I like the effects and the sounds. however, you need to duck your drums a bit cuz everything else is so thick that your drums don't have much space in the mix. Also, you need to expand your drums from the FL studio "hip hop" drums cuz they are not great (especially the hiphop snare). Try sampling from other sources. There's some great sounds out there. Good track.
Love the wobble sound. However you may wunna clip off some of the high end on the noise just cuz it almost makes it sound a bit too muddy. Another thing, you may want to clip the extremes off the pad because it sounds like it's taking up way too much of the mix and covering up your wobble. Also, it seems like it almost comes out of nowhere. Have you thought of filtering it in so it kind of builds in? And the pad itself I really like but it seems like the 3rd chord is a major chord which doesn't seem cohesive the minor and dark nature of the rest of the track. Maybe just a bit too much reverb on the snare. I know it sounds like I'm tearing apart your track but it's actually one of the best I've heard in a while. Nice drums. Solid Track!
thanks mate.. i did you use a few samples from peeps on here cant remember who you are but thank you.. i hear wat your saying but being new to producing beats and trying to master them iam not sure wat to tweak and turn up or down... i use cubase 5 and sort of relie on the built in mastering settings to take care of things. thanks for the review good information in it if only every review was like this with hints and tips thankyou..
I agree with bbelle that it's way outta tune but if that's what you're going for then do your thing. Love the beat. the crackle and the drums are so reminiscent of mobb deep. Love how simple and stripped down it is. nice work.
well i didn't sample the big l song. i listened to it and found the original song that was sampled which was "my funny valentine" by the stylistics. so i sampled that song. used my own drum kits and scratching samples. so basically i just sampled the same song they did.
I like the hat. that fl studios snare is not a good one though. try sampling or downloading other ones cuz fl's hip hop snares are not the best.i like the sounds. nice work.
If you're gunna go for the "industry" style, you MUST have a huge lead synth in there that can carry the whole track along, otherwise, it just won't bang. also the snare needs a lot more punch and you can barley hear the kick. also the hats need to be more present. all in all, it's a good start.
I like the flow and the synthy guitar line. but the clap at the end defenitely doesn't go with the other drums at the beginning. Your snare sounds a bit weak. the vox kind of over power the track a bit. the kick needs to be bigger and sounds a bit dancey. Nice work.
the beat needs more. and the drums are covered up by the rest of the mix. I like the simplicity of the beat but you need to put in a bit more. also def re-record the vox.
Not my cup-o-tea but really well done. nice drums, nice synths, nice lead. the one thing i'd say is the really high synth line, the pitch oscillates too much and it sounds more like a haunted sound than a crunk sound. well done all in all.
I like the flow. The beat is lacking for a crunk beat. the synths sound really weak. What I mean is that you need to layer synth upon synth to create a bigger sound. don't be afraid to use multiple octaves and tweak the sounds of each so they sound similar enough to go together but different enough to be distinct. good start.
I really like the beat but the vocals defenitely overpower the whole track. also the vox need to be re-recorded. it sounds like she's right on the mic. also, I'm not a fan of the snare or the crash cymbal, sound a bit dancey.
I like this a lot. The only thing is that the piano in the middle should sound like a REAl grand piano, but it sounds like a synth. it does not sound dark enough. it also doesnt stay in key the whole time. like the flow, drums could be more prevalent as well. Some of the hits around 3:30 sound a bit cheesey to me. NICELY DONE!!!
I really like this joint! the one thing I'll say is that the snare you use at the beginning needs some work (just my opinion) also the pad synths that come in sound a bit generic to me (once again, just my opinion). all and all, this track is nice!
Nice work. I think the kick needs more punch and the crash cymbals need a bit more in the high end more prevalent. I like the wobbles though. Also it needs a lead as well as some sort of buildup during the drop. try using a reese bass and just shifting the pitch slowly before the drop.
Well, first your track neads a lead syth line to go with the wobble. Also your drops need more buildup as opposed to just 8th or 16th note bass hits with no change in filtering or volume. also, I'm not a big fan intro synth sound, def not dark enough for this song. what program are you using? don't be afraid to layer more synths to make a bigger sound.
I'd be more than happy to try and write one for me if you wunna send me the track. how i do it in fl is use the 3x osc, tune everything down to a lower octave, and then send that into an eq and cutoff everything but the low end. that makes the bass sound like bass. the hip hop bass presets on fl suck.
have you tried using sidechain compression? itll make it so the bass wont drown out the low end of the kick. there are great tutorials on youtube for ducking in reason if you don't know how.
I really like this, but cunninglynguists did use the same sample. They use it a little differently but you should check it out -> Cunninglynguists - "broken van"
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