Yeap. I like the point of Orlando. Turbulent! Anyway It has rythm, but i also think that you miss the key of bass. Now, you have nice intro but no good outro. You can work on that.
Girl, you have the rythm and a preety voice but.... what's that noice?? Bad microphone? If you want a colab you must have a clear pella with out any noice. And those papers at the begining... oohhh!! Common sweety, you can do it better. Peace.
I really dont like FL but thats me! Anyway you need to reduce the synths a bit. I cant hear the vocals and they make too much noice to my ears. Your beat and your tempo its goood...
Keep up! Peace.
on Lone Journey by OmarMuk
on Frozen Love by FrozenStick
on 01 Back by OmarMuk
And I used FL Studio 9. Edirol Orchestra is the main Vst program used.
on Squat by my side by YG4huninid
on Kampf Ist Liebe by OmarHaleem
on My Voice by ArtistSarah
on Thomas Flek feat EpicRecord One Life To Live by DFletcher
on Triple-M vs Blake Reary - Hanging On by triplem3887
Keep up! Peace.
on Until we meet again by ak47og
on Happy Nuts by Dirtzilla
on the mariana trench latinassassin whitewhisperep by EddieTheHuman
on Xyilent - Chapter 19 by XyIlent
and thx for the like! :)
on Bangarang by RevShrimpy
on Time Out by RentAReefer
on -Here-We-Go- by AleCsVp
on Im Stuck In a Groove by brutish
i love the trumpet and lets go too the old scool... yeah!
i enjoyed making this one, trying to match all the different styles.
on Mojto Chuck Bailey ft Jacinth Clifton by ChuckBaileyBand
keep it up