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Cambridge, Canada
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Gsusfrk comments on tracks

Gsusfrk has posted 434 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 51 - 75 of 434
Gsusfrk 24th Feb 2011 18:45 - 13 years ago

on Street Rep by lelandchapman
Nice drum loop, wicked tune to break to if the tempo was a little faster. But other than that wicked stuff man.
Scratching is dope. Wicked mastering and propa vibes.
Keep it up man, not much to say other than awesome.
Gsusfrk 24th Feb 2011 18:23 - 13 years ago

on Highly Addictive v2 by Djabel
Second Review:
Beat is much better. Nice mids you got there.
Nice effects! Bass has much more punch!
Wicked revamp bruv, good on yah!
Everything is sounding s lot better.
Good on yah man, keep it!
Gsusfrk 22nd Feb 2011 13:35 - 13 years ago

on SIMKA - Creature by simkadbstep
Nice effects, drums are solid.
Huge lead up, nice.
One thing I must suggest is the bass frequency @ 200-500Hz needs to be amped, or is you're comfortable with that frequency hit up the higher frequcies 8,000-9,500Hz, it'll give that buzzing sound more umph.
Panning is good, nice transitions, so all is good!
Keep it up!
simkadbstep replied Unknown
Thanks, the track sounds good now remains little work with bellows bass is a little more but worth it Thanks for your help

10nx :)
Gsusfrk 3rd Feb 2011 14:03 - 14 years ago

on Highly Addictive v2 by Djabel
Ez bruv, tunes nice, beat is crisp and clear, but mid levels in the beat are missing. Maybe dim the higher, and boost the mid, high-mid and low-mid to get a punchier beat. Subtract some compression, the groove is missing a little.

Low bass level is good, but the growling bass needs a little eqing (IMO) maybe adding (trial and error) 200-1,500hz. Cause it seems like there's frequencies mixing in the beat and the bass.

Don't know if this helps, but I think it's making or breaking the tune. It's no doubt a good song, just needs a little revamping.

Keep on keeping on man,
Djabel replied Unknown
Thanx dude! what an excellent review! thats exactly what i wanted to hear :^) I've been umming and ahhing over the beat on this for a while, EQ here i come! Safe , Gav . . . . . . right done quite a bit more to this :^) please let me know what you think of this version, peace, Abel
Gsusfrk 11th Jan 2011 21:27 - 14 years ago

on Fairytale ft Louise by Influx
Bass is nice, but I thought the beat sucked till it came in later, rocked it.
Wow that vocal is real nice, fit really nice.
As a first timer via program, it's amazing.
Keep this up man, got massive potential if you keep this up.
Influx replied Unknown
Hahaha thanks a bunch, man. I agree.. that nasty sounding drum bass in the beginning is complete crap :P Yeah, I'm finally starting to get the hang of this program now. I definitely plan to keep at it. Thanks for the review.
Gsusfrk 11th Jan 2011 21:27 - 14 years ago

on Twitching Fiend by Membersonlyjackets
Not much of a house fan so I'll do my best to give a good productive review.
Beat is nice, first synth seems to be a little too loud or the high frequencies are well too high.
Synth with the vibro later is nice, give it a nice feel. Surround effect is nice, but that drum fill should be filtered, it doesn't sound natural in that part if it isn't filtered (low pass preferably).
Nice tune though!
Keep it up,
Gsusfrk 31st Dec 2010 15:28 - 14 years ago

on Journey To Shibuzen by KenichiOhme
Noise in the beats?
I couldn't concentrate through this... there's a massive need for syncronizing and there's no focus. I couldn't see where this was going, keep working on it... it needs a lot of work.
KenichiOhme replied Unknown
Thanks for the feedback.... You are right "No Focus" but i like it like that, total A.D.D. Maybe the problem you have with it is not my production or composition, but the fact that this particular track is unusual it is a deliberate merge of all the genres within. It is a journey of many phases at different paces. I'm fine with it as it is, I took my time creating and polishing it.
Gsusfrk 31st Dec 2010 15:27 - 14 years ago

on Sleep Sick by Membersonlyjackets
Cut the bass kick/beat at 100Hz's to give room for the bass!
Nice feel to it, but the synth comes in way too suddenly, got to get a lead in somewhere there.
Nice drum loops, some of the one shots need eqing (high ends cut and mid's uped)
Overall it's nice, but needs a little eqing and adjusting here and there, but good on yah.
Membersonlyjackets replied Unknown
Thanks mate! Appreciate you taking the time to give an honest review..
Gsusfrk 31st Dec 2010 15:26 - 14 years ago

on Chained reactions by rhguru
One thing I suggest you don't do is start a song off with a slow beat, it messes with people when a faster beat comes in a few seconds later.
This is nice, although the bass needs a huge uping, it's very soft. Production is real nice, but bass is missing!
The bass kick is a little too low on frequencies, cut it off at about 100Hz's to give massive room for the bass to hit.
Keep it up man,
rhguru replied Unknown
Thanks for the reviews :) You actually point out all those things that I'm aware of and I'm still trying to change. I'm not a great artist or really talented musician but I'm getting better by every track. For sure I will use Your advise, they mean a lot for me :)
Thanks again man :)

Gsusfrk 31st Dec 2010 14:20 - 14 years ago

on Alien Dub Invasion By BlumeChoon by BlumeChoon
Reverb on the first loop/drums are nice.
Alien synth is sick. Beat seems a little too compressed.
I'm still in the progress of getting my beats sounding phat, but getting an eq on the 800-1,500Khz should phatten it up a bit. Though you might have to eq other instruments to get the sound sounding proper with the beats' new sound. Maybe up the snares volume.
The Accordian is nice, but kinda mellowed out the tune. But after it, that new beat kinda changes things up.
Give the bass a 1dB pump on the 50-70Hz freq, should give it a nice boost.
Other than that, good on yah man.
PS Have a good new year
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Steve thanks for the insightful review... I know what ya mean... I'm still learning how to master properly. I'll take you up on the suggestions and see if I get a phatter sound... But besides the mastering I'm glad you liked this one... Always learning and gettin reviews like this helps to push me to do better... I appreciate it man...

Gsusfrk 28th Dec 2010 15:25 - 14 years ago

on Four years of damages by ALXSIX
Nice effects man. Must say though, it's very well produced, but the bass you used in the beginning is somewhat a contrast to what bass you used later on. A hardcore bass to a happy bouncey bass... they just didn't seem to go well together... OR at least intergrate the two so the beginning bass isn't totally forgotten. Cause, it was a sick sound, maybe needs a little more bass, but sick nonetheless.
Keep it up,
Steve :)
ALXSIX replied Unknown
Hey thanks again for your time. I see what you mean about the bass, was looking for some sound to fill the first part a bit more, and came across this wobble that I find fits quite nicely. And, yeah, it helps to make a contrast between the two parts, that's how I wanted the track to be. Sure they don't fit together but they play their role at their respective moments imo, and that's how I like the track :)
Anyway, really appreciate your listen and review jesusfreak (just trying to pronounce yr pseudo smoothly :p)
Gsusfrk 26th Dec 2010 15:52 - 14 years ago

on LIES- Alividlife and Blume Ft Raykofoed by BlumeChoon
:) AMEN! hah! love it. You use a rex file to get chopps like that? They're amazing.
Guitars a little loud, bass is too low. Get a bass like: rep it hard bud, got a similar feeling to it.
Eq the vocals a little so they don't overlay one another and seperate the sounds via panning a little. You'd be surprised at the efffect it makes even with a little touch of panning.
Keep it up man,
As you asked me, I got a preview of a song coming up, let me know what you think.
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Hhaha nice!!! Thanks for having a listen man... I will take you up on the pointers and try to get this sounding a bit better... I screwed up on this one a bit but that's what learning is all about I'm glad you still enjoyed it!!! Gonna check out yer new choon man!!!! Thanks for the constructive crit and for the heads up on new track...

Gsusfrk 26th Dec 2010 15:30 - 14 years ago

on worlds apart skull stepper remix by ATM
Off the bat, piano needs more 2,500-6,000Khz punch to it. Amen's nice, but it's got a distorted feel to it.
Nice lead up, bass is wicked, but the frequencies are overlapping, it needs a major eq overhaul. It's difficult to get something with such a full sound (full range frequency) so sound good with another instrument with the same full range frequency. Choose which frequencies to play with (via bass and beat) then give them the room they need. Aka, the beat 2,500-4,000Khz are the mid range ("ticka's" of the beat, mid of the bass kick and mid of the snare) and 4,500-6,000Khz is the higher frequencies (hi hats, cymbal, and high freq's of the snare). Choose which one to keep on the beat and then subtract the one you chose from the bass to get the best results. (2,500-4,000Khz are a great range for the basses).
Great energy! Keep it up.
ATM replied Unknown
hey thanks for the advice yoiuv virtually mixed this track all in one paragraph!! lol..
this is just an early version remixed on a pc..soon this will get thrown back into my set up and eq'd up properly and mixed down alot more ...
needs alot more work put into it.
i appreciate your advice and will take some of it into consideration, so thanks for that and for listening in!!
respect.. have a great new year!!
Gsusfrk 26th Dec 2010 15:23 - 14 years ago

on Chemistry by Becca
I'm not much of a fan of anything but Drum n Bas (as my production tells) but this got my head nodding a little. guitar + piano is an epic collab. The pads are awesome (trancey).
One suggestion is that you should automate the volume up and down where the beat cuts out, another instrument comes in or just stop it to get the focus on that instrument. It pretty much stays the same volume all the way through. But that cut out was very sudden, you should slowly add a delay/very long reverb to get a nice fadeout/cut off.
A really nice track you have, VERY chilled. lol I can tell you loved that reverse cymbal.
Keep it up,
Becca replied Unknown
ah thx so much. I wanna do so much more with this track, I need to also cut out some of the piano cause its so repetitive. I really appreciate the tips and the review, ;)
Gsusfrk 26th Dec 2010 15:12 - 14 years ago

on Without Me B and B Collab by Becca
I love drum n bass, and producing it as well, the transition into the beat was way too put on and the DnB beat needs refining. Maybe add 1)to the 1,700-2,500Khz range to get a mid range feel for a better groove or 2) add to the 3,500-6,000Khz range to get a clearer sound. The snares that came in before the actual beat were too loud and sounded like aluminum being hit with a wooden hit. Just being honest.
Vocals are a nice touch and the RnB/Hip Hop beat is real nice. Melodies are top notch and coordination on the production is real nice.
What i'd suggest is making the drop into somewhat of a glitch of the piano, vocal and pad then get a solid bass going to not disturb the glitching. But what you'd do is use the glitching as a lead up to the drop. Just a suggestion. :)
Good tune, and keep it up.
Becca replied Unknown
thx. I just did the melody, blumechoon did the beat in this. Appreciate the review. ;)
Gsusfrk 26th Dec 2010 14:49 - 14 years ago

on Number 3 by hmoy
Unless I''m missing something doesn't seem there's a melody and the drums are sparse and scattered. The padd is a little distorted and the drums feel is lacking something. Sorryu man I try to say the truth without offending, but sometimes it's hard not to. I'm just saying what I'd do that's all.
I didn't hear much bass... at all? Was that the purpose?
The feel was nice, no doubt, as you said a chiller track, but production is lacking a little.
Hope this helped,
hmoy replied Unknown
Well, I respect your opinion, and all you can listen to here is pretty much what I had in mind for the track. You´re right about the production, it is still not finished.
Thanks for listening adn reviewing, always appreciated!
Gsusfrk 23rd Dec 2010 14:18 - 14 years ago

on The Four Seasons by gabballus
First off, the panning on the guitar(?) is too much in the beginning, feel like there's an itch on the back end of my Keep it closer unless you're going to go all the way around.
After that it turns into a nice mix, lots going on, and maybe you should try to seperate the drums a little, try and get some notes going from side to side (lightly) you'd be amazed as how much more feeling it gives to the mix.
But yea, seems like you like to pann all the way to the side lol, only in fast panning I think that should be. But hey that's just my opinion, make it an effect where the experience isn't disturbed by it, but rather enhanced by it. :)
Nice one bu,
Keep it up, this has a wonderful feel to it.
gabballus replied Unknown
Your sound design, composition and engineering skills are exceptional. I'm quite intrigued to see if there's anything that you have in your sample library that you think would compliment what I've been doing on this track. I've stripped the track down and have begun rebuilding it. I'm starting to see the potential in bringing in some darker and nastier sounds - something you seem to be very good at. Never the less, thanks for taking the time to offer advice - always greatly appreciated. All the best for the new year.
Gsusfrk 23rd Dec 2010 14:12 - 14 years ago

on Hirogenium Feat Effluence - Turn by Hirogenium
Nice feel man, got that old skool feel to it. It's the detune I think. And the Reverb on the vocals. The beat and cymbal are what make this.
Great melodies man, got a lot of potential in this.
Keep it up,
Hirogenium replied Unknown
thanks for listening, m8.
happy new year!
Gsusfrk 20th Dec 2010 19:35 - 14 years ago

on Ode to Charles by gabballus
Wasn't sure I could hear anything at first but then it faded in. With the vocal, you should add a gate to it to get rid of the "static" sound in between breaths and whatnot. Sounds are good, panning at first was a little much, but turned out nice. I mean eqing is great and compression is strong, so there isn't muhc to say.
Lot's of changing sounds throughout the track.
Good tune mate, keep it up!
gabballus replied Unknown
Thanks for the review. greatly appreciated. I agree, the pans are a bit much, this is being remedied. Not sure how to use a gate - I'll try and figure it out and hopefully solve one of the things that's bothering me the most about this piece. the advice is greatly welcomed. Be well and thanks again.
Gsusfrk 14th Dec 2010 06:17 - 14 years ago

on The Correct Way to Eat a Sandwich by DJSpenno
Beat is good, though I'd say there is too much reverb on it. The crash seems a little too high in volume. Synths' fat, LFO'd bass is good but to start off with the bass... I mean it worked well... but for me it takes away length from the track.
But that track name is a strange one.
Other than that the pad's are nice, but it's a little short for a DnB track.
Overall nice track,
Keep it up.
Gsusfrk 14th Dec 2010 06:17 - 14 years ago

on Ill Be Standing by DJDuaneWoods
Nice bass. Beats' got a great ducking effect over everything.
Arp's done nicely.
Keep it up, there's some major potential in this.
Gsusfrk 9th Dec 2010 19:27 - 14 years ago

on Its Going To Be Okay by Nutbean
Netsky = amazing!
Nice liking.
To the track. bongos(?) have a nice reverb on them.
Vocals seem to come in too early.
Beats' high frequency's are a little too high,
puta low pass filter that limits at 12,000Khz and add (as a rule of tthumb) a high pass filter at 60-90Hz to give room for the bass to hit harder without the beats bass kick interfering and Add mid level eqing about 600-1800Khz at 1-2db's to give the beat a bit more punch.
The bass need a bit more low-mid (150-200Hz) to give it more punch as well.
Other than that (IMO) it's well done. Just don't go all out on the vocals, means you're not confident with your music and you want to cover it up with other higher quality stuff. Use them sparingly!
Keep on Keeping on!
Nutbean replied Unknown
thanks alot man :D means alot

and yeah ill do that man cheers for the feedback , havent been doing this long haha
Gsusfrk 9th Dec 2010 19:27 - 14 years ago

on i aint coming back by dannysmith173
Vocals were nice, but the robot voice kind of ruined the vibe. You've used too many vocals for it to have a proper feel to it, for me.
The reece bass is good, but it needs a little eqing/compressing to get the proper feel.
Beats' a little weak, use a compressor and maximizor to get a great result as well as some eqing after those two.
Keep it up,
Lots of potential!
dannysmith173 replied Unknown
cheers 4 that mate you no what your talking about and i apreciate what you said cheers 4 listening peace out
Gsusfrk 9th Dec 2010 19:27 - 14 years ago

on Every day by Vessela
This is definitely a difficult beat to sing to. You did a good job, though. And I agre you do need a better mic.
About the music, the drums kick is too loud, it's distorting the entire track. But that pad would be better served turned a few dB's up. The synth could be turned down a little and you should add a delay, it'll give more effect with your voice, they're about the same pitch.
Sometimes adding a reverb to the vocals and a low filter of about 12,000Khz and a high filter of 120Hz (for womens voices) will give you a better effect. Sometime it improves the sound of it without even doing any eqing, or compressing.
Compress the beats a little, or turn them down.
But overall, it's a very good start for your first try.
And don't be afraid to try other genre's as well. House and dance are amazing for women vocals as well, but if you want to go into DnB with vocals, try creating liquid DnB for a better effect.
A few examples are:
Your voice doesn't need to be used as an intrument, it can just be spoken word... just sync it with the beat... that's the only thing I ask! lol
Keep it up,
Vessela replied Unknown
I really appreciate your review, Steve, although as a new start I still can't assimilate some part of it :D I rec my voice without any metronome or beat going, then it was completely impossible to synch it to that DnB beat (beatmapper only tortured me). I am so stubborn that I played with changing the vocal bpm and cut it into sections.I don't really think I can sing to that tempo :D:D Liquid DnB sounds much easier.
Thanks for the nice links:):)I'll have that idea in mind for sure.:)
Gsusfrk 9th Dec 2010 19:27 - 14 years ago

on corked by aka31seconds
Nice intro, lead up was good, but you lost me on the drop, it didn't have the same feel as the intro. To bring in a intro that's pad heavy then drop it wihtout the pad (unless you slowly fade out the pad) it's a shock to the audience and doesn't hit them as hard as if the flow of the first half continued through.
Though, on the pad you want to lower the bass on it, I can somewhat hear a distortion of sorts in the surrounding intruments. Maybe us ea high freq of 60 to get the distorting bass out. Just a suggestion.
The cymbal on the beat is a little loud, it takes away from the flow of the beat. Give it a little bump towards and your flow in the beats with improve.
Hopoe this helps,,
Keep on keeping on,
Comments 51 - 75 of 434