buddy this tracks is so damn sick i want to make something tonight over it, and yo that zeus's song is coming. My brother reformatted his comp and it was on there i have the song but i want to re do it all for you. Today I hit the studio for the first time and layed down that 'MY DIARY" song, so it hopefully it will turn out.
hah this is brilliant man, flow is sick! and definitely jumpin into some uncharted territory lol I just wish it was a bit louder but im half def from listening to music lol
thanks alot for the review man alot better than the one i arrived home to by: "Mrbillionx" lol sorry about the quietness its a bit lo-fi I also use a £10 mic kinda like you we lo-budget but enjoy it!!! I like your tunes just had a listen,i'd be up for a collab if you are?? let me know thanks again man :-)
you are amazing, the only reason why you haven`t got reviews on here is because of the quality of the recording. I can hear through it though your a star!
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