

Waiting for big break and female VOX collab
Los Angeles, United States
Joined : 7th Dec 2009 - 15 years ago
Last Online : 25th Mar 2025 - 2 days ago
Vidmeister comments on tracks

Vidmeister has posted 8 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (8)
Vidmeister 18th Feb 2019 18:31 - 6 years ago

on Where I Belong - Instrumental - Vocal Ready by BradoSanz
Huge props man. You have an engineer's ear, and don't knock your bass playing. This song doesn't call for ostentatious bass anyway.. All your stuff sounds radio-ready and yet every time I search for a vocal version of your stuff by someone, it has been removed off Sound Cloud. Is that the singer or SC or you that pulls the plug? (I want VOX on these!) Seems like the vocalist community here has some catching up to do with the producers... IMHO.
Vidmeister 18th Feb 2019 18:19 - 6 years ago

on Little Dragons First Flight by aarker
Best to make a :30 and a :60 version of this because someone will come calling you for it! Why? It is instantly awesome as a commercial bed. Wouldn't change a thing. Great.
aarker replied 21st Feb 2019 - 6 years ago
hey thanks for your comment, I literally have no experience making music for actual videos, I just imagined some kids movie when making this, glad you like it though! :)
Vidmeister 18th Feb 2019 18:02 - 6 years ago

on Run Right Past You - Instrumental - Vocal Ready by BradoSanz
Dozens of people said they hoped someone would do vox on it and I found no one actually did.. A Crime! Great stuff. Reminds me a little of The Cure's All Mixed Up album..
Vidmeister 22nd Sep 2012 19:23 - 12 years ago

on The Air We Breathe by Planetjazzbass
Elegant, crystal-clear production values.. While the song is just perfect as it is, I'd also like you to get Seal or Sting on the phone, and tell them you've got a little somethin-somethin you'd like them to hear. Because I can totally hear Seal doing well,... Seal over this track. Mad props.
Planetjazzbass replied 28th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Hey Vidmeister..thanks for the huge rap mate!...I think if Sting or Seal got me on the phone they'd be saying Planet who? to admit it would be way way cool to pull that off though!...thank you again for your great support!
cheers Dave :)
Vidmeister 26th Jun 2011 07:15 - 13 years ago

on Metaphor 4 Sex by Dvickers
Thanks for using my loop in the song.. The echo guitar works very well to add a "tingle" to the otherwise throbbing sound... Your voice is the best I've heard on Looperman... Hmmm.. Maybe you can sing a song I've got up here? Search for it: "Untold Story..."
Pretty good song.. I'm not a techno dance guy...
Vidmeister 2nd Oct 2010 20:47 - 14 years ago

on even when it rains by rei4real
I'm still relatively new here, but I'm ready to declare you the hands-down best guitarist on LM..... You know when to bring it, when to lay back, and your collabs are very much 1+1=3..... The bass synth on THIS particular song just plants the whole song in rich soil, and its nice knowing you've got the low end covered so the listener can count on another killer solo... Bravo. Hey... BTW... do a collab with me... I'd be honored... I've got a dozen tracks that need a guitar like yours...
rei4real replied Unknown
thx man for grabbing out this old track of mine, didn't listen to it myself for a while ...
and many more thx for this great review!!!
unfortunately I'm a little too busy for a collab atm, we started the recording sessions for our second album ...
but who knows, maybe in spring??
peace, rei
Vidmeister 27th Sep 2010 22:26 - 14 years ago

on To Truly Live by cottonproductions
Once the song actually gets going (and it needs to sooner) it has a nice flow with delicious string chords.... Beatz are fine.. Hoping this lyrically stays inspirational, to fit the chord structure... (I hope the lyrics don't go all gangsta....)
Good start..
Vidmeister 27th Sep 2010 00:54 - 14 years ago

on My Remedies by GOLDMARCH
Righteous bass... Vocals are chilly yet cool...Kinda wish I hurd the beginning strums of the elec guitars... they sound clipped in mid strum already... Nice Smashing Pumpkins vibe...
Comments (8)