

Joined : 15th Nov 2009 - 15 years ago
Whitelight comments on tracks

Whitelight has posted 9 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (9)
Whitelight 23rd Feb 2010 18:30 - 15 years ago

on Dubstep 1 by Apieceoftofu
dude this is sick!

i love that killer wobble bass its fantastic
and all the dark atmospheres dark and twisted
makes me wanna remix it love it!

i want to download this BAD!!
Apieceoftofu replied Unknown
lol thanx... i mite turn DL on later.
Whitelight 22nd Feb 2010 22:05 - 15 years ago

on My Little Stars by TaraToxic
i agree with estefano

the piano is a nice touch
im not that much into hardcore/happy hardcore
but im loving this

i can just imagine those nederland parties going
wild with this pumpin out of the speakers

you deffo got talent

but you need some kind of ending
to your track cant just put on the main lead,
kick & bass you got to somehow envelope it down
or end with a big BOOM!
TaraToxic replied Unknown
would a knock FX at the end finish it off nicely, or should i fade out?

it has no ending based on the fact i couldnt decided lol. thankyou for your review :)
Whitelight 21st Feb 2010 13:06 - 15 years ago

on Losing Game by JoyfulWAVE
again JoyfulWAVE you never stop to amaze me
i love your work you should be earning money
on all these masterpieces
JoyfulWAVE replied Unknown
THX...for your review...
yes..i should...but better give it for free...
its the best promotion...because people would not pay for it...i would first have to be a bit famous before celling my tracks...
so feel free to download my stuff and give it to your friends...
please listen again...
UPDATED !!! with Vocals...
Whitelight 20th Feb 2010 23:59 - 15 years ago

on Timeless - Charlie Walker Remix by Charlie_Walker
there is deffo a greater GO! feelin to this
than the original by AidansTrance which is slower and more mellow feelin
loving how it even though you say it doesnt
sound like his you still manage to re-create
exactly the same melody/harmony as his

loving it
Whitelight 20th Feb 2010 23:51 - 15 years ago

on Timeless by AidansTrance
sounds nice loving the synths compatibility
with eachother it flows nice together
this puts the feeling back into how it
is when your in "Trance" the breakdown
makes me want to put my hands in the air
and embrace the light! just like in the clubs
AidansTrance replied Unknown
Thank you for the nice review, the way you described it: embracing the light is really great! I'm very glad you like it... :))
Whitelight 25th Jan 2010 22:39 - 15 years ago

on Re-Thump'd by Nigidivitch
pretty good mate and i completely agree with spivkurl
he already said all that i would have said

the piano melody is breath taking
so relaxed and still so pumping
maybe the drums are a little weak but
one can allways turn them up a bit
to make them more bashful ?

well great track dude. see you around
Whitelight 26th Nov 2009 22:19 - 15 years ago

on UNDERATED by kevev78
actually sounds nice i like the way you start off and the first
break feels cool but the bass is too monotone but in a wierd way it actually makes sence to me good work but keep striking upwards :)
Whitelight 15th Nov 2009 22:42 - 15 years ago

on QUADRATIC by siensystem
fantastic track very powerfull and in a way retro
those effects are lovely and fit really good
im loving it heavily

this is trance!
siensystem replied Unknown
hey thanks very much for your comment, greatly appreciate you took the time to listen. I'll definitely check some of your work soon.
Whitelight 15th Nov 2009 15:02 - 15 years ago

on czernobog by kamilius
this is really cool
Dark and Mysterious
love the low down bongo's and congo's
and the feel and it would fit right
in on a scary/horror film

thumbs up
Comments (9)