hey mate i'm listening to this track again while i am writing my review.. if you dont mind me saying that the keys are great and just before you raise the riff to another octave i think you should try putting in a few string chords before the the octave change.. hope i'm not too harsh with u ..also try add a few sweeps when you can, most importantly when you are bringing in a new riff/sound..
thanks.. and just send me a message if u need anything Criss ..
thanks for passing by and thanks a lot for the tips mate, i agree with you,
and if i need something ??? hmmm....maybe a collab in the future , with u guys would be great ;)
soundin good so far..maybe throw in a bright synth for a lead riff.. maybe a pluck every 4bar.. good start look forward to hearing the finished track..
nice melodic feel to this 1 and if u dont mind me saying that it maybe just misses a stronger more defining lead.. but the quality is there .. well done
Some nice parts to this track but i think the layout could be a bit better..also when the bassline comes in at 1.47 it sounds like its in the wrong key maybe "A" would be better. otherwise good stuff and hope you don't mind the advice..cheers
Thanks TCBproject for your kind review and encourageing words. Mike is doing well, under the circumstances, but he misses you all very much and wants to get back into his music. It will happen, just one day at a time! thanks again TCB
hey whats up its Jim from TCB PROJECT formerly known as psygnum..was just wondering what has happened to you in terms of production..the reason i ask is that you were making some great tracks that me and the brother would use for tips from your production style etc.anyway hope all is well and look forward to hearing from you and if you are stil sticking at it..Jim
Hey Jim, thanks for your message. Ive been working a great deal recently on getting my own company off the ground. Not had much time to dedicate to production since the spring, which is a bit crap. I have however, been working on something new the past week. Should be spending a couple of weeks on it. So will be uploading something soon! Thanks also for the nice comments. Charlie
Nice work on this so far as you say the kick could be better and hey nice 1 for taking time out to review our track. glad you liked a couple of our tracks,yeah we sometimes use a trance kick from (vengeance essential club sounds. 1,2 or 3) they're a must have for any trance producers.or use a kick from the Nexus 2.2 vst (Drum expansion pack) also the best vst for any music production program for trance.among others..cheers for now..Jim
Hey this is the first time i've heard this track and i've gotta say there's some really great sounds going on in here with great arrangement vox percussion and eq is all good mate brilliant key choice also ..cheers..JIM
nice mash up of the acapella ..we also used it in 1 of our tunes called sunset to sunrise maybe check it out its a great vocal..nice work tho ..cheers..Jim
Just gonna try n help you with your production,i noticed you use magix which i am not familiar with,anyway if its advice you would like then you will prob be open to criticism,the sounds you have in this track are good but more use of filter cut-off is needed to give it that trance feel to it..a lot more percussion is needed to fill a track out if you listen to our track closer it has 5or6 percussion riffs running in some parts..well i hope you find this more helpful than critical..oh if your not sure about filter cut off just google it its all there.. any questions just ask .cheers..James..Dub
hey you are using good keys on this track maybe you could try bringing your sounds in and out using filter cut-off,also try throwing a hi hat in there,i hope this will help ..cheers..
some nice sounds in here and trance would be my suggestion a few percussions hi hat clap/snare kick etc and also more use of the synth i can hear at 2.25 would be good...anyway so good so far and i look forward to what you end up doing with it ..cheers..
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thanks.. and just send me a message if u need anything Criss ..
and if i need something ??? hmmm....maybe a collab in the future , with u guys would be great ;)
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keep it up
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Thanks for the review!
Ste :)
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