nice Melodies.And Like the breakdown too.Keep Bangin Man.Peace Khlasick Beats
CWarren replied Unknown
Thanks bro. Just something CRAZY I threw together.

KhlasickBeats 20th Feb 2011 22:41 - 14 years ago

on just a lil bit by boombapi
Dope Track Man.Love It.True Hip Hop Feel To It.Def Soulful too.Nice Work Man Peace Khlasick Beats
boombapi replied Unknown
thanx man !
KhlasickBeats 18th Feb 2011 06:03 - 14 years ago

on Venomous MCs ft halfknot by nepaul
Dope track man.Beat Is Sick.Lyrics are tight.Scratchin on point.Everything Hot.Keep it up man Peace Khlasick Beats
nepaul replied Unknown
Word KB. Thanks for the listen and review.
KhlasickBeats 14th Feb 2011 05:22 - 14 years ago

on He Gucci by lilttone
Sounds pretty good so far.Just seems like the 808's could be hitting a lil harder to me.Definitely has alot of potential tho.Peace Khlasick Beats
KhlasickBeats 13th Feb 2011 02:53 - 14 years ago

on Impossible by Prov3rb
Dope Track man.I like this song man.Sounds pretty Good.To God Be The Glory.Wish more people would would start to find out just how awesome God Is.Peace Khlasick Beats
Prov3rb replied Unknown
Yeah, and thats the whole goal of this music, to make people aware of the greatness of God.
be Blessed
KhlasickBeats 28th Jan 2011 02:15 - 14 years ago

on Track 97 by DollarMenunaire
Yes Very Very Dark.But Very Well Done.This Track Is Hot Man.Nice And Simple and to the Point.Well mixed it sounds like to me too.Keep it up man.Peace Khlasick Beats
DollarMenunaire replied Unknown
thanks glad u like it
KhlasickBeats 26th Jan 2011 23:25 - 14 years ago

on Memoriesorsomeishlikethat by Realnigga
Dope Man.Like This Track.Nice and simple.And As Far As I'm concerned I use Fl studio because I really don't care.I just make music for the fun of it.If someone is really tryna get signed for their music , they need to upgrade to protools. Its just What the industry uses.Not sayin you can make dope music using other programs but If your not tryna get too serious, Fl is a good program to learn on and just get your Ideas out with.Dope Beat Tho Peace Khlasick Beats
Realnigga replied Unknown
Thank you sir. And Yeah Fl is more of a beginners thing...I'm not tryna diss nobody here that uses it, which is like %90 of ppl here im sure but whatever. The reason ppl say it wack is when you hear a Fl track your like this nigga just sent me some sh1t he made in fruit loops. This nigga must be jokin. Like I check out everyone's songs and its like as soon as a certain sound comes in or whatever your just like "awwwww damn...this nigga" I started with ableton which looks complicated as hell to a noob but it works for me. The point is everyone has their own workflow and stuff they use...just make the ish hot. Which is why everyone respects 9th wonder
KhlasickBeats 26th Jan 2011 23:22 - 14 years ago

on Cool Night by truegrit
Nice Track Man.Love The Bass Work In It.And The Trumpet too.Sounds Excellent.Wouldn't change a thing to this one Sir.Dope.Peace Khlasick Beats
truegrit replied Unknown
Hi there,and thanks for your nice review, of Cool Nights,glad you like the track,been playing about with this one, quite a while, so nice to get an early review on it.
KhlasickBeats 15th Jan 2011 20:00 - 14 years ago

on genremix2 by kerry1963
Not quite sure what genre it falls under, but it definitely falls under hot.This track is dope man kinda loud tho.Cant really hear the vocals too good at some points but its still excellent to me tho.keep doin ya thing man Khlasick Beats
kerry1963 replied Unknown
thxs kb thinking of taking it back and tweaking it a bit thxs for ur review KC
Comments 1 - 25 of 58