


Oklahoma, United States
Joined : 16th Sep 2019 - 5 years ago
Last Online : 15th Jun 2024 - 3 months ago
BlackFira comments on tracks

BlackFira has posted 5 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments (5)
BlackFira 4th Nov 2023 23:51 - 10 months ago

on Pipes by wizl
This is such an interesting track, reminds me of the music from rain world, not sure if this is done but id switch up how the vowel synth sounds at about 0:45 give it more of a transition feel. maybe after that switch up the sound for the second part. but that's all just back seat producing. keep up the awesome work!
wizl replied 5th Nov 2023 - 10 months ago
Thank you very much for your comment. I'll try to work on my tracks. I'm still learning and have a lot to learn and discover)
BlackFira 4th Nov 2023 23:43 - 10 months ago

on Psygnosis by FXRT1
Love this track alot, very hypnotic and just plain fun to listen to, ill def be adding this to my gaming play list. cant wait to hear more from you!
FXRT1 replied 5th Nov 2023 - 10 months ago
Thank You =)
BlackFira 29th Oct 2023 23:44 - 10 months ago

on souvenir by pacosferreira
Had no idea i liked this genre so much, i really hope someone ends up doing a vocal performance for this, keep up the doom posting!
BlackFira 29th Oct 2023 23:33 - 10 months ago

on No Turning Back by Micky
This is enchanting. felt like it was more an acid track at some points. awesome work, cant wait to check out your back log!
Micky replied 31st Oct 2023 - 10 months ago
Hello BlackFira. You mean Accccieeeed? That froggy, creaky kind of early techno?
Might be. I once designed record covers for it and listened to the stuff over and over again. Maybe that rubbed off on me. Thanks for listening and reviewing.
BlackFira 27th Oct 2023 00:51 - 10 months ago

on Lost Project Found by koga100
The percussion is awesome, i also love the lead melody so much. gotta keep working on this my man. This track has alot of potential.
koga100 replied 28th Oct 2023 - 10 months ago
Just a reminder that if I do, I'll have to re-create it from scratch. I'll prob eventually do just that.
Comments (5)