This is an excellent Spoken Word track. It sounds like a raw reflection of what's just under the emotional surface, and I think that's what Spoken Word should be about. I can almost hear a Johnny Cash cadence that just makes it even more enjoyable to listen to. Thanks for posting this.
Thanks for listening and commenting, BigAlDente. I always wonder if I should ever get out the chainsaw voice or just leave it in the garage with all the other useless junk, and your encouragement means a lot to me. Thank you!
At first, I thought the shorter version would be enough for me to kind of "get it" as far as what the music is saying here, but I find myself replaying this to myself multiple times trying to get myself a good fix. I am a big fan of soundscapes in the experimental sense of the genre, and as there are some very organic "natural" sounds flooding the sense-field, I am also delighted by the syncoopated beats and synth that I hear, kind of exchanging time in the forefront with the organic stuff. I love it. The kids will certainly be hearing this coming out the speakers when they come by for candy this Halloween!
You've got great listening skills and an ability to articulate that into written language, so this is a delightful review to receive. More and more I find myself really exploring soundscapes as a kind of emotional aggregate expression of visual representations. Is it possible to do the same with sound in terms of representation as in a painting painting? Can a soundscape "describe" a landscape? I think your observation on "exchanging" time here is the auditory equivalent of 3d representation on a 2d canvas, and I'm really encouraged that someone else "sees" it, too. Thanks for the listen and great review.
on NOTHING by CitizenMofo
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