It's been a while since I was on.. if you want to give the vocals a go.. they are typed in the lyrics box and I would love to hear anyone's rendition on what I've written. Leave a comment download the track and do your thing.. make sure you drop a link so I can get a listen. Thanks to everyone for your support...
on This is Hardstyle by lenny78
on This Iz Why Im Hot by indigoprophet
on This Iz Why Im Hot by indigoprophet
on Skorpion by mogsterofficial
on Break The Rules by mogsterofficial
on MeinBlutInLhrenHanden 1My blood in her hands1 by GrimmTheFiend
on Colab Anyone by mogsterofficial
on Maniac by mogsterofficial
on Little Johnny WIP by mogsterofficial
on Repeat Offender by mogsterofficial
on I am dubstep by mogsterofficial
on Boundless - Dubstep by Sloppy0
on PewDiePie - Bitch Lasagna Trap Remix by LilPitOnTheTrack