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Joined : 5th Feb 2010 - 15 years ago
Fayz comments on tracks

Fayz has posted 97 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 76 - 97 of 97
Fayz 11th Jun 2010 20:05 - 14 years ago

on Koir by HMNN
OMFG! This is an amazing track!!!! makes me wanna like mosh and freak out and what not! brilliant! absolutely brilliant! i love the way it starts out too, starts out amazing, and then gets like 100x more awesome. great job, i'd have to say this is my favorite track on the site. bravo man! bravo!
Fayz 8th Jun 2010 12:47 - 14 years ago

on The Joy in Little Things by n0mad23
well this certainly was something different. i can't say i've ever heard anything quite like it. umm, i would try a limiter on the track or something of the such, i had to turn my volume down because i was getting that scratchy noise from my headphones it was so loud. i like the way it started out, and then when it got to the tweaked trumpet i thought it was pretty cool. my thing with it is that it's bit long and repetitive. i think some variation would be nice. something as simple as pausing the trumpet for just a drum or bass or something for a few seconds would qualify is some variation. changing up the drums a little bit too.
- off topic - for what ever reason while i listened to this track i thought of like one of those trippy vidoes that are supposed to show you what it's like to trip on acid.
but the track as it is now, is an alright track. id have to say though that my favorite thing about it is it's uniqueness. so you get like bucket full of cool points for that. hope to see some more from you.
n0mad23 replied Unknown
Hi Fayz - thanks for the great constructive criticism and for letting me know you're hare on the site - I'll certainly be checking out your tracks. Good call on the limiter. I haven't played with this effect at all yet, and I think this is a good opportunity for it. I'm thinking that those high end frequencies need to be made 'rounder' or something too. At this point I think they're a bit like having fiber glass blown into your ear cavities. Definitely long and repetitive, too. All these are useful observations and will serve me greatly as I revisit this one. Thanks again, and cheers!
Fayz 3rd Jun 2010 07:07 - 14 years ago

on Last Breath by acide
awesome track, i love the way it starts, it's like the second it starts you know its going to be really sick. i like how the beat is hip hop, but the melody is more industrial and grungy the way that you got this set up though i can see vocals fitting into places just by the way its set up like, verse, chorus, verse, the question is what kind of vocals? it could really go in any direction, from some hardcore rap, or some industrial vocals, possible even something punkish or slight screamo. but as is, has to be one of the greatest tracks i've heard over the past couple of days, and if you do add any vocals i would love to hear it. again great job, hope to hear more from ya in the future.
acide replied Unknown
Thanx alot homie. I really appreciate the kind words. if you want to add any vocals to it your welcome to hit me up at
Thanx again for the kind words
Fayz 30th May 2010 22:24 - 14 years ago

on Vampires Blood by SpyderX
well it started off really really good. then it got really repetitive and i think the take off came in a little too late. then my next issue is that there's nothing to seperate a chorus from a verse. even if the chorus was instrumental that would be good too. changing the melody for the verses or chorus would be good too. also im all down for the whispering vocals, but there's no emotion, nothing to make them stand out. you make such great music but once it gets repetitive like this one it loses its power. i know that you can do sooo much better. all you need is variation. change it up a bit. because the music you make really could take off and go some where but it it gets really bland. what i do to learn how to make my music better is by listening to wide variety's of music and really just analyzing them and what makes them sound great. i dont know if this helped any you probably already knew this but i would really like to see it put into effect.
Fayz 30th May 2010 21:45 - 14 years ago

on FALLEN GREATS ft d-wreck by raporia
its a really great track, i love the piano in the background. the meaning behind it is very powerful but i think there could be a better use in words in some parts, i think if it was a touch more poetic it would change the feeling alot, and from my personal point of view when your making songs about something that is a 'personal' level when you write it with more of a poetical base especially in rap or hip hop it brings the meaning of the song to life. just by changing adjectives, or when writing i if i were making a rap/hip hop song i would right a line, count the syllables, and for that i would make the next line or every other line have the same syllables. maybe make the lines with out the same syllables rhyme with the first line to make it all fit more together. using the syllable technique will give your words more of a rhythm which vocally i didn't hear much in the song, also emphasis on words like when you say something that's sad or upsetting, making it sound like your really upset when you say it REALLY brings out the heart in the song. and when your trying to tell some one something like at the beginning, pretend your trying to convince people that they are great like you want to persuade them. but when it goes "how many people are ready to hear this true life story" that part really fits into the song because it has a rhythm to it, emphasis saying it like you were upset? that would make it just pop! i agree with alot of the vocal contrast, the darker/deeper parts really fit in well but they don't stand out. its like if you were painting a black and white picture, if theres dark gray on black then its not that interesting, but white and black with touches of gray would make the picture stand out. same thing with vocals. if you have more emotional parts and then those darker parts along side with every once in a while that gray area it would really make this track that much better. in my view this is a really good song i can tell there was a lot of thought put into it. but i would like to see more heart put into it.
raporia replied Unknown
thx for such a detailed review and your comments are much appreciated and will certainly be of help with future productions:)
Fayz 23rd May 2010 23:26 - 14 years ago

on What Seeps Thru The Cracks by BrianMaiden407
i enjoyed the track it was short and to the point basically.honestly i was a little scared to click on it, i thought it was gonna be one of those slow, dark, depressing songs for some reason, probably just the title. but im glad that what ever possessed me to click on it did because i sure would have hate missing out on such a brilliant track. great job and i hope to see more from ya.
BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Hey thanks for the nice words Fays!Have alot of tracks iam working on and trying new things out!
love looperman and great people on it!!

thanks again!!

Fayz 23rd May 2010 23:15 - 14 years ago

on Load Our Own Asses Up Demo (Rap/Metal w/lyrics) by SkullG
pretty neat track, generally i dont like things like this, but i think you made it work. the distortion on the vocals is pretty cool to, i dont know many people that can make that work without blowing the quality out the door, unless they only use a very small almost unnoticeable amount. i couldn't follow to much with the lyrics though but im sure if any one listened to it enough they could get it. overall it's a pretty cool track. the vocals seemed a little monotone though. not that you need to change the way you preform your vocals i think its cool, i think it would be pretty cool though if they changed from left to right ear and back each time you spit out a phrase, would really give it that edge that would make more and more people want to listen to it over and over ya know? but again im not telling you how to run your own show im just adding my two cents as a idealist. overall great job and i hope to hear more.
SkullG replied Unknown
Yes, I've thought about switching like you say but having another voice of my own or someone else say parts to break it up. I am not a singer, which is why I have taken to rap. Once I get some real recording equipment, Ill record some singing etc and see if anything sounds good. A better option though would be to get someone who sings to do parts. This is definitely one of the more helpful honest reviews, thanks!
Fayz 21st May 2010 01:13 - 14 years ago

on The Ghost and The Girl by Jowe
i thought it was an alright track, you definently had the mood in it but it didn't really go anywhere, i mean i understand that the idea was dark and creepy but at some point i think there should be a build up to a greater piece or a spot in the track that has something a little different than what you hear and make that one piece really special to the track make it stand out, also for something like this since its all instrumental i would probably cut the time down a little bit id say after about 2:30 it gets a little tedious. granted im not the greatest musician or mixer but theres always something inside my head that goes off when something is good but could be done so much better and this track really gave me that feeling. i only tell you all this stuff because i want you to reach that point of greatness and this track could really go there it was so on the verge of amazing. i hope i have gave you some constructive criticism with the key work being constructive. and with that all aside i just want to let you know that i did enjoy the track and that it really just brought out that mood and you know what? i say you should make another one like it but id really like to see some thinking out side of the box.
Jowe replied Unknown
thanks you Fayz for taking a moment for this review... I took time for me to understand very well because I,m french and i wanted to understand very well before posting a reply.

I,ll be careful about your constructive advices :D
I,ll try :P
Fayz 17th May 2010 23:56 - 14 years ago

on Playing with automation by thnknde
nice! i love how it started off kind of slow and then bam it hits ya, i honestly cant tell it hasn't been mixed down because its so awesome i really like how everything comes together so well and just wow amazing great job^^
thnknde replied Unknown
Haha, yeah. No one expects that blast beat to come atcha like that then BAM (haha, like ya said) Thanks homie!
Fayz 12th May 2010 05:38 - 14 years ago

on Find Love by Jeffierenee
hey brilliant track, definitely pro material, makes me so sad that this isnt on the radio! honestly i could probably cry right now, this track is just so beautiful and it should definitely be shared with the entire world! great job! 5/5 stars, two thumbs up ect.
Fayz 12th May 2010 05:12 - 14 years ago

on move ya by rei4real
you are one of 'the' best guitarists on this site, your recordings are clear, your rifts are original and their very, very! well played, and your synchronization with the other instruments is amazing! man if you ever got into a band with even a mediocre vocalist, i bet just based on what you could offer and your abilities you'd make the charts, yo keep up the good work like i know you'll do
pce- Fayz
rei4real replied Unknown
thx a lot for your kind words!!!
well appreciated ... ;-)

peace, rei
Fayz 28th Apr 2010 05:19 - 14 years ago

on Say Goodnight (with vocals) by stianh182
Wow, amazing track!!! excellent vocals! i especially like what you did with the screamo parts, very well done!
stianh182 replied Unknown
thank you for your review, glad you liked it!
Fayz 12th Apr 2010 05:05 - 14 years ago

on Osmosis by Mund
wow really good i like the back ground music and the vocals are really good too great job to the both of ya
Fayz 9th Apr 2010 06:20 - 14 years ago

on Life Has A Purpose by XavierSunderland
im gonna have to agree the radio filter works really nice with the track, its a little hard to understand though but still a very nice track, great job ^^
Fayz 5th Apr 2010 20:17 - 14 years ago

on Boricua Swagger by REGGAETONKINGZ
wow again amazing track, you have got to be my favorite artist on the site, yo if you got a music myspace I'd really like to put up a couple of banners on my myspace.
REGGAETONKINGZ replied Unknown
i have a my space page but i havent been in it for about a year ...but i will let you know once i up dated ....thank you for your review .....
Fayz 5th Apr 2010 19:58 - 14 years ago

on Nice hip hop beat by Chuwi
great track, i really like the bass, almost made my over sized headphones vibrate of my head lol. i could definitely see this track in a movie, hell i would make it my theme song lol. no body would mess with some one that has that much bass.
again great job, and keep em coming im looking forward to listening to more of your work.
Fayz 5th Apr 2010 19:47 - 14 years ago

on I still love you so by Nixi
this track really hit me in the heart. it kinda has that feel of one of those slow dance songs ya know? it really makes me wanna call some one up and tell em i love em. great track with some vocals this could be one of my favorite songs on this site.

the only i would work on is the piano at the beginning, beautiful piece, but each time you made a cord i kinda jumped. maybe just try mixing it down a little bit? and then the song would be flawless in my opinion

all and all a really great track
Great i cant wait to hear it! ^^ pm me when you get it finished and i will check it out
Nixi replied Unknown
yaaay! im really glad you like it! Thank you very much for the feedback, it will be taken on board :D. I shall upload it again once i've corrected some of the mistakes...I will try and compress the piano a bit, which will make it less loud lol, and there's going to be vocals added shortly, i jsut need to figure out a good vocal melody that fits it XD. Thanks again :)
Fayz 3rd Apr 2010 23:32 - 14 years ago

on Schizophrenia by Steinaa
Rock on! great piece of music! I like how it doesn't stay so intense through - out the entire song, the slowing down and building back up is something i really appreciate. all and all this is something i could listen to and never get tired of, great job!
Fayz 3rd Apr 2010 23:21 - 14 years ago

on KRillateen They killed Fritz by sumerlin
Hell yeah!!!! the second the guitar kicked in i was ready to mosh, i just couldn't stop listening! this is defiantly a song to show to all my friends phenomenal job and great use of effects
sumerlin replied Unknown
thank you very much for the review! happy you enjoyed it!
Fayz 3rd Apr 2010 23:14 - 14 years ago

on Slay You With Pleasure by SpyderX
I thought it was really good, i really liked the drums, however i thought the guitar was a little too repetitive, but things really kicked up with the synth and the bells, i really enjoyed listening. good job!
SpyderX replied Unknown
Thanks for the listen and review, Fayz. I appreciate your candor, and I'm glad you enjoyed the track.


Fayz 3rd Apr 2010 23:10 - 14 years ago

on hosono taught me by oasisduke
wow its really amazing *Que the goosebumps* it feels like there's a deep emotion to it and the title is just really heart hitting, great job! really a beautiful piece.
oasisduke replied Unknown
anytime i evoke goosebumps, i know ive done something right,
cheers for the listen and review...much appreciated!
Fayz 6th Mar 2010 07:50 - 14 years ago

on Live On by Matthewbgood
wow a truly beautiful piece... i almost cried when i heard it, really good, and im really sorry for your loss
Comments 76 - 97 of 97