i love the concept to track you have some great ideas in your head ! there is some great control on the lfo's on your lead synth but i would add abit of noise gate on on drums so they punch i bit more ! the strings sound so clean they make the synth sound a bit to dirty but that miner on a hole i think it rocks
thanks bro this one waz a crazy idea maded in like two hours lol anyway got so mutch in my mind but not enough time im like an idea and a melow each minuts fo real stay tuned mo on the way yall see peace
damn man at the begginin a was so f lost then slowly i finded a way to join those two style together im verry happy that you liked it ill try another next time based on midelest arabien stuff hope ill mix em rite will see so keep in touch and thanks
on BACK 4 GOOD by Z2C
i think i will be keeping an eye on what else you come up with very inspiring