

Toronto, Canada
Joined : 18th Dec 2009 - 15 years ago
Last Online : 17th Sep 2024 - 6 months ago
Purge comments on tracks

Purge has posted 25 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 25
Purge 26th Jan 2016 14:08 - 9 years ago

on The Vice by Minus7
wicked good 10/10 reminds me of corey taylor from slipknot or stone sour more acuratley lol.
Purge 30th Dec 2015 14:50 - 9 years ago

on Ray Chris - Gladiator by RayChris
Sounds wicked! Would personally bring the hi's down on the master a smidge but composition wise sound great!
Purge 29th Dec 2015 14:41 - 9 years ago

on When Did I by Cestevens1783
Sounds absolutely awesome. The guitars remind me of something city and colour would do. Vocals could be a little more even in terms of levels. Certain lines are near in audible and then some are very dominant. Not trying to say avoid your singing dynamics. Just work on making it all even as a whole in the mix. Love the violin section. not too much or too little. Wicked stuff, would love to collaborate on something if your up for it!
Cestevens1783 replied 8th Jan 2016 - 9 years ago
Thank you! I appreciate your input!
Purge 3rd Aug 2015 19:22 - 9 years ago

on R3HAB-KSHMR - KarateDrop REMAKE by gbojta
dope...the hi's need to be turned down a bit in my opinion. push the bass a bit more too. sick song though.
Purge 4th Jun 2015 14:18 - 9 years ago

on Master by pedrogreg
hey man, would like to collab!
Purge 3rd Feb 2015 22:48 - 10 years ago

on The Sound of House by Axy
awesome stuff! hi quality mixing!
Purge 9th Jan 2012 14:56 - 13 years ago

on Nintendo by Mnballer2000
Good grimeyness to it, I think theres too much decay on the reverb. Dry up those drums a bit. Good concept for a dirty hook though.
Purge 1st Apr 2011 14:10 - 13 years ago

on Apocalypse by Steinaa
Hey this song sounds great,I saw you left me a review of one of my metal tracks ages ago so i figured i'd check your stuff out. very nice i must say. i like the blend of synth in it. i see production wise how you were going for the inflames tone. I do think this bit you have now of the main chords could open up alot nicer with your mid-hi's and hi's a little up, but not too much to take away the bassy tones in your guitars...a touch of reverb with no pre out or frequency reductions by the reverb could help maybe too. Very well structured, liked the solo section.

Cheers to this one!
Purge 24th Aug 2010 16:46 - 14 years ago

on Time For Change - SpellJammer Collab by AllenV
I like this track alot, the hi hats sound a bit too trebly on my end the bass drums could use tad more low frequency responce to them. The guitar tone sounds perfect. Very good in terms of musicality and creativity. I like how the piano and guitar feed off each other. Great track!
AllenV replied Unknown
Hey thanks Purge!It's good to hear how it sounds on the other end,I'm almost always through headphones so I don't get the whole picture sometimes.SpellJammer had the piano down first and I followed him... and he knows what he's doin' so that made it easy.
Thanks again for your review.
Purge 24th Jul 2010 14:28 - 14 years ago

on Load Our Own Asses Up Demo (Rap/Metal w/lyrics) by SkullG
Nice experimental track. your drums are a little unrealistic but good job dude lol.
SkullG replied Unknown
Yes, don't think I could sit down and play this one. Thank you!
Purge 23rd Jul 2010 17:11 - 14 years ago

on necessary evil by mistervincropathy
Nice use of samples man, love the scratchin. I think you should use some more of that oriental and bell stuff at the begining. beef it up a bit is all. good work.
Purge 20th May 2010 14:51 - 14 years ago

This is a banging track. Very impressive stuff. I can tell by your setup your covered haha. Nice dark tones to the whole song. I like the accenting undertone synth. Drums are in tune perfectly. It would be cool to add some vocal stabs in and out as part of the beat once the song gets lyrics on it. The scratching brings and old school underground feel to it. perfect for a song with a story to it with some sound effects to help it play along

I would definitley listen to this again.

Purge 20th May 2010 14:49 - 14 years ago

Great Quality recording and mixing. Upbeat and fun. I like the use of different sounds.
Purge 20th May 2010 14:42 - 14 years ago

on Boolean Sequenced Karplus Strong 1 by Inventor
weird...haha! 15 15 15
Purge 20th May 2010 14:32 - 14 years ago

on Different by santiagosky
Hey I really Liked the structure of this one man. Nice panning with the ride cymbal. I think the kick could go up in volume a bit. All the drums co-exist well together pitch wise which is important with this kinda stuff. I think the vocals a smug to dry, it could use a bit of reverb or something to give it a better stereo sound but thats just my opinion. Very good chourus part, enjoyed it alot.

Keep up the good work!
Purge 17th May 2010 15:26 - 14 years ago

on How Its Got to Be ( Adnan Senol 2010 Mix ) by AdnanSenol
This song sounds good eq wise, I like big rise in the synth you used. I think you over used the arppegiated sequence a little bit. all the short popy synths sound great against the kick drum and hi's aswell.

Great mix!
Purge 13th May 2010 16:05 - 14 years ago

on CandleWax New Beat Up For Collabs by REGGAETONKINGZ
This is really good mix you have.It hits hard, I usally try to leave room for suggestion but this is covered. If you ever get lyrics onto this I need to hear the chorus!

Keep doing your thing!

ive tried spitting a bunch of times but im not good. I can execute it as a producer for someone but cant write the lyrical content haha
REGGAETONKINGZ replied Unknown
Purge 13th May 2010 15:37 - 14 years ago

on YoungH Beat 2 by YHustle
tight track. I want to hear some gangsta sh*t to this. It could be so much harder with tons of vocal layers. Mad respect I really like it.

Purge 13th May 2010 15:06 - 14 years ago

on I Want That Complex Mix by thenapoleoncomplex
Nice track man, good to heat some flow around here. It comes few and far around here. The beat could use a bit of work eq wise. the differences in your vocals and the beat reverbwise could use some retouches too. I think you can end the song in a much better stronger way too while still using the vocals.

Keep doing your thing.
thenapoleoncomplex replied Unknown
Thanks for the review--the beat definitely still needs work...trying to figure out what's going to go at the beginning of my verse leading up to that monster sound...and I had a feeling the end was weak, and my achilles heel at the moment is the eq, but I'm workin' on it. All very good observations, thanks!
Purge 30th Mar 2010 22:41 - 14 years ago

on dre by inkmon
Digging this one man, keep rocking the dre styles!
Purge 9th Feb 2010 17:06 - 15 years ago

on Healing Process by nonsensesystem
This is some tripped out ambient stuff. I like the percussions. its like the song time by pink floyd. I like your use of layerings and voicings. It has a suttle creepyness to the whole song aswell which is cool.

Purge 3rd Feb 2010 15:14 - 15 years ago

on Vampire: A Love Song by minette
I liked this very much! Its very relaxing. good use of ambients. Dry and wet voicings too. I couldn't hear the drums aswell as everything else at sometimes but i think its a well balanced mix overall. great to listen to. Faving this.
Purge 1st Feb 2010 20:35 - 15 years ago

on My Tyme 2 Shyne (Instramental) by ShatteredYouthEnt01
Hey Predator01 just wanted to check some of your stuff out. Thanks for the review on my new one aswell. This songs got a great feel to it. I'd love to here some vocals on this someday.

ShatteredYouthEnt01 replied Unknown
no doubt man. jus keep up tha good work, f--k every1 else. it'z all bout u.

[]D S.Y.E.
Purge 1st Feb 2010 20:19 - 15 years ago

on Un-Banned by profplum
this song has some great rhythm to it. Very clean mix. cool ambient feel too! I wanna go to a club now haha. Nothing to complain about on tis one!
Purge 31st Dec 2009 22:50 - 15 years ago

on Nightmare by casperprod
Very tight stuff for sure. Great mix, great use of drums and vst's. I liked your scratchin and the orchestral support in the back. It would have been cool to see it go a little further into a huge orchestral part. some more form is what im saying. The main part sounds sick for a verse and i definitley think its worth continuing.

Comments 1 - 25 of 25