liking the `industrialness` to it .. and that bass line at the end work so well with the atmosphere
the only thing I would say is that you might wanna go back and look at the wideness of the stereo field.... maybe throw some more fx in there to lend towards the idea of the dark atmosphere... whispers...dub fx maybe ...I dont know just spit balling here..
the vocals seem to move it slightly away from that...
the bassline kicks arse I'm holy crap..nice work...
the drums for me need to be a bit thicker that snare really need to snap ..try a bit of layering...adding a clap to the layers .. a sample with a bit more attack..
love the track and would happily release it on my label as part of an ep that is...
wow ...nice to hear some nice thick drums and a snare/clap that snaps...
not sure about that vocal at 0.45 not sure it fits with the deepness .. it might if it had some kinda reverb or fx on be honest I'm not sure any of the vocals work in it..I might be because they are crisp..ya know?
though I do like the track and the mix down and master how ever rough is well done...
it took a minute to get this one in focus. a lot of elements to mix (at least for this baby producer). but having a story line (especially a phatkatz story line) is a neat way to find direction and inspiration for a track. really glad you had a chance to take listen and enjoyed. see you round the cyberhood. Best - Dan
I have to point out that house music usually gets me running for the hills... but I did like this truly..
with a little more time in post production with EQs and afew extras this could be a rather super track...dont get me wrong I'm not saying it's not good now I just think it needs some extra love...
maybe trying to make a cut at 10.0hz on everything bar the hats and percussion only a very thin one but strangely it does make the difference and give the hats more room...
maybe play with the stereo fields a bit with panning and plugins such as FLUX which I find very useful..
it is a solid tracks as it is I would just give it a little more
some very nice ideas in this one... I have to say at over 10 mins it has the feel of self-indulgence kinda like a Pink Floyd or a yes track ya know?
the funk elements are there throughout which reminded me with that bass of level 42... I suppose if the track is invoking ideas of great bands then it has worked...
I would have layered up those kicks and snares on separate tracks and EQed the balls outof them to get them to snap and pop more ...
and maybe created a sub track for that bass so if your on a good system you can feel it as well as hear it...
Regarding it being self-indulgent - that's a topic I could write a great deal about. Technically, everything I do is self-indulgent as it's just me exploring sounds and riffs in long format structures with no commercial aim, no proper song, no choruses or verses or whatever and it's not pumping dance music so not something you can just dance to and get lost in.
Maybe you just mean it's very long. Maybe you don't really like long stuff. I do and have many tracks quite a bit longer - even up to 17 mins (10 mins is about my average). I have been trying hard to cut them down in the last year, with some definite success. I've uploaded a good few shorter ones this year (eg Rainbowcatcher) but also this 4 min chillout blues piece or this far out pure electro sort of dance track
Maybe my stuff's like a much more modern Pink Floyd or Yes or Ozric Tentacles. Hard to say as it takes in so many styles and I like to think every track is markedly different from every other.
I'd say the only Level 42 bass bit is the short slap part (damn, Mark King was/is really into that!) but maybe some other basslines too as I haven't listened to them in many years and was never really into them anyway.
You want more snap and pop from the kicks and snares? OK, I'll have a think about that. You may be right.
And I think you want more sub bass. Again, could be good though I sometimes find if I have too much, it muddies the low end. I like lots of low end but I sometimes fail to get it to sound good so I hold back on it. If you want some fat low end sub bass, try this grooving epic as I believe it qualifies:
some nice ideas... some of the delivery is off in places...
but having said thats me being picky to a good son the sort side which makes me think its a work in progress..
for me maybe you might think about moving those kick out of the centre just to give the vocal some more room.. try making two instances of the kicks and panning one left and the other right .. just a little that is have one at say 2 o clock and the other at 10 o clock... just an idea..
Yeah, you're right...I always tend to exagerate a bit with those intros, but someone has to be the "intro guy" on Looperman, HaHa,...I can reveal you a little secret that one of my upcoming tracks will have even longer intro, yet I hope there will be no suicides..^^
Anyways, thanks alot for your honest and positive feedback...
also thanks for the offer but I'm just looking to go solo, Don't have much time to commit to music and just do it when and as i can. but really appreciate the offer.
wow... this is awesome.. I don't usually go in for instrumentals in the hip hop genre but I love the arrangement...
those strings.. I think I would have liked to have heard more of them... in an "Isaac Hayes" kinda way you know?
if you haven't already you should check out some of the excellent blaxploitation movie sound tracks... particularly "black Caesar" and "troubleman" which are twq of the best may really help your sound..
some nice ideas and with a bit of a polish it could be awesome ..just a few EQ tricks and maybe a compressor might really lift it ..
I have to say it sounds similar to a few of the hip hop packs you can get these days but I sure thats just coincidence...
the bassline is smooth and those drums work extremely well.. you might wanna try padding them out with a seprate drum kick and snare tracks just to get the snap and depth... still
yes the track is super poppy but like you say you were going for that so I would say you achieved that..
for me those kicks muddle up every need to cut them and squeeze the frequencies a bit.. you might wanna try using an EQ to cut off all the low frequencies that'll be anything under 80hz of all the tracks except the kicks then adding a filter to the kick track to cut all the high frequencies..say...anything above 120hz.. that might help but you might need to muck around with an EQ to get it totally right..
Thinking about it I would also use a eq on the kicks to cut the boosted frequencies on the snare s and make a cut on about 10.0hz to give the hats some space..
obviously might not work so... and it's just advice of course..
anyway...nice track that achieved it's aim..
keep 'em coming brother..
P.S..try doing glitch for a new genre .. it works well for me..
All the highs of the kick were cut on the kick. Everything below 100hz was cut on everything except for kick and bass. The kick is supposed to be super deep because when played loud the lows really kick. This track really isnt meant for small speakers . Thank you for the advice man & thanks for listening.
I have to agree with Kargalar this would be out of place on a lot of the stations in main land Europe.. for me I would have liked to hear more on the stereo field... more FX at the higher end would have been nice.
having said that I didn't dislike it ...just not my thing I guess..
Kargalar said this would work great on radios, you're saying it won't, not much of an agreement there, lol. I will keep your other advice in mind for future projects. I don't really use Fx in my songs, just the basic stuff and then I usually keep it moving. In my next song, I will try stepping out of my comfort zone and try using more Fx and see what happens from there. Thanks again and take care!
wow just 2 hrs.... some skills brother... I've never been in house music so I couldn't tell deep house from progressive house...
For me the repetitiveness makes the track a bit mono tone... maybe that's just me though.. I would have liked to have heard maybe one or two more elements maybe a break down or two...
horses for course 'em coming brother
Thanks Phyruis! Yes it's repetitive but that's main feature of this genre... This song is chilly house and with breaks and progressions it wouldn't be so relaxing... I hope you understand me. :) Thank you again for listening!
super feeling to this track... I would add another vocal track here EQed to the top end of her vocal range to give you something to play with on the FX spectrum if you get what I mean...
some nice ideas here... not sure on the genre choice but I'm not the genre police so...
I think I would have liked to have heard a little more on the top end those hats get a little lost so maybe expanding the boost on their EQ or trying to mess with the stereo field a little might help or using panning or using a reverb send track...
nice track none the less.. I'm picking holes really
Thanks for reviewing this one Phyrius! I agree with you, I could have brought the high hats out way more than I did. I usually do but, I decided not to do it this time because it can become a little distracting and take the listeners away from what really matters in the track. I'll try and do what you suggested and boost the EQ! Maybe that will help and still not make it too distracting!
Thanks for the wonderful tips and taking the time to stop by and review! These tips will come in handy in future projects! Have a good one!
for me this could do with a some post production work.. for example taking the top end off the sample to stop that ringing taking the bass end off your vocal to stop the muddling some surgical eqing on the kick to again stop the muddling...
Yeah, the drums need to shine more, no doubt. I need to read up more on mixing, particularly equalizing and mastering though, that area is still rather confusing to me. Prior to this track, I didn't even know that sub-bass was a thing and I tended to ignore equalizing all together! Regardless, this was a fun track to work on.
some lovely vocals....the drums kick in nicely but but I feel it would have been nice if they would have stopped for that first line then kicked back in again around 1:40 maybe a little hard with a full percussion line maybe a string pad to soften it..
the violin at the end it nice...
all in all a very very nice track I'd release it on my label as part of an EP for sure..
on killerbass by subSpace
liking the `industrialness` to it .. and that bass line at the end work so well with the atmosphere
the only thing I would say is that you might wanna go back and look at the wideness of the stereo field.... maybe throw some more fx in there to lend towards the idea of the dark atmosphere... whispers...dub fx maybe ...I dont know just spit balling here..
but you know me I like a thick atmos..
anyway killer track brother
keep 'em coming
on Kill The Headlights Feat Jessica B by SkortixDEATHSTEP2
the vocals seem to move it slightly away from that...
the bassline kicks arse I'm holy crap..nice work...
the drums for me need to be a bit thicker that snare really need to snap ..try a bit of layering...adding a clap to the layers .. a sample with a bit more attack..
love the track and would happily release it on my label as part of an ep that is...
some very cool stuff...
keep 'em coming brother
on So Deep ft KnowKontrol by RealProblemShuckers
not sure about that vocal at 0.45 not sure it fits with the deepness .. it might if it had some kinda reverb or fx on be honest I'm not sure any of the vocals work in it..I might be because they are crisp..ya know?
though I do like the track and the mix down and master how ever rough is well done...
keep 'em coming brother
on cat and zombie ft SPIVKURL PHATKATZ by DanGoldstein
some very cold stuff ... nice to hear something unique..
in all seriousness ... I loved it ..
keep 'em coming you crazy guy..
on Summer Wars by AidanRoemer1
with a little more time in post production with EQs and afew extras this could be a rather super track...dont get me wrong I'm not saying it's not good now I just think it needs some extra love...
maybe trying to make a cut at 10.0hz on everything bar the hats and percussion only a very thin one but strangely it does make the difference and give the hats more room...
maybe play with the stereo fields a bit with panning and plugins such as FLUX which I find very useful..
it is a solid tracks as it is I would just give it a little more
keep 'em coming brother
on Opioid by StaticNomad
the funk elements are there throughout which reminded me with that bass of level 42... I suppose if the track is invoking ideas of great bands then it has worked...
I would have layered up those kicks and snares on separate tracks and EQed the balls outof them to get them to snap and pop more ...
and maybe created a sub track for that bass so if your on a good system you can feel it as well as hear it...
nice track never the less..strong and funky
keep 'em coming brother
Regarding it being self-indulgent - that's a topic I could write a great deal about. Technically, everything I do is self-indulgent as it's just me exploring sounds and riffs in long format structures with no commercial aim, no proper song, no choruses or verses or whatever and it's not pumping dance music so not something you can just dance to and get lost in.
Maybe you just mean it's very long. Maybe you don't really like long stuff. I do and have many tracks quite a bit longer - even up to 17 mins (10 mins is about my average). I have been trying hard to cut them down in the last year, with some definite success. I've uploaded a good few shorter ones this year (eg Rainbowcatcher) but also this 4 min chillout blues piece or this far out pure electro sort of dance track
Maybe my stuff's like a much more modern Pink Floyd or Yes or Ozric Tentacles. Hard to say as it takes in so many styles and I like to think every track is markedly different from every other.
I'd say the only Level 42 bass bit is the short slap part (damn, Mark King was/is really into that!) but maybe some other basslines too as I haven't listened to them in many years and was never really into them anyway.
You want more snap and pop from the kicks and snares? OK, I'll have a think about that. You may be right.
And I think you want more sub bass. Again, could be good though I sometimes find if I have too much, it muddies the low end. I like lots of low end but I sometimes fail to get it to sound good so I hold back on it. If you want some fat low end sub bass, try this grooving epic as I believe it qualifies:
Thanks for the suggestions.
on Take my Pain by K1Clean
but having said thats me being picky to a good son the sort side which makes me think its a work in progress..
for me maybe you might think about moving those kick out of the centre just to give the vocal some more room.. try making two instances of the kicks and panning one left and the other right .. just a little that is have one at say 2 o clock and the other at 10 o clock... just an idea..
nice track
keep 'em coming brother
on Mojave Sunrise by Orlando51
for me that intro at 2 mins is a bit long ....
over all the track is awesome... maybe a bit more in the way of cinematic rather than ambient... totally reminded me of the red cliff soundtrack..
keep 'em coming brother
Anyways, thanks alot for your honest and positive feedback...
With appreciation_____Orlando
on Forward Disco - Voodoo Child by gomagn
for me you probably need to layer up on those kicks,snares and hats just to get depth.. the over all track has some awesome sounds...
if you gave it that little more the whole track would lift..
nice one... keep 'em coming brother
on Mad Poor-Laugh More-Prod Krews by SubliminalMindOfSidA
thanks for sharing..
keep 'em coming brother
on One - E-MAN - Prod by Omito by EMANrecordz
I dont normally do this but I would love to have you on my internet label... check out housefly Records if you interested..
There is nothing I can think critic wise that would help you ..maybe try add some top end on you the whole track as a whole ... a bit of sparkle..
seriously awesome track faved for sure..
keep 'em coming brother..
also thanks for the offer but I'm just looking to go solo, Don't have much time to commit to music and just do it when and as i can. but really appreciate the offer.
Ok sweet i'll give that a try
will do bro
glad you like it
Take it easy
on DYNAMIC produced by Marc Wondah by marcwondah
those strings.. I think I would have liked to have heard more of them... in an "Isaac Hayes" kinda way you know?
if you haven't already you should check out some of the excellent blaxploitation movie sound tracks... particularly "black Caesar" and "troubleman" which are twq of the best may really help your sound..
solid track ..I loved it...faved!!
keep 'em coming brother
on Theres Nothing Quite Like Her Eyes by NativeBrotha
I have to say it sounds similar to a few of the hip hop packs you can get these days but I sure thats just coincidence...
the bassline is smooth and those drums work extremely well.. you might wanna try padding them out with a seprate drum kick and snare tracks just to get the snap and depth... still
nice work relaxing pharcydey kinda track..
keep 'em coming brother
on Jazzed by undergounddude
not sure how you done that so I cant give you any advice on fixing it... sorry ..
the trumpet is sweet as a nut an your pad works really well .. over all a good it a work in progress?
keep 'em coming brother
on Get Moving by Livingsoulsdie
for me those kicks muddle up every need to cut them and squeeze the frequencies a bit.. you might wanna try using an EQ to cut off all the low frequencies that'll be anything under 80hz of all the tracks except the kicks then adding a filter to the kick track to cut all the high frequencies..say...anything above 120hz.. that might help but you might need to muck around with an EQ to get it totally right..
Thinking about it I would also use a eq on the kicks to cut the boosted frequencies on the snare s and make a cut on about 10.0hz to give the hats some space..
obviously might not work so... and it's just advice of course..
anyway...nice track that achieved it's aim..
keep 'em coming brother..
P.S..try doing glitch for a new genre .. it works well for me..
on Modnex - Circus by Modnex
having said that I didn't dislike it ...just not my thing I guess..
keep 'em coming brother
Kargalar said this would work great on radios, you're saying it won't, not much of an agreement there, lol. I will keep your other advice in mind for future projects. I don't really use Fx in my songs, just the basic stuff and then I usually keep it moving. In my next song, I will try stepping out of my comfort zone and try using more Fx and see what happens from there. Thanks again and take care!
For me the repetitiveness makes the track a bit mono tone... maybe that's just me though.. I would have liked to have heard maybe one or two more elements maybe a break down or two...
horses for course 'em coming brother
on Assumptions by JayT0wn
I would be interested to find out if your still spitting the same way...
nice track nice production though would have liked to have had something on the bottom end
keep 'em coming brother
on Lil Disco Feat Patricia Edwards - More more by LilDisco
nice track...nice use of the vocal
keep 'em coming brother
on Cfiredog1 - Graveyard Halloween Dubstep Winner by Axion
the bass bottom end just needs a tweek for me but I'm picking holes ...
a great chip step track brother..
keep 'em coming brother
on Modnex - Shine Bright by Modnex
I think I would have liked to have heard a little more on the top end those hats get a little lost so maybe expanding the boost on their EQ or trying to mess with the stereo field a little might help or using panning or using a reverb send track...
nice track none the less.. I'm picking holes really
keep 'em coming brother
Thanks for the wonderful tips and taking the time to stop by and review! These tips will come in handy in future projects! Have a good one!
on Plot Thickens by Dharper41
for me this could do with a some post production work.. for example taking the top end off the sample to stop that ringing taking the bass end off your vocal to stop the muddling some surgical eqing on the kick to again stop the muddling...
some nice stuff and I'm digging the writing too..
nice work keep 'em coming brother
on Two Seasons by steve010101
those drums do need to be crisper.. all of which can be done in post production with eq and some compression..
just and idea I would try reversing those bird sounds as a layer in the back ground..
some nice work just needs a bloody good going over in post production .. you could have yourself a banger here if you could get that right..
nice one ...keep 'em coming brother
Kind regards,
on the nightime by muraskari
keep 'em coming brother
on One of Those Things by Cestevens1783
the violin at the end it nice...
all in all a very very nice track I'd release it on my label as part of an EP for sure..
keep 'em coming sister