Hi my friend ....Didnt realise just how accomplished you are as a musician this track was true genius......Keep in touch... Saul Kaine.....The Duped....
Nice touch....It has a feeling of early eighties for me and that in no way was a diss.....Awesome track nice riffs on the guitars... are they live ?.....Im new on here and will be uploading some stuff soon I hope I can get some feed back off you and who knows maybe colab on some work....The Duped (c)
Raw track dude.....I like anything with a bit of Stevie in it....Im new on here and will be adding tracks soon....Just a little more depth on the high hats and snare sounds would do it for me tho....B Safe.....
on Quietest Breakup Song by Dubstep2011
on Change by samkingtheartist
Id like to see it done live....Saul Kaine..Able Sound Creatives(c)
on nocturne by kirkow
on Children of war by SLAPJOHNSON
on a dumb war by alkie
Cheers Alkie.
on All I Do (Splish Remix) by DougieDJ