

Joined : 28th Jan 2010 - 15 years ago
theassociation comments on tracks

theassociation has posted 44 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 26 - 44 of 44
theassociation 19th Mar 2010 03:01 - 14 years ago

on DontGo by oasisduke
ive listened to a few tracks, about 10 actually but ill comment your stuff...more vocals needed tho, instrumentals are ok (as im finding out) but vocals maketheman so to speak, you have a great voice and i love your musicianship to, keep up the great work, a fan!
oasisduke replied Unknown
cheers for the review.
the music i make is primarily for scoring, so i am not too bothered by its lack of vocals. it is also for people to take and add onto. if someone thinks a piece needs vocals, by all means, take it and put some vocals on it lol! but i dont sing anymore.
again, thanks for the listen and review.
theassociation 19th Mar 2010 01:50 - 14 years ago

on Caterpillar by theonetruebrew
great stuff, robert smith pop style, great guitars
theonetruebrew replied Unknown
ive never heard him, but i should go have a listen, cus im really happy with what i stumbled upon with this track!
theassociation 15th Mar 2010 10:38 - 14 years ago

on Recognition by SuspektNum1
goodnes gracious me...excellent!
theassociation 28th Feb 2010 04:56 - 15 years ago

on The Death of Captain America by ReignStorms
I always ended up Batman, but i desperately wanted to be Capt.America, very your tracks, all of em, wheres the singing tho???didnt hear have a wicked sense of humour and a wonderful imagination...super!
ReignStorms replied Unknown
Thank you. I'm working on the singing part. Not sure where to go yet but I'll get there. Thanks again.
theassociation 25th Feb 2010 10:10 - 15 years ago

on Hiromi's Call by byizy
not bad for a first song?! it either needs to drop away into something more ambient or needs to get real dramatic, accent bits but i think its good as it is, i often try three or four parts bridge, verse, melody and a fiddle bit, you seem to sit on two max..good work
theassociation 25th Feb 2010 10:06 - 15 years ago

on Poor Man and The Bandit by byizy
i think its pretty good, i think it needs a break in there, maybe one of the chorus bits drop the melody and accent the ryhym, its a good song tho.....
theassociation 25th Feb 2010 05:08 - 15 years ago

on Going Under by Yttrium
nice. great effects and samples, like it a lot
unfortunately my op wasnt as easy. i had complications and my 20 minute surgery ran for three hours and i had to be awoken and then local anesthetic so i felt and saw whole thing, then was back in for another 5 days with an soundtrack would sound more like a horror movie theme!!!
good work!
theassociation 7th Feb 2010 00:40 - 15 years ago

on Jungulation by n0mad23
so uncanny nomad...up to do I. yes 12 inches and all...birdy is my fav daydream soundtrack! good stuff my friend!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Here's a bit of trivia for you - Peter Gabriel's "melty face" album with "Games without Frontiers" and "Biko" - the album art was done by Peter Chrisopherson (aka Sleazy) who was one of the original Throbbing Gristle members. He went on to be the backbone of the Post Industrial band Coil. Got to love those graphic artists that turn to sonics later on (wait - this is me as well!) Cheers!
theassociation 6th Feb 2010 12:44 - 15 years ago

on Fez under the rising Moon by n0mad23
tantalising sounds, flow,rythym,glimpses of melodies....peopl shy away from me when i would spend hours listening to instrumentals like this, daydream the day aayi have some friends from japan and nz in a band called many hands who attempt world music and rare sounds, but you got it down!a fav
n0mad23 replied Unknown
I've come to understand that I prefer the instrumentation of World Music more than the genre. Especially when I hear the inherent psychedelic sounds in these instruments that electronica and technology try to recreate. I'm not sure if it's in the tones themselves, or in the arrangement, but so many are able to do very interesting things to us both in terms of emotional locations and psychological states. So, I guess you won't be surprised to learn that my childhood was spent in West Africa and Southeast Asia. IyamwhatIyam. Thanks for the fave, Mate! The ultimate compliment in my book. Cheers.
theassociation 6th Feb 2010 12:38 - 15 years ago

on Jungulation by n0mad23
very nice...reminds of the soundtracks peter gabriel does, amazing stuff here, great and inspiring to us electronicas!
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Another reason to replace my stylus - I've got everything Peter Gabriel did up through So, and lot's of 12 in. singles, too. Thanks for the review and encouragement, and invoking talent that kind of raises the bar a bit. Cheers!
theassociation 4th Feb 2010 20:23 - 15 years ago

on 5 Centimeters by siensystem
love the string loop, gives a real direction and character over the beat background, well done!
siensystem replied Unknown
Thanks very much my friend. Glad you liked the melody sections. I spent allot of days, trying different notes and variations and this one was the one I was happy with in the end.
theassociation 2nd Feb 2010 22:21 - 15 years ago

on Totems from the Diaspora by n0mad23
awesome track, i listened to a few but am at work on orrible speakers, so ill listen on the home stuff soon, having said that this just flowed with great rythym and wonderful sounds and sounded good on these cheap speakers
looking forward to the rest
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Eric - as a former member of the band The Hybrid Association, let me first say how much I like your name! And an association of one is the best way to avoid the inevitable schism stage that most groups seem to fall into. Smart move. I'm glad you chose this one to review, as I always wonder what Australians must think hearing an Aboriginal instrument driving the track. It's my best attempt at redeeming World Music (in a generic sense) while simultaneously bringing as much world instrumentation into the mix as possible. My favorite moment in this one still is when everything drops away except some reggae drums and the Egyptian fiddles enter the mix. The panning there still blows my mind - and I'm responsible! I love having those happy surprises.

Sure am enjoying hearing your work! Welcome to the site, and expect more listens from me! Cheers.
theassociation 1st Feb 2010 20:39 - 15 years ago

on Ever & Always (You Make Me Smile) by minette
nice vocals and harmonies....90s no burden , lol, 80s (thats me) a heavy burden!!
good song writing skills and yes song is easier and more efficient way to say things!
big fan!
theassociation 1st Feb 2010 20:36 - 15 years ago

on Sword By Your Side (A Crusade) by minette
love the ambience, you sure your not Australian lol! do you have a soundcloud site? its a great site, to much techno but its good promo to as well as here!
theassociation 31st Jan 2010 09:53 - 15 years ago

on DIFFERENTIAL by siensystem
yes very good i likes nice driving
theassociation 30th Jan 2010 05:04 - 15 years ago

on DJ Divine S!cK by djdivine
great thumps ass drum and sequence.....fx ok , drive on mr dj
theassociation 30th Jan 2010 04:58 - 15 years ago

on dasperturbed by AdvanceDirective
yes a bass but otherwise great thumps
theassociation 29th Jan 2010 02:59 - 15 years ago

on Fat salad by davesmith1983
yeah sounds good, i havent actually recorded on cubase or abelton yet, i was playing round setting up abelton last night and cant wait to use tonight after work, all my other tracks ive done have been direct from my keyboards to computer using a avlab connection, so now ill rerecord all using my presonus and abelton..hopefully tighten the sound and get it all a bit tidier
more tracks here at
theassociation 28th Jan 2010 21:22 - 15 years ago

on heaven is hell by davesmith1983
nice sounds, well played, ive been using cubase which is a nightmare and i just downloaded abelton , so much easier and so creative, havent used reason but a friend swears by it...pricey tho
davesmith1983 replied Unknown
Cheers for the review.
Yeah i've also now moved on to ableton and i've got to say it's just so much more logic and simple, rewireing in reason just gave me headaches. You should check out my latest track i've done on ableton it's called fat salad and you really tell the diffrence beteen the daws.
Comments 26 - 44 of 44