Very Halloween. I have a little radio show I do for FHSU in Kansas, I'd like to play this during my Halloween sections if you send a copy my way I will play it.
Another WOW track, I would like to play this on my show at the college radio station. My show is new, the people at FHSU where I go to school have never heard trance, so I want to show them what is going on in the world.
I love this song! I would like to play it on my college radio show if you send me the file I will put it in this weeks or next weeks show.
This song is fantastic! I'd like to play it at our college radio station if you send a copy my way. I play mainly fast trance and this fits the bill, thanks!
i cant make this available for dl as i have label intereston it. if u send me ya email and i am feeling kind i willl send it to you!
thanks for the review
This track f'g ROCKS!!! I use it almost daily for my 'push' when I am cycling, even if I have gone 40 miles+ if I put this in I can still kick it up and move, thank you.
Hey man, was hoping to have some Label problems cleared by next week, that way it will be available on Beatport and iTunes, but it seems as if it will be taking longer than that.
Seeing as your intrested, ill send it to u in an email. I will Inbox you :)
on Horror Theme Demo by JohnAidan
Yes thank you very much, if you just send me a mail to I will send you the copy instantly.
kind regards
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thanks for the review
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Seeing as your intrested, ill send it to u in an email. I will Inbox you :)
Cheers. Bradd.