

Bowie, MD, United States
Joined : 11th May 2010 - 14 years ago
cmgoodman1226 comments on tracks

cmgoodman1226 has posted 57 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 57
cmgoodman1226 28th Jun 2011 18:05 - 13 years ago

on noone loves you by etamski
Really nice track. Love the bass, the chippy intro and lead, nice sidechained pad. Nicely mixed, everything fits in. Good choice of hats and snare. Like the kick too, although that might could be brought a bit. Excellent work!
cmgoodman1226 27th Jun 2011 19:32 - 13 years ago

on Slumdog Millionaire (Instrumental) by TheDreamMerchant
track is straight fire. Literally the only thing I can say is I feel like it could use more sub bass. Really nice. And if you like 9th wonder you should check out exile. Them 2 are the best producers around right now (barring oldschool heads that are still doing it like premier and pete rock).
TheDreamMerchant replied Unknown
Thanks & yeah Exile's dope, heard his work with Blu on Below The Heavens. I think 9th, Yeezy, Just Blaze and Madlib are the best out other than Premo and Pete Rock but Exile's definitely dope
cmgoodman1226 27th Jun 2011 16:16 - 13 years ago

on Spare Noise by PublicHardOn
I like this track. And it might just be the recording is low quality but those hats are killer on the ears. You should probably look into equing out some of those upper mids cuz the frequencies will get really painful to listen to. Same with your main bass too, I'd have to look at a spectral EQ but it's peaking really harshly. Good start.
cmgoodman1226 27th Jun 2011 16:13 - 13 years ago

on Hiyer DuBstep by BlazinS
I like the sound design. Arrangement is pretty good. Your snare is clipping really hard though. And I'm not sure if you have any hats or cymbals in there, but if so, once the bass hits, they cannot be heard at all.
BlazinS replied Unknown
Thanks man, Yea i have the drive turned up too high on my snare, and kept any hi-hats out just because i spend FARRRR tooo much time on my drum tracks/loops and then try to work my patterns around my drums so i decided to use a basic drum pattern so i can have more leeeway with my bass/synnth patterns, You got a good ear and actuall listen to the track from a production point of view, Appreciate the review
cmgoodman1226 26th Jun 2011 23:36 - 13 years ago

on Dub vs Jupiter-Andromeda Crisis by KaierasSkaix
I really like this lead. Like the sidechaining. Meshing of different instruments is good.Right around :40-:45 where you're low pass sweeping in. It's peaking at the siren frequency that's killer on the ears. You can either bring the resonance down or EQ out those frequencies just during that short portion and it'll be much easier on the ears. Also the drums sound decent but need some work (could be the low quality mix). I like the snare but it sounds like it's got a bit too much reverb on it. Also, you might want to change the lead every now and again just to add some variety in there. Just my 0.10 cents.
cmgoodman1226 26th Jun 2011 23:28 - 13 years ago

on Lazy by KaierasSkaix
I really like the melodic progression and the sounds. Just some personally thoughts: Bring those drums out. The only part of the Kick I can hear is the low low bass, to the point that it sounds like it's interfering with the sub. Also, the snare is almost inaudible and has no punch. It defenitly needs to be brought out and then EQ'd. I personally crank my snares up around 200 Hz and roll them off after that. Also I'd have to look at a spectral EQ but it sounds like your snare has way too much really high end in it (could just be the mix though). Also your hats need to be brought out as well. Overall it sounds a bit muddy, especially the sub bass (could just be the low quality mix once again though). Just my 0.10 cents anyways. Some great ideas in here. Keep it up!
cmgoodman1226 22nd May 2011 07:56 - 13 years ago

on Life On Mars by DuttyDubstep
This is defenitly a great start but there's a few things that I can see. First off the sub bass is really lacking. Also your snare sounds like it has too much reverb and almost no punch. try messing with some different snares and crank them up around 200 hz to add some punch. Also the levels (particularly in the vox) are very different. I like the synthwork but they sound like they could use a bit of beefing up in general. Also the cymbal that's hitting 16th notes sounds like it's off pitch, it sounds like it should be higher. Also your kick sounds like it's almost too real for this track. Maybe try one that's a bit more clubby. Try the vengeance club essentials packs. They have the best drums sounds around. Also when the kicks come in for the mini drops they sound way too low in volume to create an energetic drop. All in all the is a great start though. Just my 0.10 cents anyhow.
DuttyDubstep replied Unknown
yea i no what you mean ill try sorting it and post it again thanks for the review ! thanks for the help
cmgoodman1226 13th May 2011 23:54 - 13 years ago

on Sekko - Anti-Forge -DubStep- by Sekko
I really like the arrangement, the breaks, what you did with the vox. Like the choppiness. The sub is good. The kick is really good but the snare sounds a bit weak up against it. Also, the sound you used for the first part (the "wobble") sounds kind a bit weak. Just my .10 cents.
cmgoodman1226 11th May 2011 18:08 - 13 years ago

on Venomous MCs Instrumental by Bambuz
Smooth sample, nice bass, love the ride cymbal. My only comment would be to maybe turn down the kick and snare just a bit. Really well done.
Bambuz replied Unknown
thx i work on it
cmgoodman1226 1st May 2011 22:07 - 13 years ago

on jaijin by smr
You have some really good ideas here. A few things though. I really like the reese at the beginning but it's got a bit too much distortion for my taste. Also one of the synths is has so much wet reverb on it that it almost sounds offbeat. The snare has way too much low end and not enough high end to cut through the mix. Also the bitcrushed Yaya sounds way too weak to go with the surrounding synths, maybe try to mess with the sound a bit or take it an octave lower. I also would like to hear more out of the main reese because that's actually my favorite part of the song. Also the kick can barley be heard due to interference with the sub-bass. Like the glitchiness and the cymbals. Great start.
cmgoodman1226 7th Apr 2011 21:30 - 13 years ago

on Subsonic Malfunction- Dubstep by FatalMynd
This track is really nice, I really like the bass sound and progression. A couple things that I can see: the mix itself sounds a bit muddy. Also, I'd compress or limit some of the bass and sweeps as they're peaking quite a bit. Also remember that drums should be the most prominent part of the track. The track should be ducked a bit around at least the kick and snare to give them some room in the mix. Try crankin up the snare around 200 Hz to give it some body. also it sounds your kick has a bit too much high end in it (just some thoughts). anyways, great automation and sound design. Keep it up.
FatalMynd replied Unknown
appreciate the review man have some of those fixed already but other i can definitely start working on! really appreciate it!
cmgoodman1226 16th Mar 2011 19:24 - 13 years ago

on hardcore Dubstep (re-rendered) by Zelab
You must have uploaded the wrong file because this track is only 7 seconds long and has no drum beat.
Zelab replied Unknown
Sorted it out, enjoy =)
cmgoodman1226 18th Jan 2011 20:41 - 14 years ago

on Each Time We Meet by DJUnderTheInfluence
really good start. a few things, The drums sound more distorted than loud and at some points completely drown out the sample. Also, the drum beat as a whole doesn't seem to fit the sample. It makes it sound kind of sloppy (just my opinions). all in all nice work.
cmgoodman1226 18th Jan 2011 20:39 - 14 years ago

on HD Flat Screenz And Doobies by Kaleek
not a fan of the crunk style drums but I love the donkey kong country sample.
Kaleek replied Unknown
Thanks i appreciate it
cmgoodman1226 16th Jan 2011 02:42 - 14 years ago

on This is America by BlackKasper
fire beat. Nice samples, nice cymbals and nice snare. A couple things: it sounds choppy when the sample loops. Also the vocal pad that you used that comes in every once in a while doesn't seem to sound right with this song (just my opinion). But defenitely the best hip hop track I've seen up here in a while.
BlackKasper replied Unknown
Thanks bro. And yeah I def. got lazy with that sample, just fixed that. Also my brother was tellin me that voice didnt sound right so i swiped it out. Thank you for the tip tho, I need to pay more attention to details.. Peace.
cmgoodman1226 16th Nov 2010 14:50 - 14 years ago

on Bl4st Off by codeN1nj4
This is a good start. HOWEVER, it needs a lot of work (just my opinion, and I'm not expert). The drums are buried in the mix at points (you should use sidechain compression to give them some room), Also the drums sounds are not right for a dubstep song (they sound way to happy and bright for a song that otherwise sounds dark). Also you need to make sure you have a proper snare hitting on beat 3 and a kick on beat 1 of every bar (that's the dubstep way). Additionally, the main bassline appears to not be in any particular key, but is just a bunch of randomly selected notes. Also the bassline is lacking bass. The main bassline is also not heavy enough to make this track what it could be. I know it sounds like I'm straight dissing your track but I really do like it. Like the effects, some crucial drops would be nice. Hope this helps. Good work so far and keep it up.
codeN1nj4 replied Unknown
Thank you for the tips! I really appreciate getting this level of feedback on my songs. I will definitely take what you have said in to consideration.
cmgoodman1226 29th Oct 2010 05:48 - 14 years ago

on Eastern Drones by ClayBroussaa
I mean that when your kick drum comes in, the volume of the rest (primarily the lower end that is around the same as the kick) should go down so that your kick has some space. Also, when your snare or cymbals come in the volume of the rest (primarily the higher end that occupies the same or similar frequencies as the snare and cymbals) should go down. This can either be done through sidechain compression (there are plenty of great tutorials on how to do this on youtube) or by manually making it so that the volume of the rest of the track goes down just a bit and just while the drums are hitting. This can be heard in most electronic music (in particular house music where theres a kick every beat) by a sort of pulsing sound. hope this helps.
cmgoodman1226 28th Oct 2010 22:35 - 14 years ago

on Speed Bumps Downloadable by rufftuffcwgrrl
I really enjoy the beat. However around 00:38 it sounds like you doubled up the drums so it sounds way too loud and it also sounds like they arent lined up perfectly so you're getting an overly loud and delayed sound (sounds like a flange) around the 00:38 mark. Also the triangle doesnt sit well with the rest of the song. And the cymbal you used in the beginning is way too electronic and distorted. Like the bass drum, the finger snaps. This song is good as a drum beat, but you need the rest of it. All in all, well done.
rufftuffcwgrrl replied Unknown
Glad you enjoyed it. I figured there were a lot of errors. The drums were doubled-up, yes. I'm finding that problem with a lot of things that I do, and I haven't figured out how to stop that yet. As for the other sounds that didn't quite match up right...those were things I threw in there because I knew something along the lines of that sound would fit...but I don't yet know how to make the sounds myself, and I haven't found a loop that sounds quite right. I need to learn a lot more about the technical aspects, I know. For me, there's a lot to this program, and it's a bit difficult without an instruction manual (got the program from a friend). Thanks so much for the review, though. I really appreciate your time.
cmgoodman1226 28th Oct 2010 22:31 - 14 years ago

on Ghetto Of The Mind (Ruff Draft) by ruff_trak
Really nice track. The only thing I see is the intro seems a bit offbeat. I like its choppiness but it just sounds offbeat to me for some reason. Also the drums seem to be overpowering the rest of the track. Nice drum sounds, smooth samples. Great track.
ruff_trak replied Unknown
thanks. made a few changes, im mad lazy so i will eq it at some point, havent been using my monitors for a while, need to connect everything up and send you that joint if u still on it. one
cmgoodman1226 28th Oct 2010 22:13 - 14 years ago

on Rock That Sh-t by GrimSippah
Sick track. The only thing I'd say is sometimes the drums overpower the mix and the closed hat seems way to bright and happy. Really well done. Love the dark style.
cmgoodman1226 28th Oct 2010 21:36 - 14 years ago

on Eastern Drones by ClayBroussaa
This is a good track. however, you need to work on some of the levels. The lead kind of sitar sound really dominates the mix and drowns out the first wobble bass that comes in. Also you need to duck your drums at points because there's times when they are buried in the mix. Also the second bass that comes in sounds more like a reese bass than a great wobble bass, maybe tone down some of the detuning. Also, when your synths cut off at about 2:00, I don't know whether you turn up the volume or what but it's way too loud and sounds muddy and distorted and it happens again at about 3:45. This is a really good first track. Nicely done.
ClayBroussaa replied Unknown
Thanks alot man, I was trying to get some more impact but I probably clipped the hell out of it making it muddy. What do you mean by duck the drums? Lower the volume?

And thanks for the advice, ill remix it and get the levels set better.
cmgoodman1226 26th Oct 2010 22:17 - 14 years ago

on Tijuana Nights by yeshintae
Smooth track right here. Nice work.
yeshintae replied Unknown
Appreciate the luv fam'!

i just uploaded a Thez laced
version of this track!

CHECK IT OUT when you get tha

Much Respect from LA
cmgoodman1226 26th Oct 2010 22:12 - 14 years ago

on smokin guitar by edwin1976
Smooth track. Reminds my of Devin the Dudes "doobie ashtray" (produced by dj premier). Like the subtle synth effects. Well done.
cmgoodman1226 26th Oct 2010 22:08 - 14 years ago

on Dont Watch That by Sludgecity
I like this a lot. The one thing I'll say is that the main wobble and the drums (especially the cymbals) are buried in the mix at times. The lead seems a bit too loud in comparison to the wobble. Also some heavier filtering and maybe some synth glissandos might make the buildups a bit less monotinous. Good work!
cmgoodman1226 21st Oct 2010 16:02 - 14 years ago

on B Liv3Wir3 and Samurai - Make Shift by Liv3wir3
Great track, once again you just need to duck your drums cuz a lot of times you can barley hear them. Also you may wunna trim some of the highs at about 20 hz. Def a fav. Good Job!
Comments 1 - 25 of 57