


Portland, United States
Joined : 28th Jul 2010 - 14 years ago
dalisbeats comments on tracks

dalisbeats has posted 147 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 147
dalisbeats 26th Jun 2020 01:10 - 4 years ago

on DLMG - Ronabo 2020 by ronabo
Wonderful layers and build! I could easily listen to this on loop.
ronabo replied 26th Jun 2020 - 4 years ago
Thanks Dalisbeats, for listening and the fav. I appreciate the comments. I am playing 2 different sax sounds in this one. It turned out nicely I guess, I had fun adding the layers. I find myself listening to this one over and over again and it feels good to me. I am glad that others feel the same.
dalisbeats 13th Jan 2012 00:54 - 12 years ago

on Bleu Flame by TheZerit
Thez good to see you on here again! Lovin' the atmosphere...I get a genuine flow from this one! Get at me soon, we should do somethin'!
dalisbeats 19th Dec 2011 21:27 - 12 years ago

on DARK BEAT DEMO by yeshintae
So simple, but so perfect Yesh! Always somethin' new from you. I LOVE IT! =P
dalisbeats 13th Nov 2011 02:25 - 12 years ago

on Unending Nightmare Demo by yeshintae
Wow Yesh. This beat brought me to so many places. So many that I wrote a song to it after listening to it 3-4 times. ...ah, so deep. Glad to see you're still doin' your thing out there in LA!
dalisbeats 13th Nov 2011 00:39 - 12 years ago

on Kiss Instrumental by J1K
So beautiful J. No one can make a smooth jam like you!
J1K replied 13th Nov 2011 - 12 years ago
dalisbeats 13th Nov 2011 00:00 - 12 years ago

on How Westside Thugs Live by tom2507
This beat is beautiful fam. I like the breaks and the instruments work really well together. Can't top it!
dalisbeats 12th Nov 2011 22:38 - 12 years ago

on Listen To The Voice (Instrumental) by J1K
Love that you create such magic with the simplest elements, man. Too good to pass up. I'd love to see a break similar to that mentioned above...but really, this track is gold as is.
J1K replied 13th Nov 2011 - 12 years ago
thanks dalis appreciate the feedback, this is actually really old... i have an updated version that i am gunna post soon...
dalisbeats 10th Aug 2011 17:31 - 13 years ago

on Rhapsodies (Sorrows) by BrokenScythe
Gah, love the laid back vibe here man. Sorry I've been a bit out of touch, life's gotten really crazy lately! Focused work sounds good, I think it'd be fun to get a slew of tracks out together - though I feel bad, J1K sent me some beats and I have yet to get time in my little makeshift studio to record what I've got. So we may have to start planning and take our time with it.

BrokenScythe replied Unknown
Dalis you already know I feel you. Its all good ma :)
Just handle your biz, when you feel like you got the time hit up my email kool?
Stay on that grind Dalis!
dalisbeats 31st May 2011 17:53 - 13 years ago

on 2x4 by yadnoid4
I agree with C, this sounds like a Kanye track right off. You gotta be a little choosey with the emcees that jump on this, but I'm sure the right pair would squash this no problem!
yadnoid4 replied Unknown
Yeah, I gotta find two emcees that can really spit! A clever lyricist like Masta Ace, Edo G, Mos Def... basically a true emcee!
dalisbeats 31st May 2011 17:51 - 13 years ago

on swagga by rastazigzag
Ohhhhwwweeee! Love the drops and transitions. The clap in the drums hits really hard and the electronic vibe is crazy!
rastazigzag replied Unknown
thx 4 the rev man , i appreciate that
dalisbeats 31st May 2011 17:50 - 13 years ago

on Throwaway by yadnoid4
For testing some sounds it sure turned out really smooth! Feelin' the vibe. I picture any hip hop artist down in the underground to jump at this without a question. Nice work.
dalisbeats 30th May 2011 16:55 - 13 years ago

on Looking Back by BrokenScythe
Now that I hear this some more, I've got a few verses and a hook I'd like to throw on here. I wrote a little something a few days ago and this song totally fits my mood for it. Hit me up Scythe!
dalisbeats 28th May 2011 01:11 - 13 years ago

on Whoa by Hudz
Bring it back! Man, awesome sample and scratches. Love the old school hip hop beat and the vocals are on point with it. Perfect combination. Nice work.
Hudz replied Unknown
thanks mate!
dalisbeats 27th May 2011 20:24 - 13 years ago

on Jam Boys - Instrumental by TheZerit
Man Thez, this track is heavy. Diggin the sounds you've got and repetition works well. I think anything else added to this would take away from what you have!
dalisbeats 24th May 2011 17:53 - 13 years ago

on Movement (Strides Within My Mind) by BrokenScythe
Great use of samples Scythe! I'm just now getting time to get back to producing, looking for inspiration and you're the first I go to! Lovin' where this is goin'!
BrokenScythe replied Unknown
Haha thanks Dalis! thats a serious compliment :)
Im glad you liked it.
Aye you it feels GOOOOD to have Summer huh? :P
We gotta collab Dalis! I got a lot of new stuff Ive been working on. Ive been working on my rapping too.
dalisbeats 1st Apr 2011 04:38 - 13 years ago

on love life (instrumental) by Gaffattack
Oooooh Gaf! Tearin' it up with this switch here! I'm with J1K on this one, the higher pitch gives it a more reflective hip hop vibe to it. I don't think it needs to have too much more done to it. Nothing wrong with a looped track, easy for lyricists to do what they will with it.
Gaffattack replied Unknown
thanx ! i will leave it as it is from now, just need to do sum work with a beat and add sum more stuff to it,and i need to change the tempo, its 99bpm here i think, and im thinkin to make it a bit slower, somethin around 95 bpm., thanx for your review ;)
dalisbeats 19th Mar 2011 04:29 - 13 years ago

on Right As Rain (Instrumental) by J1K
Another chill beat. Def diggin' the melody you got goin and the flow on this could be amazing. Nice work!
J1K replied Unknown
thanks for the review dalis, appreciate it. why dont you take a shot at it? i know you can flow
dalisbeats 18th Mar 2011 03:30 - 13 years ago

on Buddahmann - I AINT by Gaffattack
Gaff! It's been a minute! For this beat being a mess, works for me! Can't wait to hear more from ya!
Gaffattack replied Unknown
hey ho Dee ! sup ? it like ive been away for a decade lol somehow i manage to lose both of my e-mail adresses hah, i hope ill get it back soon, and about tha beats i will upload another one today, feel free to use it, thank you for listenin !
dalisbeats 18th Mar 2011 03:23 - 13 years ago

on Searching by BrokenScythe
Glad to hear the samples you threw in there, but the timing is a bit off. (Glad to see someone else is into Grieves! =P) The lyrics are great, maybe throw a bit more in the delivery and play with the timing a bit.

Otherwise it sounds good! I think we're gonna have to kill a track soon together!
dalisbeats 18th Mar 2011 03:21 - 13 years ago

on Clenched by BrokenScythe
Beautiful piano sound you got here. Chill out, yet dramatic vibe to it. Like the violin pan for the hook -- as always great work! =)
dalisbeats 17th Mar 2011 04:57 - 13 years ago

on Strings'n'Synth by INNstrumentalz
REALLY diggin' this track. I can see someone totally ripping this up. I know I'd love to. Keep 'em hot and keep 'em comin'!
dalisbeats 11th Mar 2011 19:07 - 13 years ago

on A Beautiful Nightmare by HustlerbyNature
Diggin' this hardcore. I'd love to spit somethin' to this when I get the time.

Ps. Got ya request on PS3. For some reason won't go through. Try again if you wish, don't remember your user name. =P
HustlerbyNature replied Unknown
i would love to hear you on this one baby girl.. and i forgot what your screen name was but mine is demarino2008
dalisbeats 5th Mar 2011 14:54 - 13 years ago

on Yeah by chiplocke
This is awesome. No other way for me to put it. The beats crazy, super smooth. The flow you got goin' fits it well. Like the rhymes ya got on here. Definitely noddin' over here.
dalisbeats 5th Mar 2011 14:50 - 13 years ago

on when (instrumental) by lef
So simple and the flows crazy. Smooth. Real hot. Keep 'em comin'!
dalisbeats 7th Feb 2011 17:44 - 13 years ago

on Yelling At Me Produced by Yesh by HimNameMista
Ah Mista! Love what you did with this. The hooks awesome. I took a similar road when I wrote a verse to this. Not sure when I'll get to record mine, but if you wanted to collab and throw a chick on this hit me up. haha I can fit what I got to you.

Keep it fresh, man. Love what you do.
HimNameMista replied Unknown
get at me at
Comments 1 - 25 of 147